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  • Lepton

scienceguy18's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. thanks i've been looking into which college i should attend, and i can't seem to find out which college would be the best in that field.
  2. If someone could tell me it would help me out a lot.
  3. thanks, i actually want to be a forensic scientist.
  4. hi im new, and i hated science until 9th grade, when i had taken biology. next year i am taking chemistry and i was thinking of buying this chemistry set to become more familiar with it before school starts this year and i have no clue what i got myself into. But i was just gonna ask a few questions 1. how hard is chemistry? 2.is this the right set for me (as a beginner) http://www.hobbytron.com/ScienceChemistrySetsTH645014.html thanks all replies are appreciated
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