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Quark (2/13)



  1. Lets cut to the chase. How about you delete the thread or lock it and ban me. It wasn't just a suggestion.
  2. Do your ears ever bleed?
  3. wow I highlite because its easier on my eyes for me to read sometimes. Highlite lol.
  4. You must love it when stupid people come along. Guess I should just take my bucket of worms and go fishin down yonder to the pond and do some thinkin uh. Some people think their ears must love em.
  5. Pareidolia- I understand perfectly what your saying about that word and grant you that if it were 1 thing or maybe a couple of things, I'd say "ya probably right", but a whole story about the same thing- CREATION? lol NOT. Concerning the Water level and the dam remark. Again I understand your thinking clearly, but God defines time, time does not define God (that is if you believe in God to begin with and I know you guys don't. So this point is useless to you, just stating it, because its not with me. I believe in God). Let me put it this way. With or with out the water they are always there, but yes the water does define them better, but whos to say that God didn't hide Eden and now it's time for it to be found? We all could go round and round with this, but regardless, one thing is true. There's a story about Creation there exactly as stated in the bible. Now you tell me Sir....hows that possible? Chance? Pareidolia? Coincedence? Man made? You can call it what ever you want, but the FACT remains the same...its there and I didn't put it there, nor did any man put it there. FACT
  6. Wow is that all you care or think about? Whats wrong with you people. I found something really amazing and all you can say or do ... is try and get me thrown out? lol. I would guess theres many of you here, that would wish it was never found uh? To Bad. It's FOUND.
  7. STRETCHING? hahahahahahaha All of those subject matters of creation in one place and I'm streching it? lol. ok.
  8. As a WHOLE, with all of its subject matters there- it says its the location of the Garden of Eden. AS A WHOLE
  9. Then do this... Google Search this... The Garden of Eden Revealed or search the same in Youtube and you'll find it that way also. Theres no problem with the link I posted above. I hope you enjoy my video. Lyndale
  10. Hi this is my first post. I am no one special. I can't use grammer or spell properly, sorry. I would like to share something with you though. I'd like to share what I discovered on Google Earth and I made a youtube video of it. First I want to make something really clear please. It's this. AS A WHOLE, meaning the story I am sharing with you - my claim is I found the Garden of Eden AND as a WHOLE is the reason I'm saying I found it. Meaning ALL I discovered at this location makes it the Garden of Eden. Not some bit and pieces of something. It's the WHOLE locations story, that makes it the Garden of Eden. And as your watching the video, I would advise you to be prepared to use the pause button. You'll need it as your viewing the video. You'll want to stop now and then and look carefully at things and make sure you look for the hidden animals and birds, because I did not point out all of it. I left some of the mystery for you to solve and see. I hope you enjoy my video. I really did find the Garden of Eden. http://youtu.be/smINs5oqzhY
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