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Everything posted by DevilSolution

  1. Firstly what about a organ in a cosmic organism, secondly the planet has certainly grown since its genesis, life has spawned and it has expanded in size. As for reproduction perhaps the combined diversity of life here represents the DNA of the planet and we ourselves are the mechanism of reproduction, though unknown yet, we could potentially hold that key. Also what about the parallels between say humans and the earth, would it not be wise to use the mechanisms of an advanced organism as the template for our political and economic systems rather than say capitalism which, if we were to draw parallels can only be seen as a virus due to its exponential growth which is eating the earths resources at an exponential rate for its own purpose. If we look at earth as an organism, or an organ really, the capitalist system is a virus within the organ, exponentially growing and eating away its resources and slowly killing it. Are there any white blood cells out there?
  2. Morgan spice, Tortilla chips, World cup :D :D ;D

  3. The term "energy" is used to refer to different forms of work done or to be done (within a state of matter). Each form is distinctly defined and has its own sets of laws, such a thermodynamics. However the term is really applied when these laws interact with each other. Like when kinetic energy has friction the result will be heat.......The transition is the essence i suppose. Everything could potentially said to be "in motion", even a spring on earth is spinning on its own axis around the sun, it also has alot of electrical activity within its atoms, whether these are forms of "motion" has no bearing on each form of energy. The unifying feature of energy is that they act upon one another to create a force, which by definition relates to motion. So to some extent you are correct (though personally i'd say the essence is the relationship between the different forms).
  4. Just a pet concept i've been thinking over; I'd like to know if theres any scientific theories related to the earth as a living organism. Also any parallels drawn between forms of life and earth; For example canals are an old method of transferring loads of cargo from one place to another (here in england), now we use roads and lorries, the parallel here is that the canals are the method used in plants to transport minerals and nutrients to the required cells in comparison to the roads and lorries which are the the veins in a human body. Faster at moving, moves bigger loads, more organised etc... There are plenty of other parallels that can be drawn up, like the birth of the internet, relaying messages with a pulse of electricity over a given space, routing through different continents, countries and states / counties / provinces; this could be paralleled to the human brain, which sends electrical signals through different sections of the brain (continents, countries etc) through synapses / axons (routers). The list goes on and on, but ultimately could the earth be scientifically viewed as a living organism? not necessarily conscious, much in the same way the process of evolution isnt conscious. Could it unconsciously purge itself? Much in the same way white blood cells arent conscious of the fact they are fighting infections. Any other parallels are appreciated as is any information regarding the earth as an organism. As a final footnote, would it not be wise to draw parallels between living organism, such as ourselves and political, economic and logistical concepts we currently use. ( such as the rather flawed monetary (capitalist) system ) Regards, Devilsolution.
  5. I became i spider, was in a state of complete fear, when i come around i seen a spider not 50 cm away from me. It was as if i had experienced being a spider for the space of 20 seconds and the fact there was a spider evidently next to me during the experience i didnt pin down to coincidence. As i stated though it was an induced state of consciousness.
  6. What neurological effect does this have? I dont fully understand all the terminology, mainly the "it physically occludes the pores of the calcium channels present and effectively takes Calcium currents out of the equation" part. Regards.
  7. I also consider the divergence in languages across the earth as aspects of the brain, the communication, war and evolution serve as analogies of the thought structure of the combined consciousness. Where, for example, german may be used as abstract schema and english be the cerebral cortex .... not in any absolute terms just as a vague idea. I had a really strange experience on salvia, but that was drug induced.
  8. Why mention anything to do with age?? 5-hydroxytryptomine is serotonin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serotonin I'm surprised you couldnt find a wiki page over the space of a whole night.
  9. No definitely not bipolar. I take SNDRI's for that......only joking.
  10. p != np is a heuristic problem regarding the fastest path to a location when the intermediate steps are not known.
  11. No its not OOP, though with enough work you could make it OOP in theory. Its just a programming paradigm that all come from some fundamental logical architecture. C++ is a very efficient language, There no "easy" language really, certain concepts require alot of time to understand. Python is a nice starting point for programming because alot of the lower level stuff is done for you. I personally enjoy using pointers and memory management though, gives you more insight into how computer really work. Im currently using java and c and thats mostly what we did in university computer science, though we also did SQL, PHP, JS and Scala. Didnt touch C++, c#, .net etc at uni, they gave us the more "open source" route i think. C++ is a good starting point, learning the syntax and how to problem solve is the first step to programming. Heres a few things we covered at uni.... DRY principle SOLID principle MVC architecture Unit testing, Use case diagrams, Version control. OOP principles (polymorphism, constructors, getters/setters, abstract, instantiation etc) In advanced software engineering we did re-factoring and design architecture. The three key aspects of computer science are machine learning, design architecture and graphics i think. Little side note, javascript is actually quite a simple language, it makes OOP principles fairly easy for you and jQuery is built from JS.
  12. I dont mind stating a few...... I sometimes dream of tangible concepts that seemingly relate abstract idea's. For example i dreamt that i was england and my brother was america.....and my mother russia...ha. The scariest was when i thought everybody were chemicals, i was at a rave and started breathing slowly and at one point held my breath, everyone in the crowd seemed to stop and look at me at which point i started breathing heavily and everyone went back to raving. This lead me to think that everyone at the rave were my air and the mix of personalities represented different chemicals in the air. I've been in strange social situations where what somebody has been telling me has induced a heavy sense of connotation that made me believe or temporarily become them, it was like coming face to face with myself. I've had a few experiences of deja vu where i've felt like i'm stepping outside of some illusion and without any emotion just perceiving reality. I also had a bit of a break down over the nature of life concluding that all we essentially boil down to is a set of electrical signals, i didnt enjoy that. Mostly though i just perceive tangible concepts as abstract idea's and totally misinterpret the reality or nature of a situation. EDIT: I come up with loads of strange concepts but i mostly just store them as "maybe, maybe not" in a philosophical sort of way, however the examples stated above induced a very strange perception of reality, perhaps temporary psychosis?? The dreams i know aren’t any sort of reflection of reality. Philosophically speaking i think we all perceive reality differently due to genetics and environmental variables. Some things cant really be expressed in language, they are experiences that can only be experienced and hold no value to any one but yourself.
  13. Depends if were in the matrix or not. If there's some conscious being able to adjust mathematics on a whim then mathematics is only a temporary tool.....
  14. Because i quite specifically equated belief of god to creation, if its determined everyone must fundamentally believe in something, do we not all believe in some form of creation?? Between neurology, philosophy and science there are egg shells, i wish to crack them all I also made clear that god is subjective not objective, the point being that obviously subjective beliefs combine in to a combined belief ad these combined beliefs seem to be condemned by the pseudo intellects.
  15. Theres also a shit load of 5ht-2/b firing off in your heart. Its lush. The biochemistry is instilled within us. Love is a biochemical reaction to your environment, if your in love, you will feel it. On a personal level this usually has an array of requirements for the feeling to become overwhelming such as admiration, attraction, respect etc.... There's a flaw in the biochemical plan though when its not mutual, at which point pain becomes loves nemesis and jealously shall manifest itself negatively. Sadness soon follows.
  16. Doesnt everyone have a personal god? whether that be defined in terms of an omnipotent, benevolent being to being oneself? Even ones beliefs could be defined as god, the structure of ones perception. cognito ergo sum? As such, if no one has any objections, why is science so objective of a combined belief?? I dont mean in abrahamic religion persay, i just mean in a combined belief in some form of creation. To conceive of something from nothing is beyond belief.
  17. Extracting* Were abstracting nature not earth. Nature is a force that works in swings and roundabouts, if we as a combined organism fail then we will cease to exist. Right now you might argue were at war with earth but not nature. Everything is natural, our thoughts, our processes and our relationship to the earth. The nature of humanity may mean we will destroy ourselves, it seems that the effect is widely acknowledged but not the cause. They all talk about the drinking but never the thirst. A drug addict can binge itself to death, respect for anything requires insight. Forces have no emotions, it amoral.
  18. If you need to ask, your not. Skip to 1m30s, for some reason the timestamp doesnt work :/
  19. Well actually i overlaid the original with a song that fits perfectly then put a remix in, got the timings exactly how i wanted them. (mainly the crescendo) Watch in 720p with the lights out for best effects. Regards.
  20. I presume you make functions for each question and call them in your program. def pi(c,d): return c/d print pi(31.415, 10) print pi(78.5375, 25) Thats an example of pi i think. Percentages are easy total / 100 * percent. Follow the same steps for all the examples required. Regards.
  21. So, e = mc^2 is wrong then? Because thats the process of transforming one physic object (mass) into heat and others (energy). You sure no one else uses that definition?
  22. Okay PM me when your online next so we can organise it.
  23. So we can hypothetically have metals sitting in our neurons right now? Or is there actually definitely gona be??
  24. Having control of your own biochemistry would be awesome, from a scientific perspective we've got to understand we can only process so much data (visual, audio, conceptual etc) and over stimulation would probably be detrimental. I'm not exactly how sure how an organism would react to itself in such a light.
  25. Why are there so many guests here "just browsing" hella old posts.....?
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