In my opinion the idea idea that our country is on the verge of collapse, and soon the federal government will either cease to exist or become a dictatorship is a complete and utter fallacy. This fallacy runs similarly to the ones about the moral and intellectual decline of society. Each generation has those who will stand and shout about these, but they are always wrong and life continues on.
The Constitution will not be destroy, will not be trashed, and has not been weakened. The Constitution was written in such away to allow it to whether storms and withstand the tests of time. If you feel that the Constitution and the Union are in danger know, you surely should look back at history. For there are numerous times throughout history, were we were in much dyer conditions. Just a couple of quick examples on some of the storms the Constitution has weather:
10 foreign wars.
2 wars on our soil. This includes the War of 1812 were our capital was captured and destroyed. As well as the Civil War where the battle over the Constitution's ideas were decided.
The succession of 11 states.
Numerous depressions, recessions, bank runs, and financial reforms.
Threatened succession of states over tariff policies.
In my opinion to think that our problems are any worse than those before us shows either a lack of historical perspective or a major feeling of self-pity.