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Everything posted by DJBruce

  1. I am going to have to agree with everyone else, and say that all this video proves is that there are bad people. Yes, it is tragic that this officer was shot and almost lost his life, but that does not mean that all illegal immigrants are horrible people.
  2. DJBruce

    Latex Test

    [math] \sqrt{x} [/math]
  3. Wasn't there already a thread on this? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedIf you disagree with my question to see if this is the same pseudoscience you posted previously then answer it and back up your assertions in the public forum. Attacking people through PM's will not convince anyone that your idea is right, or win you any friends.
  4. Last post on the old SFN. Can't wait till the new forum is up :D:D
  5. I do not think that instability is caused by the sheer volume of the laws and regulations currently in place. Although it definitely adds to the apathy of the public. I would agree that the amendment process should be used more, and that the federal government does often overstep their constitutional boundaries. However, I think that the amendment process should not be taken lightly, and that it should be used more only weight things. As for the idea of adding another branch of government, I doubt it would be very effective. There is already a problem getting people to participate in a presidential election that occurs ever four years. I doubt we could get a significant number of people to weigh in on numerous pieces of legislation that are brought to the floor each day. Also although there might be no formal party affiliation in this, the parties would still attempt to rally there supporters around various issues.
  6. No matter how many times you draw the picture it will not change the fact that this is all completely arbitrary. It shows no special relationship between the Bible and shapes, or pictures.
  7. I am not an expert in IPCC, but what type of info are you looking for?
  8. I would not call the doctors decision to order extra, and at times unnecessary tests shows is an unethical decision. They are only doing so because the consequences of them missing something are enormous for both themselves and their patients.
  9. This is not a valid comparison. The mental consideration is not that you sell you goods and gamble them. The mental illness comes from the fact that you are addicted to gambling. Also generally people do not just decide to become a monk out of the blue. It takes time to go through the process before one becomes a monk. Again not a valid comparison. One you drinks to much alcohol and exhibits alcoholism is mentally ill because they are addicted to a substance, which interferes with their everyday life. One who takes medication prescribed by a doctor to help maintain a healthy state of mind. Also this comparison false because alcohol is in fact a psychotropic drug.
  10. I have heard of similar shear thickening fluids being used in sports safety equipment before. If this technology could reduce the weight and bulkiness of bullet proof vests it would definitely be a major improvement.
  11. Ok, so after doing a little research I believe I might have found your publication of your ideas. With all you have stated in this thread, I am leaning to the fact that you are James Bowles author of the 1998 book entitled The Gods, Gemini, and the Great Pyramids. A further explanation of your ideas appears to be found at: Survive 2012: Crustal Poleshifts Helium (Beware this site has a lot of ads)
  12. Still why must someone be a trained ethicist to know the difference between right and wrong? Yes, at times a doctor might find an issue, which they cannot resolve the right decision, but that would be a time where they can seek advice from others. As an aside do you see a epidemic issue of doctors making unethical decisions? I for one certainly don't. There are bad doctors, just like there are bad cops or judges, but the majority of doctors I have meet make ethical decisions in the best interest of their patients.
  13. Can I get some proof of your claims here?
  14. As Ydoaps stated so not true. I personally know that believing Christianity does not mean believing in creationism.
  15. DJBruce

    Death Penalty

    True, I never considered this aspect of the idea. However, in hindsight I would agree that this could definitely be a problem. Especially in high profile well covered cases. Would the idealist Azure consider the death penalty for cases other than murder? Such as violent rape or child molestation?
  16. This comparison really is not a valid one. When you rush into a burning building you are only endangering your own life. However, if the FDA were just to be shut down, and people allowed to make and take whatever medicine they want our entire society would be put at danger. Would you honestly feel safer knowing that their is no regulation on any medication? That product that claims to cure headaches could actually be dimethyl mercury for all you know. That pill that is going to cure your cancer could be just as effective at curing cancer as a sugar pill. Yes, the approval process for a new medication takes time, but it takes time for a reason. For without proper testing it could mean it does not actually help those it is supposed to, and that it could harm many many people.
  17. I do not believe that the current state of medicine is really as grim as you make it seem. We have many many medications, which are able to fight many different diseases. Heck, we have the technology to identify diseases now, that 50-60 years ago would have gone unnoticed. As for why the prognosis of many diseases is falsely represented to the public, I am not sure if this is entirely the case. Look at the H1N1 outbreak last year for weeks on end all you could hear on any news network was how this disease was deadly and could become the next black death. I as highly highly doubt that there is some grand consipracy between medical officials, the government, and pharmaceutical companies to keep the people in the for fear of revolution. Do you have any proof that there is such a consipracy? Saying thinks like if you check this you'll see is not proper validation of a claim.
  18. Must one have a PhD. in philosophy and ethics to know the difference between right and wrong? I think not. A doctor might not be formally trained, but I bet they more than anyone realize the consequences of their actions, and can decided what the right thing to do is. Also as Capn said I believe that most medical programs either require a course in medical ethics, or definitely go over the topic through out their program. How does creative thinking have anything to do with thinking ethical? Sure doctors are required to know many different thinks, but there is a good reason why they are required to know how these things. Personally I would rather have my doctor be able to recognize why two medications would be a bad combination because of there pathways rather than being able to "think creatively". I think that the competition and the discipline required of pre-med students definitely forces them to grow up.
  19. In my opinion the bubble rings, as well as virtually all phenomena, are an act if nature. It is my view that it is simply nature acting in accordance to the way God made it.
  20. I would think that at times the reason some members leave is because they are inundated with answers. I feel like at times new members sign up and make a post thinking they've discovered something new and amazing. They are then inundated with posts about how their idea is wrong or how it lacks evidence. It is not that errors and mistakes shouldn't be pointed out, but it should definitely be done in a way to not scare a new member off. There definitely should be a different tone with a new member, than a habitual crackpot troll. As for the messaging system I think we have something similar already in place. If I remember right you get a notice saying something along the lines of, "It appears like you haven't posted in 30 days. Why don't you take a minute to answer a question or participate in a discussion.
  21. To be completely honest I am not quite sure how far back I can remember. I feel as if I can remember back till when I was 2 or 3. However, I am guessing that some of these memories are false memories created by my mind in hindsight. My guess is that with all of my families talk about things when I was little, the constant showing of childhood videos, and childhood pictures that some of these have been adopted as memories. I can definitely remember things from when I was four years old.
  22. I feel like the idea that everything that cannot be explained to kids is wrong or incorrect is a very poor idea. There are many things in this world, which a child cannot understand. Heck there are many things in this world that adults struggle to understand. I am fairly sure that if you try and explain Maxwell's idea's on electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, or calculus to a ten year old they will be confused, and not understand it. Would you then say that all of these ideas are also wrong? Also just as a question have you actually try and explain relativity to children, and compare it to their understanding of Darwin and Newton? I would guess that in all of these many children would struggle to comprehend the ideas being discussed.
  23. As far as I believe "the fall" is meant to show two things: God gave man the ability to make free choices. Man is meant to follow the word of God. God told Adam and Eve to not eat the forbidden fruit, and for disobeying his word they faced consequences. This shows people that although God allows use to make our own choices that when we make our choices me must be careful not to cross his will.
  24. Do you have a source saying human lungs can extract oxygen out of water at a rate fast enough to maintain life? As far as I know I am pretty sure this is not actually possible, so the biggest risk to your body would be you drowning very very quickly. As for liquid breathing I do not think total liquid ventilation has every been successfully tested on humans.
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