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Everything posted by DevilSolution

  1. Yes exactly, they used a second adjective to describe the passages.
  2. You'd be going backwards in time You can have a negative length as a variable in an equation, thats not theoretical. For example if i was 2m away from the post box and walked 3m towards it id be -1 behind it. Im pretty sure it represents direction.
  3. If your on your masters in computer science you'll have no problems with java, theres a few concepts to wrap your head around but if your on your masters you should have them under your belt by now.
  4. Well, if you use a graph you can have a positive correlation starting from say x,10 and going to x,-30, would this be what you mean by minus length? The answer is direction if the above is right.
  5. I'm not sure how to explain it. They went from 'inside' the cavern 'out into': Small openings or Great rooms. A small opening is outside. A great room is a big open space. So they went from 'inside' the cavern out into 'open space' and also 'big rooms'.
  6. In an sql you could store all the data in a single table and then query the data as required, the hashmap is the database. If it was larger and you required extra functionality from the databse you could query all the data from that table and store it in a hashmap.
  7. I just want to get enough posts to become an organism then maybe one day ill be a real boy.
  8. You go from 'inside' here, 'out into' there. I went from inside my house out into the world. I walked from inside the cavern out into the sunshine.
  9. I've studies logic quite indepth, sort of I've covered the basics for combinatorial, propositional and sequential logic but logic in these terms seems like a very 2D concept, they are the relationship between points, or ateast they could be. If we deduct that all math is only a form of logic regardless of the "type" of number being used, its still only a 2D representation of logic. A radius is a line between 2 points making it 2D, but again a perfect circle doesnt really exist, not in the 2D or 3D plane anyway. I personally think circles are 4D, thats why they cant be expressed in rational terms in the dimensions below (when i say expressed i mean comprehended correctly, the visual representation and the math defining it are 3D and 2D).
  10. Theres alot less work involved if you could circulate a seemingly legit copy of windows with your built in backdoors and keyloggers. In the case of breaking into machine on a peer to peer basis you would have to scan for IP's, check OS, check ports, check services running on them ports, check if you have a vulv for that version of that service, check if your payload works with the user priv logged in etc etc etc, theres a list as long as a peice of sring for breaking into a machine on that basis. Sometimes it may be instant, quick hash table or kiddie script but in others it can be almost impossible. The OP demonstrates an example of where you get automatic access to any machine that installs your modified OS. I think you see the danger here. You could essentially have unauthorized access to an array of systems without even needing to scan a single IP address. I'm not overtly paranoid about these issues however it seems fairly obvious that anyone running pirate software is at automatic risk. Also, how would you go about building your own kernel? would you need specific layers of abstraction built for you? I definitely wouldnt be able to build an OSI model for the network card in assembly. Is there some *safe* point from which you can build knowledge of these features?? And to that extent even trusting the compiler your using to construct the kernel itself. Is there like some very very basic system from which to start building and understanding??
  11. Any good math based films?? I' recently watched pi and the traveling sales man. Something along those lines.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis ^ I'm not sure if its been posted before but that gives alot of information on the topic. The jury's still out on this one though. From what i remember RNA would have been the first form of life to have been 'accidentally' created, given the right circumstances.... Life to me is as inevitable as the big crunch, its just a numbers game with infinite time.
  13. I think they're onto us, these onion people.
  14. The man in the van never showed up.....darn it. For some perculiar reason this has made me want to watch forest gump.
  15. Context i think. "Your not to do that" or "To not do that is the right thing" The first is when someone is telling you, the second is an objective statement. I think.
  16. The principle is very similar indeed, ive not really tried comprehending how energies would relate though i would imagine they are also invoked from the 2D using a particular set of logic. In these terms it would seem like physics and mathematics is the process of reverse engineering the logic invoked on the 2D to the 3D and 4D. We have finely deducted certain principles / axioms / laws / postulates et cetera by which were being processed except a few major gaps. The main one being time, which i personally think relates to circles. The other core gaps are the links between fundamental forces, which is waiting to be logically solved. And then ofcourse all the paradoxes.
  17. Again im re-opening a dead post but i'd like 2 things clarifying that relate directly to this topic i already started. First magnetism: Does magnetism work by much the same process as heat, such that one atom conveys no magnetic or heat properties but with a collection of atoms set with a particular configuration (electron polarity? (and kinetic rubbing of the valence shell electrons in heat?)) this then creates the phenomenon of the force?? And EM waves: How do we create radiowaves? something like the reverse of a dynamo?
  18. Thanks you for your input, I will certainly go ahead and read about them. (I've done some topology design and worked in the cartesian plane at uni). Im just struggling to abstract each concept from each other, since i was a kid there has never been any attempt on my part or academic to do such a thing. To seperate this 'form' of number from this 'form' never made much sense as they were always interwined and served some physical purpose. This does lead to my next question though, what dimension(al space) do circles belong? in 2D they dont seem to fit and as im currently seeing it, the 3D is just 2D with limits. Here's some philosophical concept which has got me confused equally as much: The computer monitor is an array of 2D LED's (or cathode rays etc), then when we apply sets of logic to this 2D space, such as our current laws of geometry and trigonometry in the form of logic circuits, we can create a highly sophisticated illusion of the 3D in the 2D array. Now if we were self aware being (or beings with the abillity to comprehend and perceive) and we were placed inside this 2D array; Would we perceive it as 3D reality? I.E do the laws super imposed by the logic allow us to perceive 3D reality as a form of the logic applied to the 2D space?? Regards. Just as a little extra thought: Would not all numbers have to physically exist for them to have been conceived? For lack of a greater example i cannot comprehend of a number (or logical system) that could exist if it does not fit into some model of reality. I.E (oyf3498t45t45f8548t89489gfj;;;;><><><>< dgfdgfdgdfgfg) <- this is a definition of a logical system, yet its conception would only arise should i have purpose to model it on, such that it represents how the washingup liquid relates the changing of seasonal temperatures (totally totally abstract but it shows how abstract the logical system can be). However certain logical laws may be more related than others, atleast from our perspective and specifically for our use.
  19. So these: Define the logic for all of the different 'forms' of number such as: And these forms of logic notaton regarding the definitions of numbers relates to the dimensional space in which they are used? such as: Which would mean all numbers are dimensionless unless applied to some dimensional space at which point they cease to become abstract and are tangible to the space they are represented in?
  20. I understood your post to the most extent, ive done some matrix functions with trig to manipulate triangles, wasnt aware that it created the Cartesian plane, i thought that was the product of 2D geometry. I still dont understand how numbers can be dimensionless entities, they exist in some form to represent some other.
  21. I'm curious as to the nature of numbers and have come up with a little concept. I've recently found a new love for maths so ive been going over some geometry, trig, algebra, calc etc and have a few basic questions. What dimension are numbers? Based on the fact logic works in binary i concluded they are 2D but have no idea. The euclidean geometry is 2D? can all shapes be expressed in these terms? i know there is 3D geometry but it too is express in mathematical terms which seems to impose its only a 2D manifistation of 3D reality by the use of logic. In my mind right now i see numbers as 2D, shapes as 3D and reality as 4D. Each heirarchy can be expressed in the lower dimension but not in absolute terms. Much in the same way you can create a 3D world on a computer screen that exists in a 2D array of colour and whose numbers are being crunched by a 2D process(or). 1D Vertex. 2D Logic. (of vertex's / vertices) 3D imposes a physical limit to geometry. 4D all the above + time. What dimension are numbers???
  22. How do you process the analogue data?
  23. I'm not sure, talking as much as you can in the language will help, rosetta stone perhaps?? There is probably lots of websites to learn from, but talking is best.
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