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Everything posted by DevilSolution

  1. is it a sequential pattern? i can apply multiple other logics to it..... for example you could tally the type of each number to create a pattern or create a mean that correlates with the amount of numbers.... sequentially you COULD use '8' and '20', i think this makes both sets of 5 numbers equal 75...
  2. nootropic drugs and research are legal, as are other chemicals that may not be known to the public because of the hazards they pose.
  3. What about nootropic style drug research? they must have fronted some development in them for an edge in the international socio and economic battle
  4. Please quote me saying that i think the earth is not over populated? i hypothosized 2 solutions, i fall into the latter... Its naive to compare 2 different species in that context, we use logic to create solutions, they run on purely natural instinct. We wage a totally different war on nature than any other species does.
  5. I gave an example of a drug that was being actively researched *way back when", im asking if its possible and if there are examples from recent times, this is why i posted under speculation....I think ive elaborated enough on *sophisticated* to be suffice. Regards Yes, i was reffering quite specifically to the CIA research, but that seems to be a black hole of information now.
  6. As i mentioned that was a patial example, because im unaware as im sure most people are of exactly what level of sophistication is actually possible, im simply curious whether there are any known examples of *perhaps* stacking chemicals to create the desired effect. The government would have obviously spear headed such a campaign for national defensive purposes. The actual effects im reffering to is perceptive orientation, thought contraint or belief tampering. I'm not suggesting they are or have been actively used in the field of duty but i think it would be a fair queston to ask if anything has leaked through the cracks...... Regards.
  7. That map correlated closely with inflation growth, or a more the more accurate growth of GDP....We just need to grow up, literally speaking. Just farm upwards instead of outwards. You must either admit everyone offers something or be willing to sacrafice yourself, you cannot simply say the world is over populated without being part of the solution....its contradicting and condescending.
  8. Does america use 120v ac? Power is universal, i dont see why a device with the same output would use more or less...
  9. If the government were capable of creating highly sophisticated drugs way back when (after and during the 2nd world war++) then what might they have in their current arsenal, what tools logically could they have developed but kept under smoke and mirrors? ...... Partially learning towards drugs like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3-quinuclidinyl_benzilate This is purely speculative observations ovcourse
  10. Shell scripting is a far cry from the OP. My advice is to get familiar with Eclipse first because it has lots of plug ins and a bigger user base so there will be more support should you come into any issues compiling and running your project. Also, as far as your program goes you can get the required result with only a few functions tailored for your needs, one that checks the abbreviation against the list as i demonstrated earlier and returns the new string. One that breaks the sentence down into words and injects the new word/'s while deleting the old one. If your going to expand the program further it might be useful to break these functions down further so that other functions can benefit from smaller functions. So for example in the function to replace the words you might want to have another function that break the sentence into an array of words, a function to find the location in the array to switch and finally a switch function. This will allow your code to be easily maintained and add a higher level of functionality, it also adheres to certain programming principles such as DRY (dont repeat yourself) which basically means your not using the same code twice. Hope this helps.
  11. Okay i see, quick switch though, how is sin and tan programmed? Also my formula calculates sin(45) precisely, would it be on the right tracks for a single formula regardless of the angle?
  12. Im curious to know the relation between sin and cos on a ratio basis. Sin(45) and tan(45) both give approx 0.7071, how do they relate in ratio terms of incremental degree's? The gap decreases? im guessing its something to do with working from 90 as base and then scaling it to 0.1/0.2/0.3 etc as used on a polarized circle graph. The linear ratio would be 1 / 90 * theta; sqrt(2) / 90 * theta gives "close" result upto Sin(45) so the reverse could be used for tan. Is this the right track?
  13. Cannabinoids like cannabidiol have been proven to catalyse rogue cell death and protect healthy cells. Not a cure but preventive measure. I only heard this from a documentory though
  14. String FromTo(String varString){ for(zero ;to amount of abbreviations in Abbreviation array; thisnumber++){ if(varString.equals(Abarray[this number][0]){ varString = Abarray[this number][1]; return varString; } } } Think this would work as a simple pseudo java template, c wouldnt be much more complex, you might have to write a character equivalence function though theres a 99% chance of one existing in the standard libs. Decision branching isnt needed as its a direct lookup to an array, though you could use more efficient search algorithms, its not important unless your dealing with large quantities of data.
  15. Quick fire question, what does each do....5-HT/1....5-HT/2-a/b/c et cetera Theres triptans that block migraines that work on the 5-HT/1's but purpose built to not act on 2-a/b/c?'s is it that 1's work in different particular neurological pathways to the 2's or such?? My biochem and neurology are in infancy so analogies work well Regards. UPDATE: Do the selective 5-HT,2/b agonist's give a non-psychedelic feeling? And what does blood brain barrier mean?
  16. why is chemistry a BA not BS?
  17. Okay cut to the chase, after a quick google search it seems ive inflamed a tendon on the top of my right foot. I can both walk and run on the foot but to the dismay of a long aching feeling after ive finished, the issue is ive just started training for a charity run in less than a month. How long will i be out for and can i train through the inflimation / strain without causing more damage? Regards
  18. If you dont understand why something is as it is or why you've used it then chances are you're not a good programmer, like any specific area of science, programming requires lots of time and effort to understand.
  19. Thats true, you could use the water as a mechanical method of preserving electricity, the 3 phrase is good because it can be turned easily into an electrical motor.
  20. Physically other than an electro-chemical reaction (lead-(sulphuric) acid / lithium-ion etc) you need a magnet and a conductive coil. The mechanics behind the spinning mechanism will need "SOME" source of fuel, gas, wood, muscle etc.... conventionally steam is created which turns a turbine.......... Magnetism and electricity are one and the same, therefor the process spinning either a magnet around a coil or coil around a magnet "pushes" electrons down the coil, 3 magnets are used with a single ground usually and pushed to very high voltages, a transformer is used to knock the voltage down to 230/40 for household appliances, if you wish to store the electricity in a battery you will need to ionize an electrolyte which are generally highly acidic, so if you plan on making and storing electricity you need to make a coil / magnet mechanism that feeds an electrolyte solution. Chemically you wouldnt need many base elements: Copper, Iron, Sulphur, Lead .... etc
  21. Well my primary concern, other than the overall security of any cybernetic system would be its use: Such that a developed nation such as the US would invest in cybernetics soley for war, it seems inevitable that the creation of such technology would be government funded for its purpose as any consumer alternatives will not be cost productive or required. Im talking in terms of physical advancement, "iron man", "robo cop" style. However the other direction wouldnt have any great need for purely physical improvement, we dont need to run faster to catch food or get to work, thats all provided. So from a commercial perspective the only real market would be increased brain functionality, such as cognition and memory. If the system is completely electrical based (transistors, capacitors, magnetic disks etc) then certain regulations would need to be put in place. However i quit like to think that some organic alternative could be made.
  22. Just curious, if you were to take the Nervous system from every different species of animal, or mammals and connected them, how large a system would you have/??
  23. Its not a photo-voltaic process, its electro-magnetic. Magnetic pads would work in a similar fashion to transformers. http://www.theengineer.co.uk/automotive/the-engineer-qa-wireless-electric-vehicle-charging/1015639.article
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