I do not think so: the density of atmosphere is low compared to Earth,
and even here the shape is close to parabola, if the altitude drop is relatively small.
It appears that Bonneville area has thermal water sources.
This might explain the signs of life, which are observed there.
Here is the picture by Spirit, that apparently shows thin string of water, running from the pipe /someone have piped the spring /
It is to the left of the middle of the picture.
The water makes a perfect parabolae, as it falls to the ground - as it should due to the Mars gravity.
As I mentioned, the best way to watch the movies/pictures is on the computer with 1024*728 resolution and "32 bit colors" set.
There is a relatively dark n-shaped window on the right end of the large hollow fossil/crustation.
The "babes" is a joke, but you should be able to see something moving up and down in that window
I am sorry,
I have to apologize to those who have flat screen or other low resolution computer monitors. I have discovered that the pictures that can be viewed on the standard monitors, are blurred on low resolution ones.
This picture will be the final nail in coffin of the "everything on Mars is a rock" theory
One can see a dead/fossilized "rat's" hairy tail.
Not a pleasant picture, but proves the point well!
You are right, it is strange.
I guess, majority can see that something is moving inside the big hollow crustation remains, and that the spiral leach is digging a hole by wagging its tail.
Let us go to the Movie Theater.
We have something to see from Mars!
1. NASA babes on Mars, XX-rated
2. Tail Wagging Spiral Leach, PG-rated
You are not trying to pick me up here, are you?
About physics, you probably will never know the names like quantum physics, theory of fields, electrodynamics, physics of solid state, nuclear physics, elementary particles physics, thermodynamics, and the rest of it that I had to learn just to get my degree.
This is the funniest one: you even do not understand, that cells of Martian plants are being formed on Mars, consequently they have internal pressure equal to the pressure of Mars atmosphere
I certaimly can see it
The point is, that those objects on the picture are plants.
Sandstorms would destroy the stone branches assuming they where there, not produce them.
So your efforts just help to make the case that berry and flower are not stones.
What differerence the color could possibly make?
Clearly, there are no rocks in the universe, that are connected to the soil by thin stems. On other hand, there are plenty of berries and flowers that are growing this way.
Theese are berries and flowers, no doubt about it.
here we've caught them growing from the Mars soil on camera!
!The round berry on upper left, and the cottonly flower on lower right!
They obviously are rooted in soil.
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