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Thanks for the clarification. This is a good point, however, it is not true in all cases: 1. Someone or something has created Reality for us, a la the Matrix. 2. What is "really" out there is detrimental/harmful/traumatic when observed, thus we get a watered-down experience, or perhaps a distorted one in which we can function, rationally. What someguy is stating is merely Existentialism, which by its very nature will never be proven right or wrong, which is why it will forever stay firmly planted in Philosophy. i.e. tree falling in forest, Plato's Cave, etc. It may, however, help us to cope with our perception of reality, realizing that we may not be capable of observing "reality" for its true self (if you can even state it as such w/o involving a human), which leads us to #2 above. Perhaps in our continued evolution, those individuals who can grasp counter-intuitive concepts such as time-dilation and many things quantum, will find success and advance our species. So there is still room for natural selection, but maybe it is not finished yet.
Here's something that perplexes me... When we speak of time travel as a possibility, we always arrive at the paradox that if you met yourself in the past or in the future, then your path through time would then have changed, blah blah blah.... it can really make your brain hurt. But... Doesn't that violate all of our conservation laws? In fact, it doesn't really make any sense at all to think of time travel in that way. If you could travel through time and take yourself to another point, what's the guarantee that anything or anyone will be there? Aren't we all in this time? How can there be infinite GalaxyBlurs at infinite points in time? Now, I tend to think that Time is just a construct invented by man to connect events with each other, and although useful, is not a feature of the universe, per se. But still, if Time is something we travel through just as we do in space, I see guys like Stephen Hawking talking about Time Travel and wonder, "Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?" Or have they.... Comments please!
someguy, I agree on all counts, whole-heartedly.
are we talking about proving hypotheses or just talking? I'm confused... there seem to be two different vibes happening here.
it is an assumption, unless you consider human experience to be an accurate way to observe said phenomenon. Which I don't. And also, maybe he can and choses not to, and he never has done so. right. What percentage of people would claim to have a divine experience? And, what percentage of those would be lying or delusional? We may never have a way of knowing that. I was simply referring to those people who appear to be prophetic because of their divine experience... sparse. You're right, if we consider everyone to be telling the truth and/or not delusional, then sparse is inaccurate.
when i say relativity, i'm referring to the principle. the theory merely expanded upon the principle and used it as a postulate, but did not replace it. Galilean Relativity did make sense to a lot of people (including Einstein) and still does make sense. It was never wrong. The definition of universe gets changed all the time. Its an abstract idea. How would you define it? It was stated in the thread that they must accelerate at different rates, but perhaps immeasurably different. Someone went on to say that there was once a heated thread on this very topic. So I can't be the only one ever to make that "claim".
I worked with people with autism and other conditions for 5 years. Changed my life. Remember, autism can be as crippling as something like cerebral palsy. They're not all savants, or even close.
Please explain your non-sequitur comment... As far as the Earth being the center of the universe, perhaps it depends on your definition of universe. and according to this thread: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=27466 I am not the only one to make such a claim about gravity.
good point. very true, and I admire that side of him. I'll concede that there is a chance that relativity is an illusion or just an artifact of our ignorance about the universe, but I personally don't believe that is the case. according to Relativity though, you could say that the Earth is the center of the universe and you'd be just as correct And heavier things do fall faster, its just not noticeable to us because they're so small compared to the Earth. But perhaps that's another thread
and you also assume that our deity would chose to communicate with us, or would even have the ability him/herself. Perhaps we all can communicate with a deity, should there be one. Maybe he just choses not to do so. Or maybe there are physical limitations that he encounters as well that would make his communication sparse.
Wow, a busy day at work and look what I've missed Thank you all for your responses, I will try to read them thoroughly in the morning. I have glanced over a few though... lucaspa, I first assumed and will always assume that it is from a lack of knowledge that I personally cannot explain this apparent situation. I think much confusion has come from the fact that I am not a scientist, and although I read and study as a hobby, this is obviously a limited scope from which to make an argument. Hence, I am here seeking second opinions. If I thought I had all the answers, I would never have needed to post in a forum such as this In the same way I could not speak to you in terminology and semantics native to my profession and expect you to grasp it all, I am not in a 100% "scientific" mindset. I have my roots in art and philosophy, and this is my perspective towards science. When I say "law of nature", I am not referring to laws that we have created from data that pertain to certain experiences and not necessarily others. I mean, nature's true self... the "universal constant", GUT's, TOE's, etc. Things we have not yet begun to understand, but I greatly desire to understand them. If there is a better term I should use rather than "law", please enlighten me. And, I know that Einstein took Galileo's Relativity Principle and expanded upon it 10-fold, but you also must realize that Galileo's principle and Einstein's theory are vastly different things. Galileo constructed not only a scientific principle, but a philosophical one as well.... it reaches beyond the realm of science. Kind of along the lines of Existentialism. One of those things that makes SO much sense, it MUST be true. It reaches beyond proofs and data; it is simply the only possible outcome.... kind of like Darwin's Evolution. So, with no disrespect to Einstein or his contemporaries, I don't think SR or GR should have to enter into this equation at all. They involve many more complexities, and I think Einstein would agree that simplicity and minimalism is the universe's true nature. Occam's Razor, etc. Perhaps we have come full circle (E=MC2 style), or perhaps not. So, I hope you're all enjoying this discussion and are not just trying to thwart me away from your forum and shut me up Because I'm enjoying trying to see things from your angle. So, not to use a bad pun, but please humor my perspective and bear with me. Like I said, I'll read your responses more thoroughly in the morning.
Any frame needn't be invalid, if we can find the true nature of things, right?
Kind of... Let's look at it like this: does the Sun have kinetic energy relative to us?
I understand the curve very much, if you believe that in your reference frame inside a rocket, let's say, you have acquired "energy" and therefore mass. My question was, relative to you inside the rocket, have you acquired energy?
I understand the exponential curve associated with reaching light-speed. That's not what I meant. I think I'll start a new thread for that one