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Everything posted by ExtraSense

  1. What can be better than having fun in 3D ES
  2. That goes with the territory. I hope there are some with open eyes over here too Did you get 3D glasses yet? ES
  3. So thoughtful of you e s
  4. I work hard, to discover and show the things I can not be responsible for the stubbornness, that makes some to resist truth to the extent that they ready to blow out their brains just to do not see it For example, I have put a 3D picture of a Martian Village on my website just now. I can not buy 3D glasses for everyone and put them on all noses! ES
  5. Thanks, it is very generous of you to say this. I hope you have 3D glasses by now. I've get mine from http://www.timstradingpost.com/google for $1 per Dimension ES
  6. Well, Here are the latest news about The Water! On sol 178, 25 sols later than it was photographed initially, Spirit has captured the same water pipe again. The flow of water is much stronger, the speed is 2 times and the yield more than 10 times higher. It must be an irrigation device! e s
  7. Hmm, fossils might be million years old. What water and vegetation now has to do with their features? e s
  8. Put the 3D glasses on! e s
  9. "As a biologist", how did you like comparing those two fossil martian skulls? Same jaws connecting knob design! Have you observed such a knob jaw joint - on the Earth animals' skulls? ES
  10. Where is dave "math forum moderator", when we need him? And do not forget 3D glasses, while you are looking at the proof ES
  11. You should mean it Get the 3D glasses guys, 3D worth 3Dollars ! ES
  12. Good news, My updated website http://mywebpages.comcast.net/extrasense has now 3D stuff, that will knock your socks off! All the nay sayers are now to eat their hats ///// You can get 3D glasses on Internet for $3 ///// $1 for a Dimension e s
  13. Believe what? Have you heard an expression "smile of death?" ES
  14. This time you are right. It is reality. If you do not see it' date=' something is wrong with your computer, your glasses, your eyes, or your brains. Try changing one of them at time, and you will find the problem. See, even Martians laugh at you: [img']http://mywebpages.comcast.net/extrasense/SkullHighlights.gif[/img]
  15. So, your books dismiss pictures of snow and thermal water, that are coming from Mars. Take off those dark glasses, may be you will see better
  16. Why not you just move to another topic, that you are more capable to understand?
  17. Well, there are two options I can imagine: 1. it is H2O snow 2. it is CO2 snow It is SNOW either way. ES
  18. Looks like a snow to me. Look how it is gently curved under the long rock
  19. Do you believe in snow on Mars?
  20. Did you see snow?
  21. Since you in Antarctica, here it goes:
  22. Really? A pipe on Mars with the running water proves that: (a) there is running water on Mars (b) there is civilization on Mars © there is life on Mars It might be the thermal water, or a simple spring ... This picture is from Mars from the rover Spirit ES
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