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Everything posted by DevilSolution

  1. well it might not be ugly, but it has a high chance of retardation.
  2. I just wanna find some gold, why cant i use a bomb to unsettle it and net it further down my own stream? They can in my country... I'm not sure if religious or other intent is required.
  3. What number would you place on it from 1 being smallest? Also if the first and last were recursive so 0 being smallest? I dont have facebook. Thx though.
  4. Nobody said parents were perfect or god.
  5. Okay just toying with a concept, basically id like to create a scale of one thing to another in a ladder type fashion. It doesnt have to be a size ratio necessarily but a basic rule applied to each scale. The basic rule being that the next in line is the accumulation of the aforementioned So, for example: Sub atom < Atom < ??molecule?? < Organism < Animal < Planet < Solar system < Galaxy < Universe Im not sure what would go from Atom through to Animal but i think you get the idea. Im not sure if molecule fits, or whether a macro-organism is separate entity to an organism.
  6. Im confident that something would arise in its place, maybe in a more interconnect fashion the concept of religion arises but i believe the perception of your parents from birth will only be replaced by your belief in something else.....something greater than yourself. Maybe your country, or language, or philosophical outlook or divine creator as is most commonly settled upon. Also i dont mean to say were not born with a set of hard wired neurons, things that give us sight and hearing and virtues such as curiosity or determination. What i mean is the software, the black hole of what that curiosity and determination create, that eventually creates circuits in the minds, of which the first being your perception of your parents.
  7. You can make a very basic explosion using something like flour given an ignition, that would probably be impressive. Its possible to turn bio-waste (poo) into flammable gasses using a catalyst for decomposition, methane i presume, i can find the documentary if your interested enough.
  8. If you look at it as a hierarchy then physics and philosophy would be the roots, creating the trunk. Physics then branches off into all other fields of science and philosophy into the arts. Cosmology and Astronomy would be 2 primary branches of physics, Cosmology being cause and effect, Astronomy being the current state.
  9. A 12V battery bank of 4 linked up to a basic power management system which is charged by photovoltaic sheets (solar panels), do you require a full house or simple appliances?? if your conservative you can get a fair amount of power and storage for £1k Depending on climate certain technology would be best suited, if you have a local stream you can go hydro, consistent high wind go turbine, long hours of sun go solar and ovcourse if you have any local woods or oil you can generate electricity with a generator. Theres a final method that i most enjoy but its practicalities are overbearing, essentially electricity is generated by some spinning mechanism, if you can dig far enough into the earth or are close to molten rock you can create a process that requires only initial setup costs by having the earth turn water into stream and then feed it back into the system. Also its important to remember certain appliances drain power alot quicker than others, things like washing machines and dryers eat electricity like theres no tomorrow, compared to say a phone charger, radio or 5w < lights. A final note, if your pooling cash then you'll have a better chance at obtaining off the grid status than if you go alone with £1k, the more you gather the better the bulk price on battery's and solar panels. Infact if you were able to get a whole town involved and push the price to 2-3k then i imagine you'd be almost totally self efficient.
  10. Smoke and mirrors....and lasers
  11. From what i know phehethlyamine becomes serotonin and dopamine via the metabolic process, the transmitters are hugely catalysed by phenethylamines, tryptamines, cathines and assorted other alkaloids .... much greater than that of ingesting cocoa through chocolate or spicy food.... There is no "phenethylamine" transmitter, there are "trace amines" which im not quite sure about but they dont seem very prevalent in the brain...
  12. In communication terms its relative to the architecture or protocol being used, in codec terms you could do it with 1 bit pwm probably but again its relative to the specific file type and stream. Its not necessarily the amount of information, more a case of the layers of abstraction involved or if single layer then how many commands are required if you simply have 2 functions, play and stop, then only 1 bit is required .... etc etc, pwm allows for 1 bit to read in analogue values and convert to digital meaning you can get alot of description from 1 track in serial.
  13. Its a ratio... Event(){ for every rect { ratio = old rect / new rect new rect = old rect * ratio repaint() } } Actuality is more complex but in essence the new rect sizes are ratio's of the old If you store each rect in an array or such you can increment through each in a loop, the ratio should be the same. side note in this form the rects will overlap if you make them bigger, you'd need co-ords for each rect also....
  14. The "machine code" is dependent on the CPU's architecture, ARM..MIPS..etc, there are 2 main assemblers used which are IBM and intel i *think*, its been a while and what it does is reference to a library of binary commands... i.e hardwired commands, PUSH, POP, MOVE.......
  15. I met a lecturer at a philosophy festival this time last year that has an IC chip in his arm that able to read specific data from his blood. It can read levels of chemicals that reveal his mood aswell as excitability and fear. This chip was linked wirelessly to a router and then through the internet and eventually to his wifes necklace which in turns has a set of LED's that glow different colours giving her live reading of his mood. It was an interesting talk on cybernetics and i believe hes a leader in his field, some the things he spoke of make the "iron man" image quite realistic in the foreseeable future.
  16. If god is fate, the huge computational machine giving way to cause and effect, then consciousness in essence is gods polar opposite ..... enlightenment is comprehension of concepts.....
  17. By the exact same token as " god is just an idea ".
  18. Video games are popular on computers, they are made on them. Certain genres are more popular such as RTS and MMORPG but your standard COD and fifa will be released on PC, pretty much every major title gets released on PC, PC also has better graphics if you buy enough RAM an a good graphics card. Skyrim shows this.
  19. I think your confusing language and comprehension with positive observation.
  20. You'll be required to maintain specialized stack framework on a specific OS. something like LAMP (linux / apache / mysql / php) is a prime example of a web hosting platform.
  21. That was harsh, you are given morals by the law because you didnt vote or make 1 (i presume) you fail to neglect the fact that the law makers might infact have religious morals .............british history is no prettier than christian ............
  22. Common sense ..... I didnt say some people werent sentient, i said some people are sentient enough meaning some can be more sentient, there can be a scale right? The people who beat dogs etc etc would be less sentient IMO. You can get B12 from yeast, which means beer and bread XD
  23. I had to think about how to reply because i agree with your statement but yet it felt like you dismissed the theory......... I appreciate your point and i agree but potentially my theory is an answer; as i stated in the OP this theory explains why people are so attached to this idea of "god", perhaps some people might look at this and rethink the strength of their belief in god, or atleast organised religion. Im not even sure how to prove a concept such as this, any ideas? I think a solid scientific theory such as this would shake the foundations of *some* organised religions, obviously it says nothing regarding personal spirituality. ​Im not exactly sure how other beliefs would be associated to this foundation.
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