If it is evidence you want I have given it to you in the form of the complete plans of the design itself, nothing missing.
The first of the two things you should have noticed is that this mechanism has essentially two movements, both deadfall so no energy is required to set them in motion. The generation stage is the weight ball's deadfall down through the lower cylinder-no energy required. The second movement is the deadfall/spring assist of the 90 degree rotation, like an overweighted wheel-again no energy required, the 90 degree rotation is not engaging in the energy production, its just turning the machine.
The energy production that is taking place with the wheel rotating and turning the generator is away and removed from the working of the machine, it is an addition to the machine that the machine does not need in order to operate. The energy being produced is not needed to run the machine therefore there is no entrophy, no taking away from the energy created that disallows there being enough left to reset the machine.
Where is the entrophy? Is it in the taking away of the weight of the ball in its descent by the friction of the flluid movement and the working of the lining against the cylinder wall? So What, it is the net weight of the ball that is producing the fluid flow after all of this entrophy.
The second thing you should have noticed is that this is a compound mechanism, two seperate machines in one body, each working independent of the other. The first runs its way, then, disappears from existence, the second appears and runs its way-then disappears. There is no need for any energy to be expended in order to reset either of the two mechanisms to their respective beginning points. The thermodynamic laws have nothing to hold on to when the machine ceases to exist half way through its motion.
It is a discovery that you have missed, the existence of compound mechanisms. This one has two facets and produces a perpetual motion mechanism that produces enough motive power to turn a generator. What will future compound mechanisms be able to do with twenty facets? These are a new kind of mechanism showing us that we were living in a two dimensional view this whole time, a view governed by two dimensional laws. Now we can see these two dimensional machines/laws now represent only a micro-percentage of the now possible designable machines. We were in the dark, the compound mechanism light has come on but many wish to keep their eyes shut anyway.
I correct myself, present day scientists have always represented the greatest hinderance to future scientific gains.