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Everything posted by DevilSolution

  1. Before you read i'll put in my 2 cents; Cognition is an innate ability, every person is born with a natural ability to be good at something or other, your brain is like any other muscle and can be trained to work in a particular way, much the same way you can train to become a long distance runner or sprinter however you are still limited by your genome. If your going to invest in a particular aspect of cognition be willing to trade off some other aspect of intellect. If you want to be a math wizard you may find it harder to relate to people less inclined in your field for example, or if you want to master problem solving you may overthink social situations et cetera.......That being said, this information is invaluable if you wish to increase your overall brain capabilities by simply applying science to that which you require.....hope this helps. Cheeky copy and paste from another forum i found useful. "When looking at the brain and human memory you have to consider a variety of things which increase the ability to store, process, and recall information: 1) Cerebral blood flow - Neurons require large portions of our bodily blood flow to function effectively. More blood flow equates to increased oxygenation, which is required for energy formation from the powerhouse of our cells, mitochondria, when needed. More blood flow also increases nutrient and protein availability in order to express brain relevant genes and help in the conversion of precursor nutrients into relevant molecules that are required for optimal brain processing. 2) Adequate supply of nutrients required for the formation of neurotransmitters - these include amino acids such as tyrosine (precursor to adrenaline/epinephrine, noradrenaline/norepinephrine and dopamine), tryptophan (precursor to serotonin), acetyl-CoA and choline (precursors to acetylcholine formation), etc. Sufficient vitamins/minerals/nutrients are also needed as co-factors in many cellular reactions that are used to clear out debris from inside of our cells, and maintain proper cell functioning. Glucose is the primary food source for neurons of the brain. Better glucose regulation leads to better brain functioning (i.e. eat right and exercise to avoid diabetes - diabetes messes with brain functioning!). 3) A large supply of antioxidants - When parts of your brain are very active then generate large quantities of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which go on to damage cellular proteins, cell membranes, etc. Antioxidants act to "mop up" these ROS and prevent their eventual "brain fog" causing properties. Phytonutrients (e.g. from blueberries) can also help to make cells in our body produce more of our own "endogenous" anti-oxidants, which are best at countering ROS and keeping brain cells happy and firing. 4) Excitability level - Neurons only send transmission after they have received enough activation in order to "fire" and send on their signal. The most prevalent source of excitation for cerebral cortex neurons is through activation of glutamate channels by glutamate neurotransmitter. This excitation is mainly opposed by GABA and glycine neurotransmitters acting on GABA and Glycine channels, respectively, which effectively blunt the signal as they are inhibitory. The brain requires the precise and correct combination of excitation and inhibition in order to work optimally. Both too much excitation, or too much inhibition and the system will not function at its best. 5) Levels of neuronal branching - Neurons receive signals primarily through their dendrites, which are like the arms of a tree. If a neuron is very healthy it will be more branched, and the more branched the more information the system can hold (more connections between concepts are able to be formed). 6) Metabolic health - Neurons, as cells, are required to produce large amounts of ATP (the energy molecule of the cell). Sufficient production of ATP is needed in order to sustain neuron activity for prolonged amounts of time. ATP is broken down during use into ADP and AMP, which can signal to the cell that it is tired and needs to rest. If you can recycle ADP and AMP back into ATP faster, then the brain thinks it is less tired and can maintain high activity for longer. Alright, now that you have a little background let’s get in to what to do to boost brain function. Here are the basics first: A) A general multivitamin (best/cheapest I find is LifeExtension's 2 per day multi's) - Provide you with the general nutrients to manufacture brain chemicals. I buy mine from iherb.com. You can use my coupon code "DET108" for $5 off if you are a first time customer. NO, I don't have any affiliation with them, they just have pretty good prices (but you can find better prices for bulk items on other sites!) B) Get plenty of exercise - While not a nootropic pill per say, this is one of the best for increasing levels of nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), both of which increase the amount of dendrite branching and increase connections between difficult concepts, which helps with memory and with solving problems. Also, exercise helps with maintaining blood vessel elasticity and compliance so that blood flow can be better directed to different parts of the body when needed (i.e. makes the blood vessels of the brain more responsive to changes in neuron activity, and therefore helps neurons become more efficient at getting nutrients and functioning at their maximal capacity). Exercise also stresses cells, and makes them decide to clean out cellular junk/debris so that they function more efficiently. Further, it helps neurons build up a tolerance for functioning at high capacity with lower levels of available resources (neurons can adapt to exercise over time by becoming more resistant to becoming tired - means that you can study for longer without feeling as tired and without getting as much brain fog). C) Get 7-10 hours of sleep a night - helps with keeping neuron energy stores high and promotes larger brain levels of NGF and BDNF. Proper rest, and a consistent sleep-wake schedule, can be the most effective "nootropic" that most people can give their bodies. The recommended amount of sleep for most adults is 8 hours, but if you need more for functioning best; work it into your schedule. After you have those ones down pact, here are certain supplements/drugs/herbs that will help you out. Most can be bought from iherb.com or nutrabio.com (cheap sources). Take all on an empty stomach. All separate doses should be taken 4-6 hours apart. Do not take less than 4 hours before bed: D) Coenzyme Q10 + Bioperine - Aids in ATP production in cells. Bioperine, which is usually found combined with CoQ10 helps with absorption of many different nootropics - recommend 100-200mg CoQ10 per day divided between 2 separate doses E) Acetyl L Carnitine (ALCAR) - Acts as an acetyl donor in the formation of acetylcholine. Helps transport fatty acids across the mitochondrial cell membrane to be used in the production of ATP. Increases receptors for NGF - Take 200-500mg, divided into 2 equal doses per day F) CDP-choline - act as the choline donor in the formation of acetylcholine - take up to 500mg per day, divided into 2 doses G) Ginkgo biloba - Increases cerebral blood flow and acts as a antioxidant. - Use 50-100mg, divided into 2 separate doses H) Rhodiola Rosea and Eleuthero - These ones have pretty complex mechanisms of action, but in short they acts to reduce stress from long study hours, increase attention, act as antioxidants, boost levels of synaptic neurotransmitters or act directly on neurotransmitter receptors. They have a primary function of acting as "adaptogens" which help the body adapt to long periods of stress. They increase the amount of time that you can concentrate on a task at hand without becoming too tired to continue studying from the stress. I recommend relatively low doses of these when combined together and when taken with the other supplements on this list. Rhodiola Rosea - 50-200mg, Eleuthero - 100-300mg. Divide all of these into 2 separate doses. I) Omega 3 fatty acids - Help with cell membrane stability, increases ability to concentrate and relieves stress over the long term. - Take up to five capsules per day. J) Creatine monohydrate - Take 2 grams per day, PLUS 2-5 grams right before a big study session. Creatine plays a role within the cell of acting as a temporary energy carrier (as phosphocreatine), and is able to help replenish cellular levels of ATP by donating a phosphate group to ADP." Regards.
  2. Heres a few idea's to add; Do you want to speed up growth? increase yield of said chemical? Create a varied yield of chemicals? Extract specific chemicals? I can give you a few pointers to each of the said points but each requires time and patients and to some extent some experimental equipment (however you can send a specimen of for lab testing if you dont wish to personally test quality). Regards P.S the process wont usually come from adding a new chemical to the plant, the plant must already poses the capabilities of producing some level of the chemical you wish, from there you can enhance the plants yield to a high degree. There's an array of knowledge you must know about for a plant to grow such as nutrients, lighting, hormones, pollination and yes you can manipulate the growth with specific chemicals. I'd also recommend doing extensive research into genetic engineering. You can breed true, so to speak, certain traits, such as chemical yield, plant size, plant growth etc.
  3. It is true that heavy metals have a 15 year half life in neurological cells? And do they block receptors from receiving transmitter loads? And can you purge the metals?? Regards.
  4. We're all heaven sent, didnt you know?? But no longer.....how strange.
  5. Does zero actually exist?? The concept of diving something by something that doesnt exist is nonsensicle
  6. What if you mix alcohol with other CNS depressants like bezo's?? am i going to die???
  7. You seem well articulated, do want to *talk* in english? Things like ventrillo and teamspeak are full of geeks who will *talk* to you. You have to find a server that suits your needs.
  8. Anyone else ever read Recursion by Tony-Ballantyne??
  9. Its interesting that it spins for so long, if you wound the rope in the oppsosite direction you could gain more energy, the water spinning device could be a straight dynamo. I'm not too sure of the science here but the energy you get from the system will probably equal the energy used setting the mass on the rope each time. Whats the force that makes it spin counter clock wise from a straight rope??
  10. I know what watts are and ohms, How does an arc relate to X-Ray's or the EM spectrum at all? ive not applied any magnetism to it of any kind IS the transformer or arm letting off radiation?
  11. What do you mean X-Rays by all currents?
  12. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WAS A MOVIE? its the best documentary made. ever. You could scientifically become a centaur, whether thats the same as who or what you are now is irrelevant to the fact its possible you could become a centuar. The beef is with science not philosophy. You argument is the same as saying the me of 5 minutes time is not the same as me now....
  13. I know this is old but ill answer it anyway, given that the holes are always a specific size you can just check that the circumference == 1; for every pixel on the screen if circle fits holes count++ it all depends on the size of the holes, you could create your own function to find the perimeter if the holes are perfect circles and you could make a function to build circles of any set size relative to the radius. Basically you'd need a fair amount of computation to run this from the ground up but you'd go through each radius of the circle until you found the right circumference for the holes then run that size circles against the picture. You'd save a tonne of computation knowing the size of the holes, from there on out its easy sailing. Build a circle using different radius to find the size of each hole then fill them using a recursive flood fill aglorithm. SIdenote: To get a pixel perfect circle you need to do for(radius = 500; radius > 1; radius--){ steps = (radius * 2) * PI x = radius; angle = (2 * pi) / (360 / (360 / steps)); <- this get the angle in radians which sin/cos use as arguments for(i =0; steps > i ; i++){ angle = angle * i; // could do angle += angle, your just going around the full circumference pixel by pixel x1 = radius * sin(angle); y1 = radius * cos(angle); drawline(x,y,x1,y1); x = x1; y = y1; } } This will give you every cirlce from 500 -> 1
  14. Dont dismiss science, they built jurassic park right? Seriously though, gene splicing could probably make this possible. Scientifically not much isnt possible, not much at all.
  15. I like the analogy alot, It explains the issue rather well. I suppose trust comes if you have something to hide, maybe you use online banking, have confidential data or simply prefer privacy. The trust works on multiple levels, primarily you give your full trust to the OS which you run, secondly you give trust to the vendor software that has low level access like drivers. After that you put your trust in which ever software you choose to run whether it be a web browser, game or anti-virus software. The lack of trust comes from knowing that certain loop holes exist and can be implemented at any stage of the above list. Most scary for me is that everyone needs an OS though. You can choose between an array of web browsers or throw out your own GET functions and parse the return html yourself if you wanted, thats fairly trivial (In other words theres alot of this software, if one specific browser is especially vulnerable you probably got unlucky in using it). Each driver is specifically tailored via the vendor who's already paid for their contribution and same applies to all commercial 3rd party software really. Were essentially left with pirate software (not excluding a fresh OS rip from pirate bay) and vulns in 3rd party software that further escalates access into the OS etc. I mean if you break the commercial chain at any point, your at risk right? Also at the core of what im curious about is: if you built your own kernel and OS (lets say we get graphics libs etc but re-write the networking modules), who would be able to exploit it?
  16. Please do. Explain to me what symbols you use and what each represents
  17. I said it was a representation "tied" to reality, or in other words its mapped to reality, it is as implied a representation. These terms explain things like gravity which are fundamentally intangible objects which we "represent" through the use of logic. The fact that your house exists and gravity exists only proves that the representation itself is true, the drawing and gravity are both only representations of the truth, tied to the logic that both do exist. Or else she wouldnt have drawn a house and newton wouldnt have created an equation for gravity. Let me explain the first point of that statement with a question; Can you create for me some logical system or abstract notion that has absolutely no relation to reality? Any number at all, any formula, any notion, anything at all, that isnt some representation of reality. If you can im trumped otherwise the point is that every form of logic that exists only exists because its mapped to some form of reality. Therefor through logical deduction you can say it exists. Even if you have the logic and not the relation to reality, that logic fits somewhere.
  18. I'll sign up to any site but ive accounts on chesshere and chess.com, correspondence or real time. I'm not very good but i enjoy a game so let me know. If theres enough players we could set up a tournament.
  19. Your mis-directing the thread away from analysing embeded code from source and the threat to which method is the best for building a botnet or such. I know the process fairly well, im no expert but ive dabbled. I'm more concerned with programming and systems programming / high performance specifically. This is more what im concerned with. Writing kernel code and the dangers that can come with any OS that you yourself didnt program. In regards to the OSI thats the model all computers communicate so in any networked machine thats where trafficed data will be processed. P.S- a script kiddie uses a kiddie script. The context i used in was that a *kiddie script* gives you instant access, essentially anyone can use that script to gain instant access. And again, even after asking in the last post, i'd prefer you to answer my questions than debate single phrases ive used, if you dont know the answer then no worries.
  20. I dont feel like that, I've offered a fair amount of 'crack pot' threads and they've always been asnwered with no condescending mannerism.
  21. 4 * AA 3ah 1.3v batteries transformed to 500k volts and 0.008mA. Is it safe? I know human skin has between 1-100k ohms resistance and the human heart requires about 0.01mA to be deadly so i presume its safe. I dont know how transformers work or the inards of carrying current to the heart etc so just curious.
  22. I tend towards the side of caution, I dont deny their existence or perhaps their presence, but they certainly wont be seen unless they need to. This i imagine isnt in the form of 'general' sightings. Though i doubt their presence alot more than their existence on a 1 to 2^(9^(^9(etc))) sort of basis.
  23. Because its the only sure fire way to ensure security. I'm not sure why you went into detail over each aspect of the attack's that i used as an example of why the process is longer. Dont forget the ISP plays a big role in these kinds of attacks, i know because ive had a warning....then you go through each item i listed and each requires some application or knowledge. At the top level you develop your own vulns but that requires finding exploits in vendor software and the sort, an ardious business. You can collect vulns in a databse like on metasploit or openVAS (which is open source) and use methods of tracking new ones on the market but you either have to be a pen tester or pro hacker to really do damage. Point is to take computers down like this takes alot of practice, expertise and programming knowledge. My example requires basic knowledge if you had access to such things. Rootkits / bootkits are harder to distribute than you make out and again alot more knowledge is required than simply getting hold of some source code and recompiling with new code added, theres alot less hastle aswell, considering once its built you can leave it dormant until you wanna fuck with the system. The OP was specifically asking about detecting that level of sophistication and whether its actually possible. This seems to be a big issue: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackhole_exploit_kit Bootkits / rootkits / malware etc require incompetence of the user, everyones after a cheap buck and next to nobody is willing to pay retail on an OS like windows, so the OP still makes perfect sense. As i've also made clear in the following posts im also referring to pirate software and vendors. I said kiddie script in than EXACT context, if you re-read i said it may be instant access through use of a kiddie script or hash table, hash table table is brute forces big brother, the time trade-off makes breaking a password ALOT faster so access is quicker. No need to apologise, i do appreciate your input but please refer to my questions and not my statements.......
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