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Everything posted by DevilSolution

  1. This theory does a good job explaining why religion exists, its not attempting to prove gods existence. It works for pretty much anyone to be honest. Perhaps you dont believe in any religion (much like myself) but i dont imagine you claim that the universe spontaneously popped into reality 14.5 billion years ago and 11 billion years later life decided to show up. Its difficult but imagine being 2 weeks old with no comprehension of language etc etc and then think about how your brain might develop (honestly try it). I suggest the only solid thing that would seem to exist would be your parents nurturing you, i think your perception of your parents would be the first to hold any value, hence the primary structure for the brain. Another way to interpret it is by asking yourself without this base structure, say perhaps you were raised by wolves, what do you think your perception of god would be?? At the end of the day gods just a concept, just like the concept of nature, its whatever you believe is true. Im just hypothesizing on what our very first belief would have been and then asserting that the perception of our parents is very closely related to the generalized concept of god (not the concept that eve ate the apple, the concept of a loving, wise and powerful creator). Just because you dont believe in the word "god" does not mean you have a different base structure, it means you're (probably) opposed to the idea of religion or know something i dont. Theres lots of reasons not to believe in religious definition of god given you have to take over 2000 years of folklore as fact. Your last argument isnt solid, everyone was told the tooth fairy was real but no one congregates in her name.
  2. Aha, im not doin a very good job here lol, i didnt want to imply you *ALWAYS* have to kill your own meat, just that if your not capable of killing an animal your obviously sentient enough to not need processed meat.....its almost like they couldnt do it themselves so they hide it away, out in the countryside where they cant see the animal get killed. I have 3 criteria i think people should tick before buying meat.....if they dont they shouldnt. Do you need the meat to survive? Can you kill your own meat? Had that animal had a free life?
  3. Cheers for the reply boss, it clarifies some of my questions so i have a clearer picture now. I still didnt understand the explanation of magnetism or how a force isnt required to keep something physical moving at a constant rate, its probably due to the counter intuitive nature of magnetism and the intuitive nature that physical "things" need a force to be put into motion and continue. I understand how electricity and magnetism relate, essentially existing as one force that interchanges however i still dont understand how a magnetic field exists in the first place, at the atomic level why do certain metals create this pull / push force? i think im confused because the nature of gravity is intuitive, theres no reason for 2 masses to attract but in a vacuum where only 2 objects of the same size exist it makes sense that a sort of suction would exist between them. Magnets dont need a vacuum.
  4. Cheers for your response, it makes sense that a mass should not be moving (having other forces act upon it) if you were to calculate its energy. Quick dumb question though, what actually has a rest mass? i mean everything is always moving, after the apple hit newtons head it sat motionless but really it was spinning really slowly, we cant feel the earth move but it is and the sun is moving in the milky way and even the milky way is moving towards andromeda galaxy. I suppose something can have a highly accurate rest mass due to gravity but wouldnt gravity itself then become relative to the equation? i mean if you weighed an apple on the moon its rest mass would be different? Or is it calculated using atomic calculations? Regards.
  5. As we are now on the brink of creating advanced biotechnology, I think some of the ethical issues surrounding the topic need clarification and also laws and regulations creating prematurely preventing any potential side effects from arising. This is what biotech has the potential to do: Keep track of bodily functions and ensure the user is healthy by repairing the function as required. Enhance the users physical capabilities allowing "iron man" style abilities. Infinitely improve cognition allowing us to store every bit of information indefinitely and automating mathematical and lingual problems. Okay so the main 3 issues which essentially give way to all others are: Can the biotech be created as 100% safe? So that internal IC's or nanotech cant be hacked or modified. How do we ensure that any physical improvements are for the benefit of mankind and not a single nation, avoiding much death. If we modify our cognition and have the full scope of human knowledge installed, how human are we? how far do we push it? how can we predict its effects on society and the mind? Ive come up with a few of my own solutions but i just wanted to open a debate and get people thinking, not preach. These issues will need to be dealt with within the next 10-20 years because if they're not and this technology becomes available without restriction, its effects could be catastrophic.
  6. Interesting ability to have evolved and posses, Im not quite sure how electrical and chemical signals work, i presume the electrical signal "awakens" the chemical neurons causing you to have a subtle emotion relative to the information you've just been fed. For example seeing a kitten will send an electrical pulse down all the relative structures (such as life > animal > domestic > cat) releasing its surge on the neurological structure of a kitten which in turn makes us go "awwww". If this is somewhere near accurate then i presume the organometallic chemical would have to somehow bind to a each neuron somehow?
  7. This time im curious (confused) at how EM waves convert (relate) to other forces in engineering and physics. For example how much "Energy" does a transmitter emitting radio waves for satellite TV have in terms of firstly Energy in GR terms but also into other forces such as kinetic or sound?? Im mostly confused with [math]e=mc^2[/math] because photons seems to move at c but carry no mass, meaning, to my assumption, they also dont equate to an energy? ( [math]0 * C^2 = 0 [/math]) Also if you rearrange [math]e=mc^2[/math] equation so that we equate any EM pulse to some measure of joules (however small) then it calculates some mass even for a photon and its mass would be: [math] m = J / sqrt(SOL) [/math] : i think? something similar anyway The Joules will be converted from voltage/ampage that a receiver conducts from a radio wave, or more importantly a photovoltaic cell converts something apparently mass-less into an energy which is directly related [math] e = mc^2[/math] Either way a definite mass should exist for the EM wave, or atleast thats how i perceived it given my limited knowledge. Also can anyone use an analogy or clear cut explanation of what ER radiation is and how it works? Simplified to a form that is conceptual rather than mathematical, although ill still examine any formula's. My current understanding is that Electro Magnetism is one of the 4 core forces in physics. Its the process of an elctronic wave and magnetic wave moving in inverse axis's somehow pushing the other along (like 2 cogs that move together). I've also been led to believe that in a vacuum all EM waves move at the SOL, regardless of its frequency or amplitude. I also know (or think, not sure about this one) that EM waves work within an atmosphere by creating a ripple effect on the electrons in an atom, but only in metallic elements that offer high conductivity or a magnetic field. Another thing ive been led to believe is that there's no absolute lower limit on the how quickly a wavelength can oscillate, which would mean the higher limit is defined by the SOL (higher limit is a wave that has been completely straightened, the lower limit a wave that keeps getting squished tighter and tighter?). The sun emits a varied array of EM waves that our ozone layer and natural magnetic core protects against. EM waves are illustrated using a sine wave. They oscillate once every period and the frequency is determined by how many oscillations the wave has finished in a second, measures in hertz. The height of the wave is called amplitude and it represents the pressure. The last thing i know about EM is that it is a form of radiation which means its not bound by alot of the laws of physics, it has no mass, will never end unless stopped by an object and is not bound to things like gravity (not sure about quantum laws, i have a question about this sentence) . What force keeps the cogs moving at a constant rate? (as in why do the waves keep pushing each other without ever slowing) Without any foreign body or object to obstruct it, would an EM wave continue infinitely? Does an EM waves velocity change when inside an atmosphere and if so how ? (I.e smaller wavelength faster velocity etc) What other physical laws are EM partial to? (thermodynamics, sub atomic etc) Which side of the spectrum does the SOL reside? Is there a difference between an EM wave and EM radiation? or is one a process of the other? If the sun creates an array of EM waves and while also defining the sun being primarily (or originally) hydrogen based which we know means that every element known to man is just a hydrogen atom super heated and or compressed, does this mean every atom has some degree of electromagnetic induction and electrical conductivity? (or are they by-products of the heat / energy being used etc) What or Where exactly does magnetism come from? (compared with gravity where we know two bodies of mass have a relative pull force (although we dont exactly know what creates mass)) Finally what, if any, relation does gravity and EM have?, Are they opposing forces? Or are they two completely unrelated phenomenon? (i predict the latter but dont understand why, i know they are both defined as one of the 4 core forces of physics but they seem to share the similar force of "pull" when analysing them both (the last statement somewhat implies that electromagnetism might create mass and gravity therefor a function / process of EM)) I've come to believe electromagnetism is one of if not the single most important concept is physics, however its also quite a challenge comprehending what it actually is and how it relates to other key concepts in physics. Regards.
  8. There is still been evidence showing that cows are highly sentient, hiding there offspring from slaughter and enjoying music etc
  9. yes you are right everything you said is right, how does it feel? I dont know why you bother. My whole post was a concept explaining why people create this concept of god and why it is innately built into all of us.... Im not trying to redefine god.
  10. You dont *need* to believe in organised religion, but you *need* a placeholder for the unknown. How else do you explain the origins of life or the universe ? Yours and the popes circuits will never have been identical, both perceptions of this original "god" circuit would slightly differ with the added variable of how that circuit then evolved. I didnt define god as someone who sent his son to repent for us, i defined it as the neurological circuit created because of the perception of our parents.
  11. One method is by using specific organometallic ligands that act as inhibitors to neurotransmitter receptors i think. Some sort of radiation is created when the chemical used by the neuron which a positron emission tomograpy machine will capture. Lots of different ligands are used for different inhibitors. Think thats sort of accurate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioligand to be precise. Lots have been found that arent in the list, not sure exactly what equipment is needed to capture the process yet.
  12. Without over explaining it; I think our need and belief in a god might stem from our earliest childhood where our nuerons have limited or no structure yet. I purpose that the foundation of all our neurological circuits are built from this original "god" circuit that we create from the perception of our parents, the all loving, knowing and powerful being. When we first open our eyes our neurological structure has no connections at all, by perceiving this all loving, knowing and powerful force we therefor build our first structure on this perception. Any ideas?
  13. I dont want speculation i want facts. I know ligands act in a similar fashion to the suggestion, but the chemical give of some radiation and are used up.
  14. What do you mean by sound? voice recognition? or voice output? or both? Yeh storage is cheap these days, are you going to store all the data it gets from the website? and if so might i suggest you find a way of backing up its state as required, beta testing could potentially break it.
  15. Access is authenticated with encryption, so unless you work for the NSA or have access to a super computer....its safe.
  16. Well the effects are unknown without a map of the brain BUT interaction is that of blocking or passing signals to neurons as already stated. This whole concept is quite multi-subject, but physically could the metalic (or other) chemical somehow interact with the transmitter to create and send information between neurons?
  17. If its browser based it will need to be written in Js or some other language your specific browser can parse. The problem with saving your program is called data persistence : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persistent_data_structure , quite a few ways exist but databases usually comes up trumps. As already stated version control is the preferred method for a team of developers to collaborate on the same project, GIT is not the only one that exists and is actually pretty new, but its already become quite standard and well founded. The GUI depends on what you need from it, knowledge of graphic classes is all that is needed really, though knowledge of OOP concepts will help. If you dont require any 3-d motion or physics it can actually be achieved with very basic knowledge of css or such.
  18. You can build something quite nice with the free dark gdk, its c++ and has loads tutorials and code with the download. http://www.thegamecreators.com/?m=view_product&id=2128 If you cant program then i dont know.
  19. As in, send something on that frequency that turns it on/off or otherwise controls it (perhaps analogue where it increases its strength to get a higher signal response in the neurotransmitter). I dont exactly know how radio waves and such work but basing it along those sort of lines. I.E a metallic chemical that sticks to transmitters and is controlled using something on the em spectrum. When i say control i mean either send an electrical pulse (axon) down the synapse to another neuron or inhibit the receptor from accepting neurons from specific transmitters. Is it physically possible?
  20. Just wondering what instincts are built into the human psyche. For example things like curiosity and will power. Is there a list of things we are born with and from which everything else grows?
  21. This isnt totally relative to electro magnetism but id like to know if it would be possible to inject a chemical into your body thats able to stick to neurotransmitters and then be activated using some frequency on the electro magnetic spectrum. the chemical itself would probably have to be of some metallic nature or atleast magnetically charged... Im curious as to whether this is physically possible.
  22. I dont disagree with eating meat persay, just the current system where animals are mis-treated and generally tortured If humans need meat and kill it for themselves then there is no issue.
  23. So a species dieing out due to lack of purpose is more ethical than an eternity of being murdered? with the added prolonged amount of torture it will receive given the unknown variable of whether it can be stopped? i think the option of wiping out the species seems rather more ethical given you conceptualise the animals existence from our own perception. I dont know about medicine or any alternatives, i presume the technological era we belong too could find all the answers to these issues by using methods like artificially synthazing whatever chemicals are needed from an animal. Again as ive stated the solution would only infect as many cattle as would be needed to knock meat of the shelves temporarily and therefor force alternative solutions in a much more urgent fashion. The ethical issue of the animals existence should be natures choice, not the humans choice of whether humans have a purpose for the animal. As a previous post suggested where (again i presume) herbivore animals exist, it follows that greenery and plant life follows, maybe with a little help from the humans currently un-inhabitable lands could become rich in life and vegetation. I base my argument and beliefs somewhat on ideological solutions but the counter arguments are weak considering the technology we have available to tackle the issues. If the argument of supplementing B12 via artificial methods isnt relative to the overall costs involved then what exactly is your argument based on? The people who die from need of water are not the same people who fund the mass murder if animals, those people have an abundance of water, your talking to me asif i'm personally responsible for already killing all the worlds life stock and letting people die from lack of a vitamin, people dont die from lack of that vitamin, at worse there memory gets a bit worse. I'm pretty sure your aware that if a large majority of life stock was to vanish overnight there would be systems in place and powers at play that will make the problem of B12 deficiency disappear overnight with a single signature, if it will be, as you said, such a huge medical issue.
  24. You answered your own question by your own definitions of the axis's; If (t) is infinitely large then it cant be shrunk, only the perception of its size from a relative observation shows it shrinking.
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