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Everything posted by foofighter

  1. thx for the clearup - is there a way to explain the difference in a nutshell? thx
  2. how is it that photons, to have mass, are bound to constant movement, and if they stop completely, they have no mass. isn't mass a property of everything that exists, whether it is in the form of energy or matter. if something has no mass then it doesn't exist. someone help me out here please lol
  3. i thought tho that we'd at least be able to create stable synthetic elements that won't decay. we could make them very heavy, even perhaps new synthetic elements as high in the (wat would then be expanded) periodic table as we want. and they wouldn't decay. perhaps this would have practicality?
  4. are u saying that according to current knowledge they will never be controllable? or is this merely a GIGANTIC technological hurdle, like on the caliber of an anti-matter engine to propel spacecraft or more? and if it is the latter, then lets say we do control these forces, wat could we do technologically? thx
  5. can anyone explain why this hasn't been spoken about in a reputable mainstream scientific online website, like sciam or sciencedaily if its legit?
  6. since we have discovered gluons and W and Z bosons, which control the strong and weak nuclear forces, what is stopping us from lording over them in terms of applied technology, just as we "lord over the photon" and electromagnetism has such an impact on our daily lives because of how we channel it? wat kinds of technology could we invent if we were able to control gluons and w and z bosons, thus manipulating strong and weak forces? thx
  7. so then the speed of light is like a limit in calculus, no? if i kept on getting closer and closer, eventually time would all but stop on my ship from earth's perspective, and i could traverse the entire universe in a human lifetime.
  8. so if u could get to cruising at around say 99.99999999% light speed, would that mean that every year you experience on the space ship is almost 186300 earth years? thx
  9. wow nice - thanks a lot guys : )
  10. the idea that as an object approaches light speed, its mass increases, seems to contradict the law of conservation of mass. if an object of given mass is speeding up in a vacuum, why should more mass suddenly exist simply because its approaching light speed? where does this extra mass come from? thanks
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