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Everything posted by DevilSolution

  1. Can we chemically modify the water to be less detrimental to equipment? or that what already happens? I only ask because with nuclear power on the rise (a new one being announced here recently) and nuclear waste a clear cut future problem as well as fracking, why are we not investing more resources into technology such as this?
  2. Does pouring salt on a wound actually kill bacteria? say, a cracked tooth.
  3. I've pretty much run out of idea's and question the ones which i think are mine so this is a somewhat penultimate thread of my curiosity i suppose. Okay so lets assume our conscious mind is the one in control, the all powerful. It has an override feature to some instincts and some very important ones at that (such as eating, sleeping et cetera). Now its obvious that whatever my conscious thinks my body will enact, i tell my arm to wave and it will be done, i tell my head to spread open my hand like a spider and so it is. What really makes my head spin is that really my conscious mind is a buffer for the subconscious, in reality my conscious mind is the hand and my subconscious the brain. My subconscious tells my conscious mind what to think, how to behave and what to believe. The reality being that really my subconscious mind tells my conscious mind everything it knows, like a data feed of sorts, i can consciously querry it and ill get a response, sometimes i get back a nice neat little response that easilly formatted and parsed and printed whereas other times it simply times out or returns a corrupted packet. The bottom line being that all my thoughts and idea's are actually some *mostly* filtered response from the subconscious. When i believe ive thought of some new idea or have personally found the answer to a problem i automatically presume its my own because there is no IP address to thanks for the data (though with some data the IP is part of the request), which means this answer actually already existed, i didnt create it, my subconscious just (passively) filtered the origin from me. Would this mean that no thought is ever unique? Just a hidden network of facts waiting to be queried?? What potential does the conscious mind posses when its finely tuned to querying more precise data? Is that even possible?
  4. I dont think you can interpret viscious intent from somebody's writting, some people talk big but act small. I could say for example i want to join the army to kill people, it doesnt imply that im capable of passing the barb, fitness, or actually able to take another mans life. To threaten is to instil fear it doesnt necessarilly correlate with actual violence. You should probably concerntrate your efforts on finding a method of venting the anger of such "viscious intent". As for the program, it would be mission impossible. 1-2 guess who, 3-4 check the door. You can always implant meaning where there is none.
  5. Magnetism and Electricity are different forms of the same force, i think its best to start from the ground up and learn about electrical charge in atoms, how the electron, proton and neutron are related and then how chemically they form certain bonds which create magnetic flux. I'm not sure of any specific guide but theres lots overlapping science that are pre-requisits in understanding how magnetism works. Essentially EM makes up a large portion of physical reality so its a very vast subject.
  6. I think theres plenty to interpret from religion, thats what my post represented, albeit vague. I dont think anyone has an answer or finds it easy, you'll get lost in it if you let yourself. Hopefully you have a speedy recovery so we can hear from you again. Stay strong!!
  7. I dno, i always act like a tool trying to get attention, never works out, ever.....Its 10 times harder with a chick you care for, the less you care the smoother things run.
  8. I dont personally think theres a new force waiting to be discovered that will unify the 4 forces, i think they fit together like a jigsaw, like were trying to reverse engineer the programming used but are missing a critical equation that allows them traverse. Gravity somehow being the key, maybe the odd one out, but i dont suppose any fit together?
  9. Here's the bible : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book:Astrodynamics I'd also skim through this one aswell though : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_philosophy
  10. I personally dont believe in heaven either but i dont dismiss it on scientific grounds. Its a very well rounded spiritual belief people are entitled to. I think its a specifically usefull concept to use when dealing with death and children as the other option is hard to comprehend even as adults, the whole spiral of philosophy you must wrap your head around is ridiculous. I agree with you on other issues though, i wouldnt apply the same rules to political or historical truths. Death is a void children have no way of understanding.....so a conceptual placeholder is created.
  11. I feel bad now, i was just being defensive. The pull and push is purely scientific yet i feel this to be well founded both philosophically and scientifically, its just difficult to express my comprehension of it especially in any scientific terms.
  12. The title clearly states "concept", one which is extreamly hard to scientifically prove, but within the realms of possibility. More importantly is the logic defining the concept, which is concrete.
  13. Well by default your saying the difficult truth is that heaven is a made up entity i presume? Unless you propose telling the kid that your not quite sure if it exists and you wanna start a debate with them? Because scientifically there's no verdict on it. Its scientifically here nor there, its not been disproven, its not like lieing, such as saying that iron is stronger than diamond, which is scientifically incorrect. Its just a concept, exactly the same way as fake borders and laws are concepts, they are no more scientific than heaven. You can believe the borders exist, but i assure they are every bit as man made as heaven.
  14. 'FOR' god 'SAKE' I think it boils down to your perception of reality, benevolent, malevolent, light, darkness. God represents all of it. It's less a question of what god IS but what we ARE..... Cast into terra, until we can play nice....i presume.
  15. No it doesnt, nameless amounts of scientists have dreamt up theories that at that time couldnt be scientifically proven due to lack of apparatus. They were'nt wrong because they didnt have the means to prove it, they were shunned for what they believed. Without the help similar minded people having the same beliefs, the truth may never have been brought to the light. You know what im saying, centuries after idealising something the means become available. Its certainly not uncommon for a theory to be announced before the science is able to prove it.
  16. You've got to remember that once they question the aura of religion themselves what you said will be inconsequential to most extents, if they decide against religion their critical thinking skills will be sharper due to the motion they've been lied to, if they decide upon themselves that they wish to believe in life after death, nobody was hurt. You may have slightly influenced them towards believing, but thats dependant on your role in their lives and also on how they interpret what they're told. It marginal really and nice concept to believe in as its harmless. (though religion on the whole might not be)
  17. I agree, with everyone who's anyone looking to unify the quantum with the classical, the end seems on the horizon. Though the OP is completely wrong in terms of the frequency of discoveries, the unification seems to spell the end. I think a new chapter will open in terms of manipulation of these principal laws such as engineering them to perfection. He's talking in terms of discoveries not practical application.
  18. What you have in one aspect you loose in another, its a simple trade off. The greatest scientific minds might work brilliantly at storing facts and linking related subject matter but be aweful at spelling, articulation or sporting ability. Same aplies to savants, what they have in cognition they loose in social capabilities. The list goes on, the trade offs are sometimes not so obvious, it all fades into some sociological equalibrium really. Just swollow what you can, your subconscious usually gives you what you need, unless you've overloaded it. Subconscious and Intelligence are very closely related, the strength of communication between your subconscious and conscious mind gives rise to your intellect i believe. Unfortunately what your conscious mind actually is in the physical realm makes this scientifically sticky. A NASTY BUG.
  19. Digging up dirt but i found this link and its GREAT. http://htwins.net/scale2/
  20. So the frequency is accountable to the wattage? as in something 50hz will be drawing 5a's and something 60hz 6a's? The amp shunt gives an analogue read of all amps leaving, current sensors read each specific device from the switch board. Does the frequency only effect amps being drawn? because if so it doesnt need to be written in to the code.
  21. The issue is either in my articulation or their interpretation. I simply offer a hypothesis, no evidence. An answer for the faithful blackhole in knowledge. I could write up a more detailed thesis on this as i still think its well founded, unlike alot of my other throw away idea's. On second thought, this doesnt need to be re-articulated, it is what it is, you can either comprehend it or leave it. Spirituality and Science are 2 sides of the same leaf, one requires interpretation the other requires proof. Both are needed. Cheers dude, ill have a read.
  22. Pm me your code, i wanna see what the updated version looks like. Ive been developing in PHP recently and have unlimited hosting so if you wanna port it into Django you can host it on there, ill give you a user ftp account and a sub domain. Hit me up. P.S ive not used python for a while but its fairly similar sytax to PHP other than whitespace indentation, 'sorta'. P.P.S you wanna feed it a database or xml feed from a dictionary / thesaurus to give it more meaningful output, i think i understand what your trying to achieve but machine learning is very difficult.
  23. 'False' and 'impulse' rhymes in my accent. Which is standard english with slight brummy overtones. This explains the eminem thing.
  24. How does frequency work exactly? isnt that relative to devices using clock cycles? like TV's and PC's I understand basic principles of electricity as i did a project for a 12V power management system using arduino but i never incorporated hz into my peukerts equation so im quite worried now The equation dictates the rate of discharge for lead-acid specifically to account for sulfation of the cathode/anode so im not sure how relative frequency would be?
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