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Everything posted by x__heavenly__x

  1. The defence department never failed but did not use it cuz it was too week to be exact. WOHOOO!!! JACKPOT :: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! http://www.jackhouck.com/rvpk.shtml this is a research!! and now its up to you.
  2. Since light has no mass it may be possible to store a large amount of light in the small shere maybe for a small time but the concentration is high...So what happenes?
  3. http://www.nztravel.co.nz/hosts/Wingmakers/Contents.html ====This is for practice. http://www.parascope.com/articles/0397/pkindex.htm === Not much but a lil proof
  4. lol....I know its realy hard to believe it...but wat abt uri-gellers TV show?...that was real ande when I myself have done it. But abt the prise money, just wait till I learn telekinesis(it takes abt 5 yrs or so). bytheway if you have read about indian culture, there are ppl who can do stuff i myself cannot believe.
  5. dear YT, sometimes science cannot explain certain things at a cirtain point...or maybe somethings can never be explained. Even if they are tried to another 10 problems come up!!!. Thats the beauty of science which keeps us buisy.
  6. Yes it maybe a useless expariment but it might not be that expensive too. And no one here , Ithink, can be sure how light behaves once inside the sphere for a set period of time, whatsoever.
  7. http://www.msnbc.com/news/242698.asp?cp1=1 Here is the news page for slow glass!!!
  8. But wat if we tilt the source and it reflects internaly, like in a diamond or something....and on top of that it shouldnt be used for a reservoir after all. But before i go any further can anyone tell me that can the light that reflects back from objects used for seeing, be turned into a laser type( i mean parallel istead of converging or diverging)
  9. one thing I can tell for sure is that there r psychics out there who can levitate, do telekinesys and read do telepathy...and I am 100% sure cuz I have done it my self!!!!!
  10. How about storing messages in the spheres...like light pulses and then transporting it somewhere else to retrieve the data. Maybe just an expariment, you know something interesting might pop up.
  11. Xactly....and this can be done for billions of comparisons in a mere second!!!
  12. Truly speaking..i never understood his "ultimate reality " concept..becasue watever is there it is there...i think the ultimate reality is the nature(which we cannot effect)
  13. well using the light-slow-down-crystal insted of air in the cavity can do something?? like it will take years for it to reflect and light dosnt die away.
  14. ORIGINALY BY NOVOJOEVERCLEAR :: "" Today my biology teacher said that psychic connections can be explained by one brain picking up on the electrical and magnetic fields of another (hence seeing their thoughts). It occurs naturally with people you know well, such as husband and wife, family, close friends, that you will say something you are thinking and that person will say they were just thinking the exact thing. I have had this happen to me before, and the line of thought shared is often not an invevitable addititon on communication currently taking place. This makes sense to me, but i was not aware that the electrical fields of the brain were powerful enough to be comprehensively detected and communicated from one person to another. What do you know? "" I wanted to raise this Q again because of an expariment shown in discovery channel. This physicist created a machine which filled a small room(about 3x3 m) with high electromagnetic energy density. Then this guy levitated several objects in front of the camera!!! I saw it with my own eyes..................and the explaination he gave was : The mind internaly works with some elecromagnetic base and if even the outside medium is of that type the mind can controle/use/depend on the elecromagnetic medium in the room Hence NavajoEverClear's Bio teahcer was partialy correct
  15. I think we all are living in a virtual reality and the outside reality which is the ultimate according to YT, effects our virtual reality ( here vertual reality is impregnated with the idea of perception)...Which means that the ultimate reality affects our virtual reality and that way of effecting is different for every individual because of how they percieve the ultimate reality, how they decode it in their mind. And this different system of perception or decoding is different because each person devoloped in a different environment!!
  16. actualy closing the hole is easy if u have the surrounding environment full of the same light so that same comes out that goes in and wen u close it, there is somethng inside. And yes heat can be a problem...but we do have supercooled reflectors!?
  17. I raised this Question to my Physics teacher and he thought it was OK. However I like to share it here. IMAGINE: A 5 inch sphere covered with a perfect reflecting meterial inside(if there is such a thing!). And there is a pin hole in the sphere through which light or laser is blasted with pretty high illumination. and the pin hole is closed in apropriate time so that the light remains inside. SO: 1.Will the light remain inside? 2.What will happen when we open it in a dark room? 3.Will the light fade away(it shouldnt though)? 4.Can it be used as a reservoir.
  18. Increasing the temp in a liquid increases the entropy(internal energy responsible for random molicualar movement)..this increases the space b/w the molicules so that the solid molicules can "slip" in b/w. Ant the oppesite effect u r talking about has something to with the vapour pressure of the gas. Since gas is volatile or easyly escapable, if the liquid temp is low the liquid molicules will hold the gas molicules in place!!..I think
  19. Another way is this: YOu store a statement in the program " Animals have DNA"...its a constant And then u check through logic: IF monkey is an animal THEN it has DNA.!!!
  20. I am sorry but could you please clear me on Objective and Subjective reality a little. And from my guess my article may be concerned with Subjective reality.Like the world at a whole or personality perception about a person.
  21. Yesss...it could be narrowed down. yes...but can you find an algorithm for it???....
  22. I can try to get the scanner but 1. Is it possible to jam a call using just a mobile phone and edit its circuitry 2. Pls if u have any links on this. 3. Your Personal site contains maloch link which has some servalence tips. (and the site is great )
  23. Like listening to call in a radial area. Like 5+ meters or so and blocking is interesting too.
  24. wellll....you can ask that to biologists, but I think they feel something "like" love, but not exactly love...In a way I dont know. Good Question though.
  25. True very true...I think i am getting it now. Thanks.
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