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Everything posted by DJBruce

  1. Isn't his example about the hair length in rabbits, page 10, wrong? Is it not minor genetic differences which caused certain rabbits to have longer hair?
  2. You sir have fallen victim to Skitt's Law. As for the original topic, as already pointed out the amount of material produced would be so small that it would be of not threat. It would be incredible interesting if they were able to reach the island of stability, however, I am somewhat hesitant to believe this until it has been reproduced by other scientists.
  3. When I was really little I wanted to be either an inventor like Thomas Edison or a scientist like Billy Nye the Science Guy. As I have grown up my aspirations still remained in science, however, now I want to go into physics. I really want to obtain by PhD. in physics then hopefully get a position in academia. Currently I dream of winning a Nobel Prize in Physics or Fields Medal. I know its unlikely, but that's why its a dream.
  4. I have no idea about any good general science books. However I can tell you the books I used in high school. - Modern Chemistry by Davis, Metcalfe, Williams, and Caska (General Chemistry) - Chemical Principles & Reactions by Masterson and Hurley (AP Chemistry) - Physics by Giancoli (AP Physics) - Biology by Kenneth Miller (General Biology) - Biology 6th Ed. by Campbell and Reece (AP Biology)
  5. Maybe I am misunderstanding you but I think you want to evaluate the limit: [math]\lim_{x\to \infty} \sqrt{x^{2}+x}[/math] You are wondering the why: [math]\lim_{x\to \infty} \sqrt{x^{2}+x}= \infty + \frac{1}{2}[/math] not: [math]\lim_{x\to \infty} \sqrt{x^{2}+x}= \infty [/math] My questions for you are. What is [math]\frac{1}{2}[/math] bigger than infinity? Can you be bigger than infinity?
  6. I had a feeling this is what he was ranting about as well, however, wasn't really sure. If this was his complaint it would be completly valid, much more so than his complaint about science and the length of studies.
  7. So how long after that do they expect to draw be able to draw any conclusions on things such as the existance of the Higgs Boson?
  8. However, force, and gravitational potential energy are also calculated by a product yet they aren't given the symbol P. I would guess that there truely isn't a reason that the symbol P is used for momentum other than it wasn't being used to represent anything at the time.
  9. The ninth amendment applies to restrict the government from infringing upon the unenmurared rights of the people. As Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg stated, "The Framers did not intend that the first eight amendments be construed to exhaust the basic and fundamental rights.... I do not mean to imply that the .... Ninth Amendment constitutes an independent source of rights protected from infringement by either the States or the Federal Government....While the Ninth Amendment - and indeed the entire Bill of Rights - originally concerned restrictions upon federal power." How can an amendment created to restrict the power of the federal government be used to justify the expansion of the government? The issue of constitutionality is not one of that is based upon hard founded fact. It is one that is based upon the opinion in interpretation of people. That said one who views the constitution very rigidly would most definitely find the healthcare legislation -as well as much other legislation- unconstitutional. For this argument I will quote one of my previous posts on this matter, With regards to the first quote it seems that the crux of the issue comes down to the term “general welfare.” When I consider what term the meant to the founders I find that Thomas Jefferson said it best when he said, “Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.” Then since I do not see the power to provide healthcare enumerated anywhere in the Constitution I would hold that Congress does not have the power or the duty to provide health care. When I consider the “elastic clause”, I believe that the key words of the clause to be, “carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers.” To me the clause can only be used to create legislation to carry out Congress’ existing power. Since as stated above that Congress does not have the power to create a healthcare system I do not see how this clause could be used to justify the creation of a national healthcare system.
  10. Google's preview video makes what they are trying to do look very cool. However, since it is only in the beta stage and I only have two contacts I haven't been able to fully use it. Once it is fully released it looks like it might be a cool thing to have. PS: If anyone wants an invite I have two or three left, just PM me. Also add me djbruce11@googlewave.com
  11. Whats your problem with science now. You admit there are confounding variables in studies which make it impossible to know for certain that x causes y. You admit that long term medical studies are impractical. Yet, you are still angry when scientist report their results? Why, they are simply using the best date they have, to draw reasonable conclusions. Also you really should be careful to how you read things. Very often most scientific studies are hesitant to state direct causation. For example, the warning on a box of cigarettes does not say, "Smoking cigarettes will give you cancer. " Cigarette boxes say, "Cigarette smoking may be harmful to your health." No where does the surgeon generals warning state that cigarette smoke causes anything. Not even in the non-scientific site you linked to did the author state that cell phone usage causes anything. The article says, "Has turned up a possible association between tumours and brain cancers." By the way association is not the same as causation.
  12. I assume that when you say algebra you are including things such as limits and other pre-calculus topics. If you have a good handle on that I would start with differential calculus, Cap'n has a very nice terse introduction to differential calculus in the GUT section here. The Khan Academy also puts out a lot of very nice videos on Calculus, as well as other mathematical topics. Personally I used Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic and Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions, and liked the books. However, if I were you I would check the local library and see what books they have. Finally, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask them here.
  13. To your first question I would remind you of Newton's First Law: "An object in motion will continue in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." Yes, you are correct gravity is the force that cause the moon to travel in a curved path. Your latter description of gravity seems similar to general relativity, so you might want to investigate that.
  14. What if it was called "Proto and Fringe Science". That way the name does not imply that the idea being discussed is false, but instead implies that the topic being discussed has not been credibly researched or has fallen out of favor with the mainstream scientific community. Protoscience: noun- "a set of beliefs or theories that have not yet been tested adequately by the scientific method but which are otherwise consistent with existing science; a new science working to establish itself as legitimate science."
  15. I am not a fan of President Obama, but to say something like this is just stupid, and irresponsible. If you disagree with the president debate his policies and ideas, don't say you want him detained. I for one want to disown Rush Limbaugh from conservative American because for every good point he makes he makes ten of these dumb ones which show negatively on an entire ideology
  16. Is it not the least bit hypocritical that you blast scientists for saying what they think, thus doing exactly what you say you dislike about science. That being said I think you are confusing what most respectable people in the scientific community consider science. For example, published article in respectable journal that has been peer reviewed and replicated, science, the doctor on the TV saying this magical root will make me last longer in bed, not science. Also in my opinion any survey or scientific discussion viewed on the TV, heard on the radio, or read on the Internet must at best be taken with a large grain of salt until the validity of the source is found. As for long term studies, not all products need long term studies. If a new medication was found to cure cancer, and could successfully be tested in a few years would it not be unethical to deny the dieing access to this drug simply because you wanted to run a 50 year study, to prove what could have been found in the first 5-10. Also I will accept your ONE TRILLION DOLLAR grant, and will conduct a 50 year study. Ask that you pay fully up front though, and make the check payable to DJBruce Labs.
  17. It won't work because the birds will still be exerting a force on the floor of the vehicle. I do believe that the Mythbusters tested this exact scenario in both the small and full scale, and came to the same conclusion. You might be able to find a copy of that video online.
  18. That is almost what I got to Mooey, however, I think it should be: [math] \frac{dy}{dx}=-2cos(\frac{v(x)}{u(x)})sin(\frac{v(x)}{u(x)})\big( \frac{\frac{dv}{dx}u(x) -\frac{du}{dx}v(x)}{u(x)^2} \big) [/math] I think that is what he got, however it is somewhat hard to tell. If your answer still isn't write they might be giving a simplified answers. So you might want to remove any complex fractions and simplify any trigonometric identities, hint hint double angle identities.
  19. That's a nasty looking derivative, however you can take it. You will need to use the chain rule and the quotient rule. If you post your work I will try and see where you went wrong.
  20. I only go with my gut, if I have no other insight into the problem. If I have any ability to reason the question out I will. However, if I have to give a blind guess I always go with the one that sticks out to me first. No idea why to do this however I have had numerous teachers and test professional say that its always to not second guess yourself, and go with your gut.
  21. It cool that it looks like they finally got the thing working. When do they expect reach tevatron energy level?
  22. I am not sure the exact standards for getting a job. However, I know some universities have REU programs that allow students to work at CERN over the summer. I know for a fact that the University of Michigan- Ann Arbor has such a program.
  23. Best of luck ajb. I can't really give you any advice as I am nowhere near your level, but I am sure you'll do fine.
  24. Maybe you can't be a presidential nominee and a moderator at the same time.
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