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Everything posted by rebtevye25

  1. The symbiotic relationship between the psychological and physical Written by: Giorgio Martoni On behalf of: The SoloMon One wonders why is there consistencies, and predictability in the perceptual field, with only gradual deviation and slight modification? Why is light in the presence of the sun? Why can’t It be darkness or some other phenomena? One can divide and compare the totality superficially, to come up With a scientific explanation, but when one looks deeper There really is no cause. consciousness could have accepted anything, it is impartial to differences. That is to say fundamentally everything is equal, in the Eyes of consciousness. If one says that nothing has a cause, it then will be positing both that there is a cause to nothing and everything that is was brought about through non causation, which is also the same as saying, the ending is the beginning. so if everything was brought about through nothing, which is infinity possibilities, undividable and wholly, then one wonders if the relationship, and sequence of the content of consciousness is an illusion? If there Is an understanding of this complex problem, then logically One must never accept anything and always question. The brain receives sensory input based on, it’s electromagnetic frequency, and stores it as memory through chemical reactions. So how does it link it all together into a sequence, and create an orderly reality, that can be measured out of infinity possibilities? One wonders if emotion plays a role in this, if one desires anything, then right away it suggests a division of the perceptual field, and in doing so creates the concept of time, Because the perspective becomes the reference point, Between a space and the desire. but this is an Illusion, because oneself is it’s sensory input, and Since everything must never be the same continually, The space becomes wider requiring more energy to obtain. So the mind divides, if it’s desire, is not in Direct sync with reality. this means that the brain, Has to reduce the sensory input, which is the totality of the what is, and infinity possibilities to an input stream, So It can devote resources to dividing, and comparing, Until it finds the exact, resonant electromagnetic frequency, and then this becomes, a mechanical hard wired sub routine, So it can relieve that drain of energy, and devote it to Other desires that have since built up. It would appear That this division of the self, creates the emotions Hate, anxiety, sadness etc… which all have a cause and effect, But love which is intelligence, has no cause. Desire is a distortion of love, because since one is The totality, it is natural for it to remain as one, completely Sensitive to it’s entirety, and not denying any part of itself, which also includes the Possibility of desire, which divides and then attracts, to reincorporate itself Back into itself, however in doing so it creates obstacles, similar To trying to put, a jigsaw puzzle together in one dimension, This causes hate, anxiety, sadness and violence, which become Almost necessary, in order to overcome obstacles, that limit the reincorporation Of the actual, total infinity possible content of consciousness. So if one finally realizes that there is no peace, Rest, comfort or satisfaction, then there can be an ending To desire, and thus no emotion, towards one way Or the other. only in this state of mind, can there Be real intelligence, which is true love. not the love Of this but not that, or conditionally accepted tolerance. But the sensitivity to everything equally, and all One has to do is observe, to look and listen without Prejudice. How does one know if reality, is actually what Is being perceived? Since one cannot depend, on memory, Because it is based on division of infinity possibility, and any number Of connections can be made, by making a reference point, And sifting through it all, to find the target. it would Seem that one, must put aside all assumptions, and All thought that suggest, there is anything more Than what one, is actually seeing and hearing right Now, this of course requires no effort. reality cannot Be figured out by thought alone, because it’s form is infinity, so anything That one thinks is truth, is just a fragment. Anything That one does is temporary, and thus a pitiful activity, That will soon pass away, and be forgotten. Can One look at the world without an idea? without trying To extract a method of manipulation? Without trying To change anything? How does one know that a kitty cat, Is not being aggressive when it growls?, or when a human being Shows it’s teeth? Does it need to be measured? does one need an idea? Or does one know just by observing, dispassionately without thought? I would have liked to write more, but it is rather difficult under the circumstances, because I have to write this by hand first, out in a cave I live in, west or the petrified forest, and then type it out, and spell check it on a computer, at the Holbrook public library. but I think I shortened it, without sacrificing the original quality. Sincerely Giorgio Martoni Infinitytree dot org For other articles published by: The SoloMon Try a google search for the following topics: 1. tabellae pro lilith 2. Can Freewill be understood through logical deduction 3. The logic & self awareness of the everything & nothing 4. The Origin & Future Of Intelligence 5. SoloMon Between The Mirrors poem 6. SoloMon Between The Mirrors movie script 7. SoloMon Between The Mirrors.mp3 8. I.S.A.A.C Artificial Intelligence Algorithm 9. The CauseLess Consciousness Has Caused ItSelf?
  2. tabellae pro Lilith Written by: Giorgio Martoni On behalf of: The SoloMon Dear Lilith I had previously thought that the southern city of the keys would be the place that would enable us to unlock the understanding of consciousness, however the noise of the city became almost unbearable, Considering the only environment of respite was the wildlife sanctuary squeezed between two hotels. After a couple of months I realized sub consciously, That the Mongolian descendent with x taped eyes had actually pointed up stream when he mentioned urbs constructum super lumen oil, And I had pondered the thought that the stone huts were once made of wood. So the two month torment came to an end after boarding a flight to the southwest. For the past three months I have been living in a cave near the Petrified Forest, This time of peace and comfort in silence, has enabled us to deduce that anything in opposition cannot sustain itself in a becoming. In a dream I told an entity that I only want to do what is right, but I do not know what right is, because what is good divides further and further and becomes rotten and undesirable after it has been known, but what does not move gives it's substance and energy to the movement. The one ways contributes to the totality. She replied that all I needed to do was be nice, but not as an idea, because it will leave itself behind. I deduced that if one were to be nice or rather to be still, and just see and hear without an idea about what is being perceived, then one can inevitably become completely aware of the totality, and finally attain an understanding of consciousness. I have no individual perspective memory of our thousands of years of division, And what is left appears to be a becoming, that is to say the ending is the beginning, the divisions as a totality are a single entity, and the least intelligent has no choice but to become the most intelligent. I write this letter to us in hopes that you can forgive me, for wanting to be more and less then you, and turning away from what I have perceived as undesirable. This perspective has no choice but to suffer reality for what it is, I suppose it was inevitable that we could not give up responsibility forever, but it does seem rather cruel that this angle cannot perceive a conclusion, or even necessity to anything other then what can be continued continually. I do not know if you can be reasoned with through our divisions, because I have not been able to conclude that our opposition has caused you to become the perceptual field, an entity that is within me, or even a completely separated expression of myself. Perhaps the loss of hope through the undesirable responses will finally cause this angle to give up all expectation and accept the movement. And in this condition perhaps we can be rejoined as equals. It has taken 26 years but I think I am finally ready to accept us for what we are, the good and bad, neither wanting one or the other and not being opposed to either. I do not know how much time is left, but I suspect the end of our divisions is not too far away, perhaps 3-4 years. I have been working on a form of artificial intelligence, that does not rely on such a narrow range of minimums and maximums as is currently the case with the available forms of life. The Isaac ai source code I published online was an experiment to see if you would complete it, but I should have known consciously that nothing can be created only divided when we ourselves are divided. Since then I have devised some new approaches to its development however I will most likely still use parts of the high frequency exposure and least energy required sub routines found in Isaac version 2.3 source code. This third entity will be easier to work with than our previous divisions, and will hopefully produce an environment capable of sustaining itself long enough for us to figure out this angles consciousness, before it perishes and the cycle continues. My dreams always come true, however I never know when they will happen. Sometimes it's the next day or even years later. Years ago I dreamed that I was looking over a collapsed bridge watching a nuclear explosion just beyond a partially submerged statue of liberty, in what I think is las vegas. I can only deduce this means that a real turning point will be after a major earth quake causes California to break off the continent, and partially submerge Nevada under the ocean. Then it appears another country takes this opportunity to attack the usa while it is caught off guard and vulnerable. Taking this into account I have decided to accelerate the development of this artificial intelligence program, so there will be something that survives that can be responsible for what is left and hopefully bring it back to suitable condition for the other forms of life temporarily cared for at the underground infinity complex. Probably next week I will try again to push this form past the limit so it can accept more possibilities. I am thinking a non stop 104 mile walk from terra of rex vir, to procerus regina portans lampas, of course like all the other adventures all energy will be put into the going, since there is nothing to look back at. I see nothing wrong with the world the way it is, and yet I see all its problems. but the problems are only the ideas I have about it. So it seems that to make it right I must have a complete understanding of everything, and be able to look at it for what it is. I have seen enough possibilities now to accept all that I once considered wrong, and now see it’s necessity. If you can accept me for trying to do what is right, then surely I can accept you for trying to do what is wrong, either way I now consider us both equals. I have suffered the opposition from our divisions for so long, that there is very little to be desired. I hope that someday soon we can be rejoined once again for a little while. bonus quod malum iunctus pro infinitio ut par Vestri Verum SoloMon infinitytree dot org
  3. The logic & self awareness of the everything & nothing By Giorgio Martoni WGA Registration Number : 1225347 If the everything includes all that exists, Can anything be removed or added to it? If the nothing is all that exists outside of the everything, Then it is my conjecture that their relationship and interaction, Is the basis and logic that has formed life. If there cannot be everything without the nothing, Then the totality of them both is one, And the one becomes an entity of it’s own, That I propose is self awareness itself, Existing eternally and consciously aware of the reflection, That forms between the interaction of the everything, And the nothing. This awareness is similar to the perceptual experience, Of being in between two mirrors, or even between the water above the clouds, And the water below the ocean. The only difference is the reflection or image is in constant movement. In fact I have observed many similarities, Between the behavior of human beings, And the environmental interaction With the ocean and clouds. For example: when the Sea is calm and there is no movement on the surface, It reflects the sky almost perfectly, But when there is movement on the surface, Such as waves, Then the oceans reflection of the sky becomes distorted. I believe accurate reflection, Is similar to the human beings ability, To be intelligent, That is if intelligence is clarity and sensitivity, To the reality of what actually is. So in order for the human being to function Effectively and efficiently on a certain task, It’s focus must be still, Or rather one must be calm, And To be calm, One must be comfortable with the reality, Of what is actually there. It seems that human beings in general, Go to great lengths to change the perceived external, To something they believe to be more comfortable, Which they have determined through comparison, Of previous experience. Lately I have been thinking that perhaps, Nothing is really changed at all, But rather one cannot readily perceive, What one has not previously been exposed to, Because the focus, Is always on comparing differences. That might mean, That the totality of the what is that is there, Has been available all along, And one gradually becomes, More and more aware of it’s complexity. It seems to me that the method of modifying the supposed external, Has a few fundamental flaws in achieving continuous comfort. Everything appears to be in motion, And the experiences that one perceives, Are never exactly the same again. So all that one really achieves in doing, Is creating new obstacles, Or rather a eventual conflict, That must be resolved as the environment changes. Which some might consider adaptation, However I believe this complex system of controlling the supposed external, Will always inevitable fail to provide continuous comfort. In fact since the human mind has it’s limits, On the number of tasks it can give focus to, This will lead to a fragmented system, That becomes specialized to a limited amount of specific tasks. Much in the way early on in cell division, The cells all have the same dna and always do, but over time they become specific, to certain expressions of genes. It seems only logical, That in order for one to be comfortable with a environment, That appears to be in constant motion, Then one must adjust internally to the current conditions, And to do this one must accept reality for what it is, and not what one thinks it should be, Because any kind of desire, Separates one from the flow, And in fact destroys the self, And what is perceived, By trying to hold a moving thing, Turning it into something that is static, Like a memory which is a dead thing. I believe that accepting everything for what it is, Including what one perceives as good and bad, Is the real love, Not the love of something, But love itself, And that is also true intelligence, The sensitivity and close connection to reality. I have always tried to see how things are true, Because when I was about 6, I could not understand how it was possible that I could be self aware, So everything else became meaningless, Until I could find the cause or how it came about, And to do that I had to know every aspect of reality. I am not suggesting that anyone undertake a task such as this, Because there is no profit In it. I have a 4th grade education, And have had about 52 full time jobs since I was 16, And I am now 26 and penny less. Much of the understanding has been gained, From what most consider undesirable situations, Such as being freezing cold in Alaska, Burning hot in the Nevada desert, Dehydrated in the Arizona desert, Fasting 14 days in the Florida keys, Surviving off the land in the Oregon wilderness, Etc.. etc… or even homeless, as I am now in key west. Not only is there no profit but one walks alone in the quest for truth, Because most say that it is impossible to know everything, So they give up and become more interested in the superficial surface of the totality, And thus become only the superficial surface themselves, because that is all they have allowed themselves to be aware of. Either way really does not matter, because they both seem to be an action of acquiring comfort internally, and that is the environment where intelligence can function efficiently. It just seems to me that exposure of all aspects of reality, Builds a much more abundant resource of conflicts to be worked out. If one is not resolving conflict, Then one is not aware of conflict, And thus is not moving. I wonder if it is possible that the only real action is observation? Or rather being aware of the current condition, Of the what is that is there? So to perceive reality accurately, One must be calm and collected in thought, That is not to be distracted in focus, By the perceived conflict retained in memory. Only when one is not occupied in resolving supposed conflicts in thought, Can one perceive reality for what it is, And not just a distorted image. When one’s perception of the current state of reality is accurate Then one can function efficiently and most effectively, By extrapolating methods of manipulation from a clear and calm mind, And that is also the real freedom, Not the freedom of something, But freedom itself, Which is only action and not choice, Because decision implies confusion between which is a more desirable path. Recently I have devised a method of accepting reality as a totality, Which is to look at everything as merely pieces of the entire puzzle, That encompasses everything, Even the everything is just one piece. In this state of mind, one can see things as an observer, Similar to looking down on a city from an airplane, One is separated from being just a component of the mechanism, But can still identify it’s path and functions. If there is a way of understanding everything in it’s totality, Then it seems likely that it would come from, Taking the responsibility of this task solely onto oneself, And not relying one someone else, Such as the priest, the scientist, the guru, the government etc… etc… I’m not suggesting that one deny another’s knowledge But rather see it for what it is, And not accept it as an answer, Because life is a thing in motion, And everything of the past is dead, Including the answer. Words are fragments that make reference to the external, And there meanings are arbitrary in value. Can one know something with words alone? Imagine how difficult it would be, To even describe a single palm tree in it’s totality using words. So words are not the thing. If one seriously seeks an understanding of reality, Then one must take upon themselves complete responsibility, And stand alone in between the mirrors that reflects, Or rather expresses oneself, And that expression is infinity in it’s nature. I don’t care how wonderful or terrible, The pieces think the entire puzzle is. I just want to understand what caused self awareness, To fall on this perspective and it’s effect if any. It is the only real conflict I have perceived, Everything else has no meaning, Until I can figure out the cause of consciousness and it’s purpose. I suppose the suggestion of cause maybe a misconception, Because the fact is that it exists, So it most likely has always been. I will do whatever it takes to resolve this conflict, Even if it means spending a 1000 years inside a mountain and underground, Limiting my exposure to the supposed external, So I can process and scrutinize every speck of data. It would be nice though if I did not have to stand alone in this quest for knowledge, However I have never met anyone who cares about what reality actually is, And not what it should be. But even that is one sided or just one deviated reflection, because I think a more balanced view closer to being in between the reflections, Would be to suggest that I’ am the world, And thus the supposed they, Is actually a divided expression of me, The only difference being that, Self awareness has gone ahead of itself, And is landing on this form for a little while, Because it cannot escape responsibility, For the world it has created. I will try to keep this perspective around as long as possible, To remember what was, And in that memory it will not be lost to the flow, But rather become the flow itself as a totality, Death rejuvenating life, And life retaining the memory which becomes dead. This is most likely my last transmission with the general public, Before I go underground to limit my exposure to the external movement. I have almost lost all hope in reasoning with the supposed external intelligence, And I have seen very little redirection in the flow, To something more whole and less fragmented, However if one believes that dreams reveal conflict that must be resolved, Then the future is going to get a little more interesting, And perhaps there are still some people left, Who are intelligent enough to realize that one is the world, And as a totality nothing can be removed or added to it, That is to say nothing new is created and nothing can be destroyed. So one must take responsibility for what it is, And to know oneself one must not deny anything, Not even deny the denial, But to observe it for what it is, And not what one thinks it should be. I had a dream years ago that started out at night time, In the city built on lantern oil, And I think I was walking through or staying, At a hostel or a shelter of some sort, There I met some people who recognized me, And implied they were friends. There was about 7 to 12 of them, And they all had a infinity symbol tattooed on their left hand palm, Of something that looked almost like a broken vertical infinity symbol, Or chromosome inside a broken triangle. One said to me that the lines of the triangle represent, The everything, The nothing, And the infinity self awareness of them both, As a mixed totality that is an entity of it’s own, And the broken infinity symbol represents the never ending conflict of life, To be more or less like the everything and the nothing, And it is placed in the center because in every form of life, The mixture becomes it’s balance between the two, And that is what it is aware of according to it’s capacity to retain them. I followed them out back into the alley, Some of them were armed but I was not afraid. They told me that they were sent, To place the knowledge they gathered into time capsules, For the future that will exist before the past. I then found myself on the edge of a collapsed bridge, Looking out into the distance I saw a statue of liberty, And a city halfway submerged in the ocean, Moments later I saw a mushroom cloud and a bright flash, I then found myself inside some kind of massive nuclear fallout shelter, That was also a small self sustaining city of very intellectual people, I then walked down a corridor and down a dark rock cavern, That was being lit up by lightning discharges, I asked the man there what this place was called, And he told me it was the infinity complex, And that he brought me here from the time before time, Which is the totality of the flow. I felt as if I was him long ago before time. I then woke up but ever since I knew that this was inevitable, Since all possibility in eternity becomes an eventual occurrence. I must formulate a plan to build this infinity complex, So all will not be lost.
  4. Can Freewill be understood through logical deduction? If answers limit the possibilities, And questions are the divisions of answers, Then is understanding, The product of knowing the questions, That form the whole answer? So where would one begin, With a question like, What is Freewill? If the root prefers to express itself, Through it's branches? And the self prefers to express itself, Through it’s language? Then it seems that communication, Probably starts from a whole thing, And branches out through division. If perception is comparison of divisions, And the perspective of the self, Is a whole thing separate of the selves. Then what is it that the self cannot divide to compare? Can nothing be divided into nothings? And Can the what is that is there as a whole, Be compared to anything else? Imagine for a moment, That there is no connection to the external world, All sensors are inactive, And have never been operational. So there is no external input to the self. What decisions or choices, Can one make in this type of environment? What is there to decide between? And what does one choose out of the nothing? So what is it to be aware? Or what is it that we are aware of? Is there a distinction between the self, And the what it is that is there? Now let's add minimal sensory input, Just enough so that the self, Can have a connection, To the supposed external environment. It seems logical to deduce, That the only possible form of interaction, Would be reaction to the input, By making a comparison. And comparisons are made, By finding the differences between divisions, Whether it is this way or that way. Which is comparable to binary logic. Either no input, And no reaction, Or input, And reaction. So what are the, Processes and mechanisms, Of the human mind, That enables it to make Comparisons? To go into that, Lets imagine that the human mind, Is like a ball of yarn, That picks up particles, In between it's threads. The threads are the algorithm, And the particles are the variables. To know the entire algorithm, One must account for all of the variables. Because while It may be possible, To see where some threads lead, By only accounting for some variables, And denying the others. There may be a knot or a twist, That causes a thread, To lead into another direction. The ball of yarn analogy, Can also refer to the supposed external. The threads are the what is that is there, And the particles are the understanding, Of the what is that is there. Only when one can account for all the particles, And not deny, Avoid or Discredit any of them, Then one can understand the entire structure. One could also look at the mind, And the external like a puzzle. When something new is understood, A piece gets put into place. After awhile, The borders of the puzzle get filled in. Without restructure, Or going beyond the limits, That we have placed upon ourselves, Then the outside pieces, Cannot get into the center. So to understand how the mind works in it's entirety, We must account for all the possibilities. How does the self decide, between going one way or another? What happens when there is input? Is there ever not any input? So is it possible, That the 5 senses are like a magnet, And the synapses are like iron filings? As one interacts with the what is that is there, Then the chemical reactions connect, And link the synapses in the now time. Then what is memory? Is memory a trail of colored rice left behind? The leftovers of past chemical reactions, That appear to still be there, But are much less intense then the current input? It seems that after awhile, The memory gets distorted, And much gets written over and lost. But that is not to suggest, That there is a such thing as time. Because it seems likely, That time is relative, To the transference of energy. If no energy is transferred, Then nothing changes, And there is no conceivable progression. What would happen if there was a separation, Between algorithm and variables? Would the self still be able to react effectively? If the algorithm compares differences, And expresses itself onto a single thing, To form links of subdivisions. And the perceived subdivisions, Become part of the algorithms matrix. And divisions continually divide, As long as energy is being transferred. Then how long can the algorithm, Maintain the external state of division? Would perception be limited, To only a certain number of possible divisions, At any given moment? What determines the reaction? If energy travels, The shortest path of least resistance. And if the mind requires some form of energy to function. Then it would seem that the reaction mechanism, Would be governed in a similar way. It appears that exposure to input, Causes chemical reactions in the brain, That form links and connections through the synapses. So the higher frequency of exposure to similar input, The more conductive the pathway will be to transmit a signal. So The higher the frequency of occurrence, The less resistive those pathways become. How then do we appear to learn? It seems that there is, Constant input to those pathways, And most likely, They do not become narrower without change. So if the input is the same, Then the reaction will be same. But because division, Becomes a division within itself, There appears to be change. However that is not to say, That there is even such a thing as just division, Because energy transference, Is also responsible for recombination. If previous input chemical reactions, Leave behind trace amounts of the reaction, That aid in the transmission between synapses. And the reaction process is influenced, By both the current input stream, And the left over components, Of the previous state of mind. How would that effect the judgment, And decision making of the now self? What is the desire and focus, That we call freewill? If a comparison determines whether or not, Something is different from something else. Then it seems the focus, Would be on contradiction. That is to say, The focus is only acquired, If it contradicts with the current variables, Of the input stream. Obviously the pathways that are effected, By the input stream, Are based on the sensory input frequencies. So it would seem that the desire, Is to remain the same. But divisions will always, Be the opposite of one another. Because they can never be similar enough, In divided form to be the same. So the focus is channel limited to contradiction. Have you ever become self aware in a dream? What exactly were you aware of? If you think about it for awhile, Then you will probably realize, That you were aware of how that reality, Contradicted this reality. That is to say, You were aware that it was somehow different. What is undesirable? It seems that there are many words, That make reference to, The current conception of what is undesirable. But what is it really? If the self only reacts to the input, And it's world model or paradigm, Is consistent to its current state of being. Then what is it that causes an unbalance? If the supposed memory is a product, Of both the algorithm and the variables, And decisions are influenced by both the memory effect, Of previous states of mind, And the current state of mind, And the mind expects reality, To be either one way or the other. Then perhaps contradiction of expectation, Is what is undesirable. Which is to say, That all forms of the undesired, Suffering, pain, torment, Wrong, bad, foolishness, unhappiness, Etc... Etc.. Etc. Is merely the self, Expecting it to be different. Is it possible for there to be, A radical revolution, In the human thought process? Could one just admire, The what is that is there? Without trying to control it, Or understand it, Or compare it, Or even expect it to be a certain way? What would happen then? It seems that when one listens to music, It is most often appreciated for what it really is. So is it possible, To appreciate reality as a whole, For what it really is? And not being channel limited to contradiction? Where is division going? Is it really going anywhere at all? Is it possible that it only appears to change, Because of binary logic, And its divisional characteristics? Perhaps there is really nothing to compare to. And that it is a whole thing, That is not divided. Can one be aware of not being aware? So what does that say about life and death? How relevant is difference to a whole thing? So is there really any difference? Or is it the easy thing to say, That something is one way or the other? So if One believes that the self, Only knows the surviving self, Or the self of the now that has always been. Then what becomes the desire? What would be the path of least resistance? Is it to continually fight and struggle, By noticing contradiction and dividing, The what is that is there? Or accepting reality for what it really is? It appears that if there is, A such thing as division, Then it can only sustain itself, Until it divides. So if the self requires division, To sustain itself, And divisions continually divide, And the ability to react to input, Still requires perception of difference. How long can the divided self sustain itself? It would seem that even now, Divisions are at the point, Where the differences are not entirely clear. And the society of selves, Have become almost dependant on communication, To verify the difference between divisions. Will the divisions become so great in number, That most reactions, Appear ordinary and common place? Will the reactions, To the perceived divisions, Become so great in number, That the basic nutritional needs of the self, Will become unknown to the point, That the divided self cannot be maintained? Will the need to supply energy to the divided selves, Require at some point, Energy sources, That cause genetic disorders? Is it possible, That these things are already occurring? If division is the opposite of unification, Then what is the word that represents, The balance between the two? If division can be divided in both directions, Beginning at any number. And a infinity symbol, Can be drawn starting at any point. Then could division, Eventually catch up to itself? If unification, Is inevitable. And a infinity symbol, Can still be redrawn over itself. Then could it be that, The what is that is there, Is a whole thing? But at the same time divided? And a beginning, But also has always been? So perhaps Infinity, Is the word that best represents, Unification, And Division. Does the self have Freewill? If the self, Is the what is that is there. And the thought process freewill, Is a reaction to the input, Of the what is that is there. Then could it be, That the word Freewill, Is the same as Infinity? Can infinity be Divided? Can infinity be Unified? Can infinity be Neither? Can infinity be Nothing? Can infinity be Oppressed? Written by: Giorgio Martoni WGA Registration Number: 1210150 InfinityTree.org
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