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Everything posted by DJBruce

  1. Yes, I actually watch about forty minutes of Fox and Friends as I am getting ready for school everyday. Although most of the commentators and contributors lean to the right when they debate a topic they normally have a person representing the right and a person representing the left, and when a host gives their opinion they do not report it as news they usual qualify it with, "In my opinion" or "I think".
  2. Is President Obama justified in attacking Fox News? Yes, an person being portrayed in a negative light has a right to defend his reputation and name. Should President Obama attack Fox News? Absolutely not. I find it slightly demeaning of the Presidency to stoop to the level of attacking a news agency. Did President Washington attack newspapers that blasted him for the Jay Treaty? No. Did President Jefferson attack the newspapers for saying he fathered an illegitimate child with a slave? No. Heck did President Bush boycott a news agency for all the attacks on him? No. I have no doubt that Fox News leans slightly to one side of the political spectrum, however I think the movie you posted over plays it slightly. As it is comprised of probably 85% of clips from commentary shows or panels.
  3. Googled "David John Bruce" and I came up with 32,800,000 results not one of them in the first 13 pages was about me. I then Googled my name and full address, still nothing. Do I have concerns about spyware and other malicious software stealing my identity? Yes, that why I have antivirus/antispyware. Am I worried about telling the teenager working the counter at the local 7/11, pizza place, or saloon my name and phone number, absolutely not.
  4. Many companies keep basic records on their customers in order to better their customer service. For example, I am a crew leader at a pizza chain, we keep track of a person's name, phone number, order history, complaint history, and address. The only reason we keep a record of this is because it allows us to give the customer better service. For example many many people say, "What I had last time was really good. I want that again, but I don't remember what it was." Since we have a customers order history I can look it up and the customer gets what they wants. I assume that is the same reason the hairstylist asked your phone number. As when I get a haircut they know how I like my hair cut without asking me.
  5. I would say the correct answer would be E. As answer E is the only answer that directly portrays the fictional characters, disappointment. This disappointment is shown directly when the sentence says "upset" A) This line by its self shows the character is not upset. B) Although you definitely have a disappointed tone in this sentence the expressed tone is one of moral and ethical outrage. C) This quote has a tone that is happy, not disappointed. D) By saying they would have found the additional responsibilities trying this quote has a tone of relief. I find a key to doing questions like these is to not over think the sentences, and analyze something that is not there. Also look for words that have the denotation and connotation you are looking for.
  6. As it always is in Michigan, one day its mid to high sixties the next there is forst on the ground. If I am really lucky that can happen in a day.
  7. Interesting topic as I just recently finished a scholarship program where the entire course was built around the question, "What does it mean to be an American?" In my opinion being an American means that means that you believe in the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence. As Thomas Jefferson said in a letter to Henry Lee a year before he died, "Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it [The Declaration of Independence] was intended to be an expression of the American mind." I agree with the sense that to be an American means that you believe in the principles on which America was founded on. I also believe that it is important to denote the difference between the principles, which America was founded on, and those which were created to achieve these principles. The former is found in the Declaration of Independence in such key phrases as, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The latter refers to The Constitution. So it is possible to believe in the "American mind" without believing in the American government.
  8. First of the official SI measurement of time is now based on the a certain number of radioactive emissions from cesium 133, so even if the Earth stopped moving there would be a measurement of time. Also the unit of time we use is completely arbitrary. For all intensive purposes I could measure time any unit I wished, it just so happened that the Earths rotation was easily measurable to the ancients. I am not quite sure what the question is but hopefully this helped.
  9. My question is what was his nomination based on. Nominations were sent out sometime in September and were due back no later than January 31, 2009. So when nominations were due, President Obama had only held office for 11 days, and the only really important thing he had done was promise to close Gitmo within a year. I am not saying that President Obama has not begun to take foreign relations in a new direction, I just feel that awarding him the Nobel Prize seems premature.
  10. While studying for the Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition, I came across this problem on an older exam: The value of [math] \frac{1}{2!}+\frac{2}{3!}+\frac{3}{4!}+...+\frac{2006}{2007!} [/math] is A) [math]0.9999[/math] B) [math]1[/math] C) [math]\frac{2006}{2007}[/math] D) [math]1-\frac{1}{2007!}[/math] E) [math]\frac{1}{2007!}[/math] When I went to evaluate the series I did the following: [math] \frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{8}....[/math] So I know it cannot be found using the summation for a geometric or arithmetic sequence. However I was easily able to eliminate answer E. I was however able to write the sequence in summation notation: [math]\sum \frac{i}{(i+1)!}[/math] This didn't help me solve the problem. Can anyone please show me how to do this
  11. For a warm up in my math class we were told to find the exact domain and exact range for the following function: [math]y=\frac{-1}{15\sqrt{36-x^{2}}}[/math] Find the domain of [math]\left(-6,6\right)[/math] easily. However the range was harder to find. I realized that the upper range is going to be: [math]\frac{-1}{15\sqrt{36-0^{2}}}=\frac{-1}{90}[/math]. It's the lowest value that I am struggling to find. I think it might be negative infinity because as x approaches 6 I will get -1 over 15 times the square root of a ridiculously small number, which will be a huge negative number. However I am not sure can anyone point me in the right direction.
  12. Hi my name is Jack Kevorkian and I used to be a doctor, but have been out of work for a while. I have heard about these death panels that kill peoples grandparents, and I have one question. Are you guys hiring, I have excellent experience in the field.
  13. An interesting idea to consider is that if Cheney legitimately reasons that the policies of the previous administration although possibly illegal were justified by the fact that they helped protect a large portion of the population then he is actually showing a very high level of moral development and reason. As he is seeing that it is necessary to break the social contract in order to protect the rights of the most, which is the fifth out of six stages in Kohlberg's theory. Whether the actions Cheney took were illegal or not if he justified them with the logic, "the greatest good for the greatest number of people" then he is actually showing a very high level of morality. So the question becomes is this his actually reasoning or is he just lieing to cover his butt.
  14. Here is a really interesting interview where Jon Stewart interviews Betsy McCaughey, the women who supposedly started all the debate on the "death panels". She actually brought a copy of the bill and her and Jon actually debated the language of the bill. It was a really interesting interview and Jon really went at Ms. McCaughey, saying she was completely wrong in her interpretation. Part 1 of the Interview Part 2 of the Interview
  15. In my experience after a long break things quickly come back into memory as you get back into the subject material. If you are nervous maybe try reviewing some of your final review material, and/or class notes.
  16. I really like that idea, and think that it would be very useful. Although, it doesn't matter that much with me.
  17. A vacuum pump can remove most of the air from inside of beaker, although it is impossible to create a perfect vacuum. Here is a company who sells pumps specfically for chemistry labs, I don't have any experience with the company they simply came up in my search. If you use a vacuum pump to remove the air from inside a container the pressure inside drops.
  18. How exactly does the new reputation system work?
  19. I really don't see why a glass stirring rod wouldn't work, but you might have to mix for a while. Also as I mention above be careful with glass that isn't Pyrex.
  20. Factors playing into people having kids include biological and social reasons. The biological reasons are what AzurePhenoix discussed when she said that all animals wish to try and pass on their DNA to the next generation. Socially people wish to have children because, at least in America and most of Europe, it is consider the norm for young adults to settle down start a family. As to were this norm comes from I would have to say it stems from the biological drive to have children. As for why women want children, I believe it stems again from the social norm that the role of a women is to grow up, get married, and have children. While men are condition that their role is to grow up, find a wife, and provide and protect for his family. Although this norm is still true of many people in our society, it has began to become weaker.
  21. A Brave New World and 1984 being two of my favorite books ever I found this quite interesting and thought provoking. Up until now I have never really compared A Brave New World and 1984 in that way. I definitely have to read these books again and compare them with this perspective.
  22. I highly doubt that these people where even considering shooting at anything, yet alone the president, in order to stop the passage of healthcare reform. In my opinion it was more than likely simply an attempt to scare people and an attempt to increase the power of their message, which worked as it became a national story. That being said these persons' behaviour is completely inappropriate, untasteful, and unamerican. America is founded on the idea that issues should be fair and civilized debated with everyone having an opportunity to speak their mind. The carrying of weapons into such a debate disrupts the debate and uses scare tactics to stifle the voice of others. I find it incredibly sad that our country has come to this.
  23. Yes everyone here knows that, people are simply providing you with analogies and metaphors in order to help you comprehend the curvature of space time. Also using Einstein's General Theory of Relativity it is possible to calculate the curvature of space; it was actually how the theory was proven.
  24. DJBruce

    Human emotion

    If the technology to collect the data you need to support your "theory" then you have no evidence and your point is simply speculation. Human emotions are quite important as they help prolong our survival. For example, fear allows humans to recognize a dangerous situation and avoid it.
  25. DJBruce

    What is it?

    You are right UC, at least it lasted longer for a few hours.
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