Ideas and strategies for terraforming mars.
I have no serious backround in sciences above high school level but I had several ideas for terraforming mars and I would like any one with knowledge to the contrary of my ideas come forward so that I may know and adapt my ideas.
1) My first idea is that to increase the amount of gas trapped in mars's atmosphere we must increase the gravitational pull of the planet by increasing it's density, to do this couldn't we put a material on mars that is very dense that will increase of mars but the mass much more. I think this would increase mars's density and its gravitational pull so that it would hold more gases in and create an atmosphere.
2) My second idea has to do with another gas trapping mechanism that the earth employs but mars does not, the magnetosphere. This idea is based in the fictitious world of the movie "The Core" but I believe that the scientific principles still apply. To create a magnetic field for mars we could send a nuke or many nukes if neede to explode inside mars at points that, using fluid dynamics, were found to spin the outer core. When the outer core is spun the inner core will remain still and the rubbing metals will create a magnetic field.
3) My third idea isn't just about terraforming mars but about reducing pollution on earth. This idea involves sending a ship to mars with about fifteen people on it to build a hyper secure and extremely large greenhouse filled with plants and enough c02 to last them several years. During those several years you send the people back to earth and you then send up massive ships with a feww people and lots of water and carbon dioxide. These ships deliver the c02 and water to the plants and then return to earth, in a few years they return and by then they will have to release the oxygen the plants created to put in more water and c02. This will decrease the amount of c02 in earth's atmosphere and increase the amount of o2 in mars's atmosphere.
Finally I would just like to reiterate that i would appreciate any comments or constructive criticism on these ideas as well as new ideas about terraforming mars
I have no serious backround in sciences above high school level but I had several ideas for terraforming mars and I would like any one with knowledge to the contrary of my ideas come forward so that I may know and adapt my ideas.
1) My first idea is that to increase the amount of gas trapped in mars's atmosphere we must increase the gravitational pull of the planet by increasing it's density, to do this couldn't we put a material on mars that is very dense that will increase of mars but the mass much more. I think this would increase mars's density and its gravitational pull so that it would hold more gases in and create an atmosphere.
2) My second idea has to do with another gas trapping mechanism that the earth employs but mars does not, the magnetosphere. This idea is based in the fictitious world of the movie "The Core" but I believe that the scientific principles still apply. To create a magnetic field for mars we could send a nuke or many nukes if neede to explode inside mars at points that, using fluid dynamics, were found to spin the outer core. When the outer core is spun the inner core will remain still and the rubbing metals will create a magnetic field.
3) My third idea isn't just about terraforming mars but about reducing pollution on earth. This idea involves sending a ship to mars with about fifteen people on it to build a hyper secure and extremely large greenhouse filled with plants and enough c02 to last them several years. During those several years you send the people back to earth and you then send up massive ships with a feww people and lots of water and carbon dioxide. These ships deliver the c02 and water to the plants and then return to earth, in a few years they return and by then they will have to release the oxygen the plants created to put in more water and c02. This will decrease the amount of c02 in earth's atmosphere and increase the amount of o2 in mars's atmosphere.
Finally I would just like to reiterate that I would appreciate any comments or constructive criticism on these ideas as well as any new ideas about the terraformation of mars.
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