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Everything posted by DevilSolution

  1. Theres 3 main approaches to my knowledge, Association, Classification and Clustering, the latter is somewhat random depending on the algorithm. Heres a link for more info http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ba-data-mining-techniques/ Heres a link for some open source software http://www.borgelt.net/software.html What specifically do you want to know? Pattern recognition is quite a common topic in data mining. A little more data https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_rule_learning
  2. I think you need to look into reverse engineering and decomposition.
  3. I retract that, they renewed my licence!
  4. Its not coincidence no ones ever seen me and brad pitt in the same room......just saying.
  5. The source, BBQ or mayo?, C++ or java?, BBC or aljazeer? If only we could agree on the source.....
  6. Do you wanna buy a cabin cruiser on the staffs and worcs? 2* 100w solar panels, regulator, TV, cooker, toilet, no head room etc?? got solar panel Christmas tree and fairy lights aswell!!!!!!
  7. I haven't questioned your credentials, just asked if there was a capacitor inside that stored enough power to trigger any mechanisms for safety. I was mainly talking about closing off the gas supply to the chamber as i guess it would eventually leak.
  8. When you say "The models arent real, the math isnt real, but the logic that composes reality is real." I hope you understand that all the maths is doing is identifying the logic that composes reality and quantifying it in a formula or such. When you say it's not real do you mean that the equations do not accurately represent the "logic that composes reality"? Such that if we want to find the height of a building that is 70 meters away and we've found the angle of elevation to be 40 degrees from base level and we then apply the formula [math] height = adjacent * \tan(theta)[/math] Which is 70 * tan(40) = 58.73 meters. Now are you saying that 58.73 meters is wrong? the equation is wrong? or measuring in meters is wrong? Just as a side note, if they're not real how come they work so well? Take mechatronics for example (mechanical and electrical engineering), if the maths behind these equations we're using to transmit and receive electrical signals are not real how does a radio stream live audio from someone 10,000 miles away?
  9. [math]70*\tn[/math] [math] [/math]
  10. Well i guess that sums that up then, i was hoping there would be more to it but it all makes sense :/ cheers for the clarification.
  11. Ahh that does explain the 5p dates and the 1971 date, but the year 2000 they seemed to be pretty happy to mint as well. I guess there's logic somewhere, "its the millennium lets gets loads of shiny coins out and melt down the old rusty ones"...hehe
  12. I suppose by the law of probability if your taking say 1/10 of old 1's out of circulation each year and printing 1/10 new 1's, There's always the chance a few coins get taken in higher proportion. Especially if the year they minted that coin they were only taking 1/20 out and printing 1/20 new? I'll get a bigger sample and do the proper statistics, i need to get 1 of each coin for everyones birthday anyway, so i could always go to the bank and swap out coins until i have my 11 sets and by that time i imagine I'd have some pretty strong figures.
  13. Since when has the French been a voice of reason in diplomacy? Other than helping america out during the biritish civil war they have pretty much been the whipping boys of politics. Other than the anglo-american relationship, the french are always next to follow. Are you going on the basis that they are closing the borders because 1) lack of identification, 2) the influx of immigrants to their country is unsustainable? or 3) They are xenophobic, 4) They are scared of ISIS infiltration? Don't forget, these "refugees, migrants, immigrants, et.al" alike are all headed north or north by north west, that's where the benefits are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare_state#/media/File:Social_expenditure_as_percentage_of_GDP_OECD_2013.svg If you're a refugee from syria your safe as soon as your in turkey....and hence no longer a refugee. They then become migrants and immigrants. (although there is international laws regarding accepting refugee's, refugee's shouldn't explicitly be allowed to choose where they will be "safest", once the immediate threat is gone, you can no longer be classed a refugee?, I imagine Germany only take so many because they enjoy cheap labour.....)
  14. I'm trying to remember how the sparky's at work wire up the boilers but i havent really looked, if the current stops then i guess the boiler has a little capacitor with enough power to switch the locks?
  15. Okay so quick brief, each year our family does a secret santa, usually we'll buy something gimmicky and something useful however after sorting my collection of spare change into relative piles i thought it'd be cool to give my secret santa a set of coins with the date of their birthday. (There's a few who obviously fall into shilling and threepenny bit, so they're excluded). Anyway i started sorting the coins into relative piles for people i might get, so the coins are 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1. Anyway as i was going through each coin in succession i soon found that some dates were particularly common and some particularly rare which got me thinking, why would a coin as old as 1971 be so common yet a coin from 1986 not appear once. In a sample of 200 1p's i found atleast 10 dated exactly 1971, a few from 1975 and a few from 1978, then they are sporadic. Like i might find 3 from 1981 and 1 from 1982 and 0 from 1984 ... and 0 for 1986 etc as might be expected from a random sample. Except i also found over 5 dated 1999 and over 5 dated 2000 but not many from 1991-1998 (other than 1993). It wasnt just the 1's, for each denomination there seemed to be a pattern of particularly common dates, for example 5p's there were plenty from 1990, 1991, 1992, 1998 but not 1 from before 1990. (although the sample size is alot smaller, around 100). It just seemed strange that with such a small sample size certain dates were so common, again i'd attribute random sample distribution to the outcome but for each denomination there seemed to be very common dates and some that i couldn't find at all. Now in each denomination the newer dates 2010+ were by far the most common, but after that each denomination seemed to have marginal patterns (although i cant speak for the £1 and 50's as i didnt have many hehe). The silver coins were especially common from dates 2010+ which indicated the central bank perhaps regulates them more to stop counterfeiting or some of these were counterfeits, because for the 1's and 2's there were many more older coins and the ratio of difference was approx; 1s and 2's from 2010 - 2015 = 1/3 then 2000-2010 = 1/3 and 1971 - 1999 = 1/3 (which are fair ratio's given the dates) 5's, 10's and 20's from 2010 - 2015 = 2/3 then 2000 - 2010 = 3/12 and 1971 - 1999 = 1/12 (which seems heavy loaded) So im wondering 2 things; Firstly is their alot more counterfeit silver coinage hence the dating? or does the central bank regulate silvers more heavily? Secondly why are there such common dates for particular coins? Do people horde coins from particular dates or does the central bank remove specificity dated coins? Or were there more coins printed in that particular year? Sorry for such a long post about coins ( i dont actually collect they're just spare ), but it just strikes me as odd that there is just obvious patters in the dates. Regards.
  16. I'm confused as to the nature of the question. Are you really asking whether we would trust a computer running windows (presumably non biased OS) to run a gas boiler? or are you creating a debate about the safety of a windows box controlling a gas boiler over the conventional tailor made PCB? If I really wanted an interface for controlling a gas boiler I'd attach something simple like an arduino with a wifi shield and have that connect to some homebrew android app. That way you could connect the boiler to the router and have your android connect to your router (through your own app so ssl enabled) and your phone could control or view the properties of the boiler where ever you are. Only thing you'd have to do is ask ISP for a permanent DNS.
  17. I was only joking and under the influence myself when i wrote that. On a serious note your idea is more founded in philosophy where you could say something like "Every new concept my mind creates (or comprehends) is unique and every thought i have about that concept too may be unique". Something like that, It's conceptual, You could also argue idea's are dimensional, which doesn't seem unfounded. Perhaps not in the physical sense but in the mathematical. (here's a non refined example) 1) The first dimension is understanding of letters and differentiating vowels and consonants. (a point) 2) The second dimension being the understanding of letters making a word. (a vector) 3a) The first part of the third dimension could be understanding the word has a specific meaning and type (3 vectors, noun, adjective, verb..etc.) & (a tense, usually of a verb but there are lots of tenses (which you could argue add dimensions themselves)) 3b) The second part of the third dimension would then be comprehension of sets of words making a sentence, if they have the right order given the type. (connecting vectors into various shapes) E.G "I am not small" which is "noun verb verb adjective" creating 3 dimensional space (I think) 4) The fourth dimension could be that certain sentences can be defined by a word. (wrapping the third dimension over) E.G "Would you like some cake?" -> (3) "I would like some cake" or (4) "Yes". E.G "We are" -> (3) "Showing each other why we disagree with each other" or (4) "Debating". 5) The fifth dimension i suppose would be a recursion of the fourth, which would lead to more precise language and complex concepts. To add to this I suppose you "could" say that each time the process of recursion happens your adding a new dimension if perhaps that new word or concept diverges enough from a previous concept or word, so for example. (wrapping the fourth dimension this time, making X dimensions). E.G The concept "converse, conversation and conversed" would be dimensionally parallel to "talk, talking and talked", whereas; E.G The concept "debate, debating and debated" would be dimensionally different to "argue, arguing and argued" because they are both dimensional extensions of "talk, talking and talked", similar but different concepts included such as "talked civilly" and "talked aggressively". This obviously isn't an accurate representations of the dimensions of language but it should be enough to relate the dimensionality of your thoughts to Where the dimensions are incrementing composite concepts. One last thing, there would be some discrepancy with (3a) and (3b) as these are also recursive processes, to understand the meaning of a word (3a) you must know it in context or various context (3b), so perhaps you learn the type, then sentence, then meaning? I think these types of idea's are strongly related to AI. Finally mathematical dimensions and physical dimensions are different things, i believe mathematicians and scientists use them in different ways to get different results so i suppose you could argue the dimensions of language only have to adhere to the dimensions of mathematics, which is quite vague, look up: n-dimensional hyperspace. And here's a cool video to watch if you haven't seen it: However this video explains the possibility of physical dimensions which obviously already exist mathematically. Hope this gives your "hypotheses" a little more scientific ground. If you read my above post, there could be some practical application within AI and machine linguistics. Also he's a 13 year old kid so i'm guessing he's looking for idea's to bounce off, rather than creating a scientific thesis.
  18. The second example is purely mathematical, well i mean you'd find it in a maths book not a physics book...although it may be related. The first pertains to a property of a physical entity, which is fair enough, i suppose that would be a category thats stands outside of time. So then all physics other than equations regarding physical properties of an entity are based on time? It is the relation of change between entities?
  19. The colonial age is over and since WW2 there has been no major force involved with land grabs (not including border disputes or civil wars (such as bosnia and czechoslovakia)) which means any invasion of foreign troops is politically motivated. If we cut to the chase almost all foreign invasions are over money (mainly oil), power or ideological. Pretty much all cases fall into the former. Now i see no reason for any country to invade another on that basis. Which is why NATO is even involved in the middle east. If a country is at civil war its up to them to sort it out, there's a reason we killed gaddafi and not mugabe, that reason being that gaddafi posed a threat to the west with the unification of africa under a gold standard (massively depreciating fiat currency and giving africa a great deal of power over its resources) where as mugabi poses no threat, even less of a threat he is a danger to his own country, which we obviously dont care about. This shows how corrupt the west is in its foreign affairs. It's all smoke and mirrors, self preservation of power. Now as we shouldnt be there in the first place i see no reason why we shouldnt remove ourselves, its not america's job to police the world, it has more than enough problems at home. There's obviously psychology to this which you dismiss, i dont condone the results but there is some sympathizing that can be made. One example is the bully, i dont know the statistics but generally speaking a typical bully will have been bullied himself or have some psychological issues regarding childhood, so although the bully is wrong to bully its actually caused by some other issue directly effecting that person. The answer isnt to systematically punish that bully the answer is to find the cause of the problem and stop it. This spills over to the extremist and its actually quite sad to some extent, to think that these people are willing to blow themselves up and attack as many random people as possible before doing so just to make a point. That point isnt that we should all be scared of this terrible group of people, the point is they are desperate humans with very little options for there country or beliefs. If you flip the coin and say china was politically manipulating america, invading different states if they make too much noise or wanted a particular resource then you as an american would think "how is this fair?", they take our wealth, murder anyone who tries to stop them and then make you the american look bad for trying to stop them........ I dont think its as black and white as they make out. Like there's a group of evil humans trying terrorize us all for no apparent reason. Again im not condoning it, i just find it sad that they need to resort to such desperate measures to make a point or a stand.
  20. Does there exist any physical equation where time is not a variable, this obviously includes any derivatives. Also I'll tighten the parameters a little such that anything involving EM waves are a function of time (such that 1 cycle from any wave is the shortest unit of moment) Secondly, quantum mechanics is disqualified, mainly due to the fact i have little comprehension of it, However feel free to write an QM equation that also doesnt have a derivative in time. Regards. As a side topic, i just realised there are plenty of equations regarding force and energy. Force refers to motion which atleast has a term of time. Energy i suppose is unique however disregarding potential energy, Any transformation of energy must have a time element. I think there will be definitions? but no relationships. the definition of a watt = amps * volts, which obviously has no T in there but both volts and amps do, they are derived using time.
  21. [math]b_n= \frac{1}{T} \int^{T}_{0} f(t) \sin( \frac{2 \pi nt}{T})dt[/math] [math]x^2[/math] [math]xt=a0+\sum[a_k * \cos(\lambda_k * t) + b_k*\sin(\lambda_k*t)] [/math] [math]\lambda = 2 * \pi * \nu_k[/math] [math]\nu_k = k/q[/math] [math]a_0 = \frac{1}{T} \int^{T}_{0} f(t) dt [/math] [math]\frac{cov}{\sum^{n}_{i = 1}(x_i - \bar{x})^2 } [/math] [math]\sum^{n}_{i = 1}[/math]
  22. Computer, C or any derivative. So subdividing the x axis into equal sized arrays? (and maybe permutating the sizes?) Heres the general formula i have: [math]xt=a_0+\sum[a_k \cos(\lambda_k t) + b_k \sin(\lambda_k t)] [/math] for(k = 1: k <= q; k++){ xt(k); } [math]\lambda = 2 \pi \nu_k[/math] And [math]\nu_k = k/q[/math] Not sure if the a and b coefficients are the same formula i have. [math]a_0 = \frac{1}{T} \int^{T}_{0} f(t) dt [/math] [math]a_m= \frac{2}{T} \int^{T}_{0} f(t) \cos( \frac{2 \pi mt}{T})dt [/math] [math]b_n= \frac{2}{T} \int^{T}_{0} f(t) \sin( \frac{2 \pi nt}{T})dt[/math] Wow getting the Latex working was a nightmare it kept inserting /span and /font tags mid expression...weird, oh and i guess the [math]a_m[/math] and [math]b_n[/math] are [math]a_k[/math] and [math]b_k[/math] But they're from different sources, as i mentioned earlier about the coefficients. Does any of this look right? i Think the general formula is a form of multiple regression, it goes on to say how to use the results in a periodogam and how to refine the periodogram for leakage using padding, tapering and smoothing. Sorry i can already tell im off the mark with this, the coefficients must be figured out but my equations aren't a general formula (i dont think). In simply regression the coefficient is the slope angle of [math]\frac{cov}{\sum^{n}_{i = 1}(x_i - \bar{x})^2 } [/math] but im not sure how this relates to the a and b coefficients. Any idea how they're derived???
  23. I love the way that any western "terrorist" attack is splashed around the media endlessly while there is constantly acts of terror far worse than this happening to people everyday in 3rd world countries. I think this illustrates the influence of media over our general outlook. I wonder how many people actually understand the current situation in the middle east and what has caused these outcomes. For example right now there are 4 primary ground forces at war with each other and each having different goals, the kurds, ISIS, the rebel group conglomerate and assads forces. These are just the ground forces fighting (mainly ISIS) but also the general consensus of the rebels is to remove assad aswell. Then the financing of these forces, again all with their own agenda's........Any form of terrorist attack (muslim) will automatically be associated to ISIS aslong a the west want assad out of power, unlike russia who back assad. I hear rumours that the Hezbollah are being shipped in too......Such as a sad state of affairs, all in the name of oil and money essentially. RIP victims of this attack, but its your countries foreign affairs you should be blaming. Not refugee's, immigrants or even extremists (as they are just an effect). 1) It's usually a 1 way ticket, most peoples fear mongering is centred towards refugees and immigrants in "disguise" 2) I'm not sure the initiation techniques conform to most people moral compass, if there was an infiltration it wouldnt be easy. 3) The disaffected youths obviously gravitate towards politics and religion, I don't think they are concerned with the trivialities of the general populous. 4) I don't fully understand how you "penetrate" the dark web, its simply unlisted websites and servers that tends towards accepting connections via particular protocols. You could only shut the server down and arrest the owner, but that isnt a massive achievement. 5) Stop invading foreign countries, Stop creating civil unrest in foreign countries. Be more transparent in your countries intentions, including "by proxy".
  24. What do you mean when you say "schemes"? i presume i'd have to apply data smoothing using maybe multiple regression so the data is of curved nature rather than jagged?
  25. Yeh it was the fast fourier that was mentioned but then i did some further research, the document im reading is regarding data mining and identifying patterns in data. The data is Forex and stocks, which i know have no seasonality or periods persay i was just curious as to whether the FFT could dissect discrete data into frequencies. I suppose the series is related to electrical circuits and breaking down carrier waves etc. Could it have any application or am i wasting my time?
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