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Everything posted by pnm

  1. Hello everybody! I have some questions regarding nanotechonlogy and nanorobots, it would be great if someone can help. 1. How does the Velev nanorobot work? I know it uses a diode that creates some kind of fluid flux and moves the robot, but can anyone give me more details? 2. Does this model illustrate the Brownian hatchet principle? 3. In the Brownian hatchet models that are based on the periodical change of potential (symmetric-asymmetric), how do they change the potential in practice? 4. Finally, considering a Brownian motion of a particle that has 1000 possible positions, (probability of each position is pi=1/1000), can anyone explain to me this expression of entropy: S = sum from 1 to 1000 of ( pi . ln(pi) ) ? Thanks a lot!
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