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Everything posted by griffithsuk

  1. so objects fall at different speeds but apear to fall the same on earth due to the short distance you can drop an object? Anyone know the speed/distance/mass equation? Another question... how did they weight the planets? If you drop on object here on earth, it gets draged around with the planets spin(we know this because when we drop something it falls exactly where we expect it to even though the planet is spinning), at what distance does this happen? is this drag relevant to the moon?Im honistly starting to believe in two gravities? gravities is a new word! think newton was very down to earth chap but did not think about gravity also drags.
  2. below is some calculations of the planets distances divided by there time of orbit, table taken from here http://www.telescope...lar/solar7.html if mass is irelevant to gravity i would expect the answers to the equations to be simular, but there not, there decreasing. distance / time Mercury 58 / 88.0 = 0.6590909090909091 Venus 108 / 224.7 = 0.4806408544726302 Earth 150 / 365.2 = 0.4107338444687842 Mars 228 / 687.0 = 0.3318777292576419 Jupiter 778 / 4332 = 0.1795937211449677 Saturn 1,429 / 10760 = 0.1328066914498141 Uranus 2,871 / 30700 = 0.0935179153094463 Neptune 4,504 / 60200 = 0.0748172757475083 Pluto 5,913 / 90600 = 0.0652649006622517 if you add the idea of mass IS relevant to gravity then ive multiplied the results by the mass of the planets: Mercury 0.6590909090909091 * 33.0 = 21.75 Venus 0.4806408544726302 * 487 = 234.0720961281709 Earth 0.4107338444687842 * 598 = 245.618838992333 Mars 0.3318777292576419 * 64.2 = 21.30655021834061 Jupiter 0.1795937211449677 * 190,000 = 34.12280701754386 Saturn 0.1328066914498141 * 56,900 = 7.556700743494422 Uranus 0.0935179153094463 * 8,690 = 812.6706840390883 Neptune 0.0748172757475083 * 10,280 = 650.1621262458471 Pluto 0.0652649006622517 * 1.49 = 0.097244701986755 now the results are all over the place. Simply can't tell if mass is or isnt relative to gravity. Anyone expand on my patterns? how does it all work?
  3. Ok, what does a man need to do to float inside a space ship? what is the enviroment? do the speeds of the planets match up to there distance from the sun? The space station produces gravity, at what distance?
  4. I have a newer theory, if you fly out to space, after a few miles you float in your spaceship once you leave the pull of earths gravity, so theres little/zero gravity in space, but yet the moon which is 200,000 times further away goes simply around. So the question is, is there two types of gravity? Or is mass relevant to gravity, things of different mass fall at different speed/force, but looks the same on earth because you drop something at such a short distance, they "apear" to fall at the same speed/force.
  5. Oh, sorry mate. It's simple hold the cd case out like a drinks tray keeping it flat, put the object on the tray. Spin gently around around like a kid, try so the object does not fly off. once you get good at it you can spin around twice a second and it wont fly off. remember to keep the cd case completly flat. Strange...
  6. Mate don't give up, it's only schitzophrenia, your clever! I have it too. What's probably happening is you have an ability like mine which is to speak to yourself in your own mind in any sounding voice you like, you can make your inner voice sound nothing like your own, your creative. You may also have an expiance of your voice sounding outside your head, from somewhere else. If this is so, like me your get better, its about understanding and controlling your condition, then everyting is great. In a few months time you may never hear voices again, there is hope, just belive in this. I know your doctor did not tell you this but thet did not tell you this either : http://www.sciencefo...sure-so-simple/ Chill out, stop smoking weed for a few weeks if thats what your doing(i do) See your doctor about a drug called aripiprazole, it's new, ive been a guinne pig testing it for a few years now, it's prety good mate. The good part is that you acept your condition, i know someone that doesnt believe they have the condition, thats why i know your clever.
  7. Think your having a laugh back maybe? sorry not got the time
  8. no, spin around like an ice skater. its the first science dance move Shocking science!Just can't belive it to be true. Anyone any ideas why?
  9. thats different, thats enertia keeping the water in the bucket. mine is free to fly off but it does not if you do it correctly. infact its the opposite, the enertia would make it fly off. do you fell dizzy? Think i have you all here. ive been thinking about this for a week or so now, its just so strange. Another great science party trick!
  10. grab yourself a cd case and something like an empty cigrette packet or simular. hold the cd case out close infront of you so its flat and place the cigarette packet on top. If you now spin around correctly the cigarette packet will not fly off however fast you spin. start slowly and no sudden accelarations Why is this? Am i famous now? Griffiths's circle maybe?
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