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JoseManuelRuizJorge replied to JoseManuelRuizJorge's topic in Engineering
Good. The top view of one of the tactil percepcion screens I explain in the descriptive report would be similar (in appearance) to this image (Obviously, the activation level of each tactil point will depend of the color (in gray scale) of the point of the digital image (or three-dimensional graphics) that indicate (points) the tactil point.). The tactil perception screen will be mounted in a mobile device (forming (together with other components) the tactil mobile device). The system will have detecting systems for detecting (in each instant of time) the position and rotation angle (or the three rotation angles in the space, like a smartphone with giroscope of three axis) of the tactil mobile device. So, with a small or medium size tactil perception screen the system can make the function of a big tactil perception screen. For example, one of the detecting systems for detecting the position and rotation angles of the tactil mobile device would can be made with the WII MOTE system, adapting this to the perception system. (But I believe that surely WII MOTE's patent owner has his rights of patent and will have his conditions for use (if he permits it), I don't know). For example, for experimental mode, I believe that PYTHON programming language has two libraries for read the WII MOTE data. (pywiimote, and pywiiuse). http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Wiimote/Library In the descriptive report I explain several designs to make a high resolution tactil perception screen (but they are not verified), for example, using thin sheets of appropriate material (desirable to be lightweight). Each thin sheet will have deletions of material (small holes ...). These thin sheets will be stacked on top of each other, forming a block with channels (in his interior) within each of whom shall be a mobile and flexible shank (similar to a wire but of the appropiate material, for example, a polymeric material, plastic, ... considering that metal is electric conductor and this would be dangerous because the lower termination of each of them will be connected to an electric component). The top sheets will have, for example, an array of holes that will be very close together. As goes to the bottom sheets of the block, the holes in the matrix of holes will be farther apart (separated by a greater distance). At the bottom of the sheet block cavities will be formed, in each of them there will be, for example, an electromagnetic actuator which joins the corresponding flexible mobile shank (polymeric wire, for example) so it will can move it in variable way over time. * IMPORTANT : I don't know if there are patents similar. * NOTE : It is big true that I have to improve my level of english. I will have many (plenty) errors in translation surely (I assuming it, and dislike it because the lack of expression consequent, for example, in my poor vocabulary in english). * Because I'm tired, I can't be regularly in the forum. I will try read or write occasionally. Forgive. -
INVENTION FOR THE BLIND OR VISUALLY IMPAIRED --- Autor : Jose Manuel Ruiz Jorge (DNI : 44167671-N) * NOTE: This text has been translated automatically by a computer application online, surely there are errors in the translation from the original text in spanish. http://sites.google.com/site/josemanuelruizjorge/ Hello. On this website I explain a personal invention for the blind or visually impaired, which is a system of audio-tactile perception, interaction and guidance for the blind or visually impaired. I'm reporting this personal invention (claimed invention) with the intention that this invention to be part of the state of the art and so (I think) can not be patented (if it is not patented). This invention that I have made (in written mode) is a system of audio-tactile perception, interaction and guidance for the blind or visually impaired, which will allow, among other possibilities, the blind or visually impaired can perceive text, perceive digital images and / or perceive three-dimensional graphics, also it will allow the blind or visually impaired can interact with computer applications (and so can perform various activities and can create works of various kinds), and also this system will allow be used as system of guidance for the blind or visually impaired . [/url]I haven't made this invention (in real way) and I haven't made a prototype but I am convinced it will work and will be very useful. Explanations of the invention are available free of charge (in digital format) as my intention is that people with sufficient knowledge (engineers, computer programmers, etc.) to observe if what I explain is very useful (as I believe) or not, and if it has merit or not, and, if the invention is interesting, that divulge it to more people.Obviously, if someone thinks I'm wrong in key aspects (and / or my alleged invention is not so and / or it is not useful) then I would be interested to know. Then I make a very brief and incomplete introduction of the invention, and may have errors. The system object of my invention (I think it's invention) is a system of audio-tactile perception, interaction and guidance for the blind or visually impaired. It is pending checking the novelty of this system in the Patent Office and check its safety and viability. The system object of my (alleged) invention will allow the blind or visually impaired can perceive text (common text and text in Braille code, for example, text in Braille code which signs and points of these signs be shown with enlargement scale), can perceive digital images (in gray-scale and / or in color), and can perceive three-dimensional graphics (in grayscale and / or in color). This system also will allow that blind or visually impaired people can interact with computer applications, for example, to create works of various kinds and / or to perform other activities.This system will also be useful (with a data acquisition system of the environment information) as a guidance system, because the user will can use the system to perceive three-dimensional information of the environment. The system will incorporate, among other components, a tactil mobile device which will incorporate a tactil perception screen (display). (I have not made it). The system will include components to be able to calculate (in real time) the coordinates of the position and rotation angles taken by the tactil mobile device in each instant of time and will control at all times as it (and according to other factors) the activation level of each tactil point of the tactil perception screen that the tactile mobile device will incorporate. Using a tactil perception display of small or medium size, the system will offer similar possibilities to those that would provide a tactil perception display of large size and high performance. Several of the tactil perception displays that I explain will have tactil points that will allow that reliefs be formed on the tactil perception display. The system will associate (and remain associated with) a pointer (digital) to each tactil point of the tactil perception screen (display) of the tactil mobile device. Each of these pointers will can be pointing at each instant of time a point of the available digital image or of the available three-dimensional graphic, which will have a determinated color. For the tactile perception, the digital image to be perceived (or the three-dimensional graphic to perceive) will have been previously converted to grayscale. Therefore it will be, for example, an array of pointers (which arrangement will be such that the arrangement of the tactile points of the tactile perception screen) that will can move and / or rotate in the available digital image or in the available three-dimensional graphic (in this case there will be three angles of rotation, one for each coordinate axis of a Cartesian coordinate system of three axes, although purposes of calculus the system probably will calculate directly the coordinates, in two dimensions or in three dimensions (as applicable), which each pointer of that array or mesh of pointers will have in each instant of time. Obviously, the system will can scale the digital images and / or three-dimensional graphics to be perceived. At each instant of time, each tactil point of the tactil perception display of the tactil mobile device will be activated with an activation level which will depend on the intensity of color (in grayscale) of the color of the point of the digital image available (or of the three-dimensional graphic available) it is pointed in that instant of time by the corresponding pointer. For example, in the case of the tactil points of the tactile perception display are of variable height then the performance could be, for example, that the darker the color of the point which a pointer indicates then higher will be the height that will acquire the corresponding tactil point (or vice versa, according to choice). And, for example, in the case of the tactil points of the tactile perception display are variable frequency tactil points then the performance could be, for example, that the darker the color of the point which a pointer indicates then higher frequency of the corresponding tactil point (or vice versa, according to choice). The system of the invention also will allow the blind or visually impaired to create works of various kinds and operate computer applications of various types (for creating works and / or to perform other activities), a particular case is that they can create digital images and three-dimensional graphics, although this system will allow much more. The system of the invention will also allow to perceive Chinese text, Japanese text, ... etcetera because the control software that will be running in the microcomputer that will be part of the system will can create, for example, a digital image and draw on it the text to perceive, therefore the user will can perceive information contained in that digital image and perceive that text (or part of the text). The system of the invention will also allow perceive the color of points of digital images and / or three-dimensional graphics because it will allow perceive (approximately) the RGB components of the color of points (of the available digital image or of the available three-dimensional graphic) through sound (associating previously a different sound to each RGB component and generate those sounds at different volumes depending on the proportion of each component RGB). One of the components of this system (object of the invention) is a device thas is a tactil mobile device which may incorporate various types of tactil perception display. In the descriptive report I explain various types of tactile perception displays, I think valid (at least many of them). One of the proposed tactile perception display / screens will be made by stacking thin sheets with deletions of material so that on the top surface of the tactile perception display will be formed a matrix of holes (whose holes will be very close together) and in the interior ducts form (which will have straight and curved sections) in which will stay flexible rods (one in each duct), each of which can be driven by a drive device (for example, by an electromagnetic actuator). As the system can control each drive device individually then the user, at the moments he is touching the upper surface of the tactile perception display / screen, he can touch upper ends of these flexible rods (and mobile) each of which may be leaning out, through the corresponding hole of the matrix of holes of the top surface of the tactile perception display / screen, a section whose length may vary over time. In the descriptive report that is available (for free) on this website discusses many details that I think are important and interesting to read and it would be interesting major organizations of blind people are informed, and engineering colleges, and magazines specialized ... and so on. I just do not sufficiently divulge / disclose it. My intention, rather than have patented, is that be part of the state of the art, thereby preventing the patenting (in case it are not) and avoid (I think) that monopolize and limit their improvement. At the moment I see that no one recognizes it and does not appear (I think it deserves it) published in full in any technical journal or in a newspaper (It is understood that could remove many innecesary duplications containing in the descriptive report and thus be shorter). I've been reporting fairly, I think, but I get no answers. There is a possibility that I'm wrong, but I try to disclose (divulge) it if I am right as I I think. * My e-mail address is: jose.manuel.ruiz1000@gmail.com (For any feedback, criticism, or to report problems to check my website or my book. I can not answer most of the messages received, if I receipt them.). <a name="result_box51"> The full descriptive report of the invention above can be viewed and / or download in the following ways: a) Accessing from the side menu located on the left side of this website. - On page or section "archivos" I have files which explain the invention. - On the page or section entitled "archivos" is the file "memoria_completa.pdf" which contains the descriptive report in which I explain my invention. b) Through the following link to the corresponding page of an online editorial where I have published as an eBook (I think it can be downloaded free as an eBook). The link is: http://www.bubok.com/libros/202461/Divulgacion-de-invencion-propia-acerca-de-Sistema-de-percepcion-audiotactil-de-interaccion-y-de-guiado-para-personas-invidentes-o-disminuidas-visuales * NOTE: Although the descriptive report is in Spanish, I think there are computer applications that allow to obtain (in ASCII code) text content into a PDF file, so interested people can translate, for example, with "Google Translator", "Babylon" ... (Forgive me my lack of languages.). * NOTE: I think that the Figure 14 causes dizziness by watching. It is probably detrimental long look.
Hello. I have invented a system of perception for blind people. (I think this is so although I haven't verificate it in the patent office ... Maybe I mistake). My web page (URL) is : http://www.sites.google.com/site/josemanuelruizjorge After that I have passed long time thinking it I haven't obtained almost any response and my invention (probably invention) continues being no public. The explications are in Spanish because my level of english is low and I would have mistakes in the traduction. Thanks for the attention. (P.D. : Forgive me the unnecesary repetitions in the PDF text). (My name is Jose Manuel Ruiz Jorge.).