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Everything posted by DJBruce

  1. No during the big bang there was no such thing as space, as space was confined to a singularity. So when the big bang occurred space it self was expanding. I know it has already been used but the best analogy is to imagine all of space as a balloon that is being inflated which means space is expanding. At the beginning of the big bang it was as if the balloon was crumpled up into a real small balloon representing that all of space was compressed into a singularity.
  2. I would suggest you review some basic princples of probablity, as all of these questions are very basic. http://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/vol6/intro_probability.html http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.prob.intro.html
  3. I am completely against the current idea of health care reform. For me it is not if the bill lowers the cost of health care or not; I simply do not feel that the government should interfere with health care. It is not the government's job to provide health care for me, my family, or any other person in this country. As for waiting times, I can normally get an appointment with my doctor same day if I am sick, if it is a normal physical it normally takes about a week. I went to the ER during the swine flu scare and I was given a room and a doctor within 30 minutes. Although if you want to see a specialist for something that is not life threatening it can take up to four months to get an appointment.
  4. No salt has chloride in it not chlorine, there is a large difference. http://www.weblakes.com/toxic/CHLORINE.HTML I would not suggest purposely inhaling bleach in any amount.
  5. I think that's right because: [math]P(XuY)= P(X)+P(Y)-P(XnY)[/math] [math]P(XuY)=\frac{1}{10}\bullet10=\frac{10}{10}[/math] I cannot think of any intersect so I would have to agree with you.
  6. You are right that if you start with a deck that has 18 card, of which 12 are red and 6 are black the probability would not be 50-50. The probability of drawing a red card would be 2/3, while the probability of drawing a black card would be 1/3. In the case of the 406 card deck the odd are again not 50-50. Instead the probability of drawing red is roughly 98.5%, while the probability of drawing black is approximately 1.5%. As for your algorithm I cannot help you that much, but my one guess is use something similar to card counting. Everything Kyrisch said is accurate it just appears, at least to me, that there was a little confusion.
  7. The quality of some of those pictures is amazing.
  8. As far as I know there is no inexpensive, practical method for producing any large quantity of dry ice at home. Although if you simply want dry ice you can purchase it many stores, including some grocery stores.
  9. At my school the order of math goes as followed: Transitional Mathematics Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Functions, Statistics and Trigonometry Precalculus and Discrete Mathematics Advanced Placement Calculus Advanced Placement Statistics I would definitely take geometry and trigonometry before taking calculus because, at least at my school and my personal course, Calculus I includes trigonometric functions.
  10. The element Ununbium, atomic number 112, was synthesised at a lab in Germany and IUPAC recently recognized the discovery and asked the discovery team to propose a name.
  11. Here is a link to Marco Rubio, the Republican candidate for the Florida senate seat, twitter page were he says, "I have a feeling the situation in Iran would be a little different if they had a 2nd amendment like ours". I have to agree with you iNow that an oppressive regime will always find a way to maintain their gripe over the masses. As for the original idea on gun control, I believe that the right to bear arms is important and should only be restrained by reasonable regulations such as age limits and back ground checks.
  12. Look at the equation for the kinetic energy of a gas; what variables are there? When you look at it the answer should be obvious because there is only one variable and one constant.
  13. DJBruce


    Good luck on your studies, here is a link that was previously posted by someone, I applogize for not remebering who, previously. Another link that is somewhat useful is Hyper Physics.
  14. Just because you get ride of all mass there would still be time as time has nothing to do with mass. I fail to see the meaning behind this hypothetical situation.
  15. In my opinion once you understand the concepts behind basic math like addition and subtraction it simply becomes practice. I remember that when I was in elementary school everyday we did a thing called the Mad Minute. It was a sheet with 40 problems ranging from a addition to division and you had one minute to do it. I would suggest that once you learn the basics you practice with things like that. They make online versions like Math Magician. I would also suggest that you work slowly in steps making sure to be proficient in one skill before moving on to the next. Good luck with this, I truly hope you reach your goal.
  16. I am interesting in teaching myself calculus and so far have been using a book which briefly covers the very basics of the subject. I am wish to go deeper into the subject and so have been doing some research trying to find a text book. Some people I have discussed this with suggest getting Ron Larsons Calculus text book, but it comes in different versions: Calculus of Single Variables: Early Transcendental Functions Calculus with Analytical Geometry I am not sure what the difference is between each course and am not sure which is the best to start out with. Or what other textbooks might people recommend. I know that people have suggested using online sources in other threads but I feel that I learn best with an actual book. I apologize if this thread is in the wrong area.
  17. As this is homework I won't give you the answer but one hint is to use law of sines to solve the lengths for the first triangle and after you do this the rest of the work should be self explanatory. If you post more on what you know or where in the math you are stuck I will do my best to help you get the answer but is won't give you an answer.
  18. Although math programs such as MathLab and Mathmatica are very useful having to use a lab top and such a program would be highly inefficient when doing test or quizzes. Also because of the ability to store information so easily it would make cheating incredible easy.
  19. One experiment has to do with the decay of muons as they speed through Earth's atmosphere. Here are two links that explain this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muon#Muon_decay http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Relativ/muon.html
  20. Here are the APA's guidelines for animals usage in experiments. If you use pure nicotine be very careful as it is very poisonous with an oral LD-50 for a mouse being 3.3 mg/kg and a lethal dose for an adult human being between 30 and 60 mg. Also for another legal addictive substance you could test caffeine which can be obtained easily from a nutrition store or over the Internet. http://www.inchem.org/documents/pims/chemical/nicotine.htm#SubSectionTitle:7.2.2%20Relevant%20animal%20data
  21. I agree with Pangloss, in any war there are going to be civilian casualties I do not feel that you can prosecute an army from attempting to fight a war because there are civilian casualties especially when the enemy is using civilians as human shields. Why didn't Amnesty International call for war tribunals for Hamas when they fired rockets randomly into cities hoping to cause panic and casualties in a civilian population; it seems to be a double standard to me.
  22. Um I am not sure on the physics of your answer but I am pretty sure that the answer is a mathematical one that has nothing to do with gravity, black holes, or Hawking Radiation. That said I would have to agree with Shadow that if you add all real numbers for every positive real number [math]n[/math]there must be a negative real number [math]-n[/math] and since [math](n)+(-n)=0[/math] I would assume that the series of all real numbers would be 0.
  23. Since your are struggling to visualize the problem it might help if you actually simulate the problem. I do not guarantee the complete accuracy of this simulation but I ran through it 20 times staying and 29 times switching and the results were close to the predicted values. For 20 trials of staying I got a probability of winning of 30% and out of 20 trials for switching I received a probability of winning of 60%. Both of which seem to be reasonable for such a small sample.
  24. Quoting from a textbook does prove something as all claims in a reputable textbook by an incredible reputable psychologist are all based on sound research done by other psychologists. I find quoting from a textbook just a reputable as quoting from a paper itself. Also although the idea of a "bad boy" might have been defined by other psychologists you are still have not defined what you yourself are trying to prove. You make statements saying women are attracted to violent criminals and that women are attracted to aggressive individuals. There is a large difference from saying a "bad boy" is someone who is slightly more aggressive or a psychopathic criminal. Also although a percent of women may be attracted by violent criminals I do not think you can say, "Women are attracted to violent criminals and dangerous psychopaths" as this is a universal statement, which you later debunk by saying, "a substantial percentage of women are also attracted to "bad boys."
  25. This is the why I really respect John McCain he is willing to put partisanship aside and get to work to fix the problems with the country. If he was to start siding with Obama I feel that he would more than likely convince a few other republicans to cross the line and work with the current administration.
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