I think the evidence is pointing towards noticeable, short-term warming that is otherwise than what would normally be the, er, norm (read: anthropogenic in origin).
How global warming will impact climate change is anyone's guess. I do not consider myself an environmentalist, but as a future scientist, I have to consider the possible rammifications of increased global temperatures. They range from the 'extremely likely' to the 'how awful would that be if it happened?' to the entirely 'out of left field' effects that we cannot yet foresee.
I think politics are masking both the truth of the issue and confusing the response. I don't think that will change in the coming years, and I foresee some turbulence ahead. But, as usual, I think the human race will manage to squeak through.
It's the 'impending' ice age that I think will be verrry interesting for all of us.