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Everything posted by DJBruce

  1. is home from orientation. :)

    1. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      You mean you've been reviewing the correlation between maps an compasses for the past few months?

  2. The phrase, "skin of his teeth" is completely subjective, and to some maybe 75-21 is a close margin. So you cannot say that Wallace lied or even misrepresented since you cannot accurately objectively define "skin of his teeth". Also personally I am not a fan of citing media matters to show Fox News bias since they themselves are exceptionally biased. I mean in they were created with donations from numerous left leaning organizations and people like MoveOn.org and New Democrat Network, and by there own mission statement only are concerned with the misinformation of conservative news networks. I personally rely on Fox for most of my news, and find it accurate, and comprehensive. That being said I would have to agree with your points Pangloss and say Fox is the News of Record.
  3. In my opinion the idea idea that our country is on the verge of collapse, and soon the federal government will either cease to exist or become a dictatorship is a complete and utter fallacy. This fallacy runs similarly to the ones about the moral and intellectual decline of society. Each generation has those who will stand and shout about these, but they are always wrong and life continues on. The Constitution will not be destroy, will not be trashed, and has not been weakened. The Constitution was written in such away to allow it to whether storms and withstand the tests of time. If you feel that the Constitution and the Union are in danger know, you surely should look back at history. For there are numerous times throughout history, were we were in much dyer conditions. Just a couple of quick examples on some of the storms the Constitution has weather: 10 foreign wars. 2 wars on our soil. This includes the War of 1812 were our capital was captured and destroyed. As well as the Civil War where the battle over the Constitution's ideas were decided. The succession of 11 states. Numerous depressions, recessions, bank runs, and financial reforms. Threatened succession of states over tariff policies. In my opinion to think that our problems are any worse than those before us shows either a lack of historical perspective or a major feeling of self-pity.
  4. Nothing out of the usual. Military test planes are often sighted and believed to be UFO's by the public. The Chinese government will probably just ignore the media surrounding this, and let it die down. Maybe one day they will eventually acknowledge that the sighting was probably just a military test, just as the US did with their OXCART program.
  5. I doubt that this new party, "One Nation" is going to be successful. It seems to me to basically be a re-branding of the Democratic party, and it defiantly is not good for President Obama. When your party is in the White House you want your followers to form rank, and support the president through everything. Not out trying to create a new party. Aside from this I also see two other major problems with it: -It seems that this party is very "astroturf". I mean yes the Tea Party had some leadership, but a large part of the parties culture was created spontaneously by the people in the rallies. The Tea Party never created a committee to consider the name and logo of the party. It simply took its identity from the things people brought to the rallies. -What does this party have to rally and protest about? The major success of the Tea Party has come from the fact that they can rally a group of individuals against President Obama and many other politicians. As well as things like health care and bail outs. This new party cannot rally against any of this stuff because as the party in charge they will be the ones who are responsible for the legislation passed. All in all I doubt One Nation will make any difference in the upcoming elections or the political arena.
  6. If i remember correctly on small scales the expansion of space is overcame by the objects gravity. This means that the objects themselves do not expand.
  7. The Lounge seems so much cooler, with its new name.
  8. President Obama was born Barrack Hussein Obama II in Honolulu, Hawaii. He has released a copy of his official Certificate of Live Birth, ie: a birth certificate. Any thoughts on the contrary are either uninformed, or simply pure idiotic smear. Anyone claiming his birth certificate is false is not correct, as there are numerous individuals who have personally held, and even in some cases photographed it, and are willing to stated the validity of the document. Here is the copy of his certificate released by his campaighn. This site discusses this conspiracy, and has more photos of the certificate. Even close ups of the seal, and the signature.
  9. I am Christian, and view men and women as equals.
  10. Sorry, but I still do not think you can cite the Bible as a reliable source of life expectancy data.
  11. What does the XKCD comic have to do with centrifugal force's ability to do work? I am not a physics expert, but even I know that a force perpendicular to the motion of an object cannot do any work.
  12. is going to work :/

  13. This seems like a ridiculous ban. First, are men really forcing women to wear burqas? I would guess that most people who follow these customs do so out of adherence of their own religion. Secondly, no matter how restricting we view a certain religion practice we should not necessarily outlaw it.
  14. Blike, at any point does a physician have a duty to step in, and stop family members from demanding or withholding treatment? If they do is do they really have an course of action in this matter?
  15. The old testament also discussed people living to be very very old. An example of this being Moses who was said to be 120 years. So I am not really sure if you can cite the Bible as a reliable source for age statistics.
  16. If you were to drop an object from any height you can notice the movement associated with the acceleration caused by the force of gravity.
  17. There is a point to how the House of Representatives work. Although seven states each have only one representative and LA has approximately 25 each one of those representatives, in theory, represents the same number of constituents. Also wasn't it the Framers' idea that by creating a bicameral legislature where in one house all the states are represent equally to balance the legislative power of each state.
  18. Test one Merged post follows: Merged post test Merged post follows: Here it is In order to merge posts you have to manually add the code: [mp](Insert Text Here)[/mp] To the top of the second post you are wishing to merge to the first post. You can find in in the "other styles" drop down menu entitled "Merged Post Divider" Ignore this it appears to be working now, however, it is that code which creates the little divider thing.
  19. I am slightly confused by this, are you saying that somehow illegal immigrants are making use subservient to other countries? Also are you suggesting that we are in need of vigilantism in order to deal with illegal immigration?
  20. When you posted a video of a cop being shot by an illegal immigrant in a thread on illegal immigration you instantly revealed the motives behind the post. No one attacked you, everyone simply found that the video you posted had nothing to do with the discussion over illegal immigration. Attacking other peoples does nothing to further your point, and if anything will make you more enemies than friends. The point of that quote, is that no matter how many anecdotes someone gives that does not justify or prove their claim. You provided a link about giving the story of one cop, an anecdote, I was just pointing out that no matter how many tragic stories you post it does not validate your ideas.
  21. Thank You Cap'n and Dave for the AWESOME conversion.

  22. Remember the Swansontism
  23. DJBruce

    Latex Test

    Yeah I was about to tell you about that on IRC.
  24. DJBruce

    Latex Test

    ! Moderator Note I am not a mod
  25. I am really liking the new layout so far. Especially the cool new logo, props to Mooeypoo and others on it. As for the ads sticking out, I really haven't noticed them at all. All in all I really like it.
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