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Everything posted by ExtraSense

  1. Well, We have on Earth statues of Dinosauruses, that did not ever live at the same time as humans. Mars was not always the way it is now ES
  2. #3 seems to think he is an authority Three geniuses like that in one UK... That is too much
  3. <<there would be some traces of Martian civilization on Mars today, in the form of metal alloys or technology (given that they had space travel), which would not have been wiped out by these dust storms in that time if a rock statue hasn't. But there is no such evidence of technology or metal alloys on Mars>> Dona, it is your assumption, not mine, that Martians "had space travel". They could be in the Stone Age, and have carved statue of Lamb. Also it is your assumption, not mine, that their Lamb is the same lamb as the Christianity Lamb. There is a Lamb statue on Mars, so there has been life and Civilization over there. Thats all ES
  4. Dona, <<Huh? Are you saying that these people on Mars are Christians?>> It is a possibility. Or they might be aware of our Christianity. Or... I do not know that, do you know? <<And there is such a thing as nutarl objects which show symmetry. They're called crystals>> Glad you do not claim we are looking at a cristal <<What about this picture below?>> "there is no question about its being fake!" Here is the link to NASA picture of the Lamb from Mars for you to check. http://origin.mars5.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/p/090/2P134351571EFF2500P2536L4M1.JPG <<there is a sharp change in the angle of the rock../may be/ the result of ..poor sculpting on the part of the Martians>> I am not totally sure, that you know how the Martian lamb ears look like ES
  5. Yes, Christians are supposed to eat flesh and drink blood of savior: it is what he told his followers to do. ES
  6. Are you sure you are up to speed, that Christianity depicts the savior as a lamb? ES
  7. Dona, you are absolutely correct, it is not a goat or lamb. It is a statue of a lamb. The apparent reason why it is partly buried in sand is: it was not attended to for a long time, may be centuries, and that there is sand and winds on Mars. There is nothing "protruding from his neck", but a shadow of its ear. In fact, the whole statue has perfect exclusive left-right symmetry, which is unheard of in the objects of nonbiological/nonintelligent activity. ES
  8. HaH, Here are 4 images. You could say that all of them are simply rocks, only if you do not believe your eyes. In my humble opinion
  9. Lauren, Those nitwits that claim there is no life on mars, are just that. There is a chance that they are computer programs, with learning algorithm diabled
  10. The Mars rovers have produced plenty of evidence of life on Mars. Check the http://mywebpages.comcast.net/extrasense to see it. the Martian Kitten Consider that animals are moving and the picture is blurred because of it. ES
  11. Terraforming Mars would be a Galaxy crime. It would wipe out all the present life on Mars! And possibly present Civilization of Mars! Take it from the Mars Lamb
  12. Sayonara, what do you mean no ecosystem? There are tens of those berries discovered on Mars pictures. There is ecosystem, we just do not know how it works yet. ES
  13. Dona, you are correct, it is a reference shell form Earth
  14. For those who are too smart by half: This Martian berry with long stem and leafs, is it a rock?
  15. When you say "nature can produce", do you include sea shells as prduced by the nature? Because my point is that those spiral objects on Mars are Martian Sea Shells. I hope you agree. ES
  16. And this one:
  17. What about this one? ES
  18. OK, Do you believe, that spiral objects can be created without life involved? Where from this shell on Mars come? ES
  19. At this point we have an abundant evidence of the Mars Life and Civilization. See it with your own eyes at http://mywebpages.comcast.net/extrasense What is wrong with NASA, as they are in denial? ES
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