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About TeslaFan

  • Birthday 01/01/1982

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Great questions! Thanks for posting.

  2. So in the same period oxygen has a higher electronegativity and carbon with a lower electronegativity participate readily in combustion, but N2 with an electronegativity of 3.04 is inert. Does anyone know why?
  3. If I wanted to kill that thing I would shoot it with a BB gun from 10 feet away. No paper towel or shoe for that beast.
  4. I don't know when your quiz is, but "Asimov on Chemistry" is pretty good if you have time to read that.
  5. So I'm trying to visualize mainly what's in the atmosphere and just the ease of aerosolization of seemingly anything and I'm at the basic level right now. So I've read about the composition of air which most people have heard - 78% N, 21% O, and 1% other gases. And also Asimov on Chemistry pg. 93 that there are about 27 quintillion molecules in 1 cc of gas at STP is helping with a mental image. I guess I'm mainly wondering about the aersolization of particulate matter - is every molecule capable of being aerosolized? Ex. There are fungal and bacterial spore populations of 2000 per cubic meter between 3 to 12 kilometers above sea level. (Microbes and Man pg. 1) And obviously bacteria and fungi are much larger and heavier than molecules. And also with aromaticity - what are we smelling? Like rust for example, that would be iron oxide molecules making it through the air and onto our olfactory receptor cells?
  6. How is the language barrier? I would imagine it would be tough for an intermediate level speaker to read a technical textbook or follow a fast speaking professor.
  7. I think that sounds like a great idea. Any updates on the game progress or links to a completed version.
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