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Everything posted by JMJones0424

  1. Yes, 10:1 in this case means 10A:1B. There's really no need to etch anything into memory, all you need to do is pay attention to what the numbers in the ratios are representing. Note that in your first question, you gave 50g/L which could also be written as 50gsolute : 1 litersolution.
  2. The correct approach is option 2; place 50g of solute A into a vessel and add solvent until the solution has a volume of 1 L. See wikipedia's entry on concentration: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentration
  3. Pot, meet kettle. There is no evidence for the existence of either the soul or of hell.
  4. Exodus 21:20-21 Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result,but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.
  5. Yes, that's precisely what it means, and why the product is a fraud. The issue is not that a legitimate product has been tarnished with the word homeopathy and all the baggage associated with it, the issue is that a pharmacy is selling this snake-oil as if it were useful. What's even more troubling is that your eye-doctor recommended that you purchase the snake oil. Perhaps you misunderstood him If he recommended that you supplement your diet with zinc, this product is not going to provide it. My recommendation to you: 1.) Make sure your eye doctor actually recommended that product to you, or if a zinc supplement was recommended and you fell for packaging. If this product was specifically recommended, find another eye doctor and report this to your state licensing board. 2.) If you can, switch pharmacies. This is not an isolated issue with just Walgreens, many of the larger chain pharmacies are starting to sell homeopathic crap alongside actual over-the-counter medications and duping their customers. If you cannot or are unwilling to find another pharmacy, then complain to management. A pharmacist should have been able to tell you that the product is nothing but sugar. The one you spoke with is either incompetent or deceitful. Either way, you failed to get accurate advice from a person who is trained and paid to give you accurate advice. 3.) Spread the word that homeopathic remedies = sugar water, no matter the appearance of the product or the packaging. The 2x is the dead giveaway in the active ingredients listing, no actual medicine will have nx before the amount of the active ingredient, it will just list the amount.
  6. YES! Why is it that the religious (or "spiritual" if you like to be equally irrational yet somehow contrarian) feel that those who do not wish to obscure understanding with fairy tales are somehow cold and without wonder? I feel sorry for those who feel that acceptance of mythology is somehow equivalent to appreciation of the wonder and complexity of the world around us. Why is ignorance and mysticism exhaulted by the "spiritual"? Why do the religious assume scientists lack an appreciation for beauty? What scientists lack is an appreciation for fables as an accurate description of the world around us. I don't see that as detrimental at all. In fact, it allows a more accurate, and indeed, appropriate, appreciation of the absolutely astonishing beauty of the cosmos. Perhaps you are comfortable in ignorance. I do not see the beauty in fairy tales that purport to explain the world around me. I value truth, not platitudes. I value reality, not make believe. I value nature, not your mythology.
  7. Hello. My interests include cosmology and agronomy. I am particularly interested in the (sometimes) failure of modern academic research to appreciate the interconnectedness of all individuals in the biosphere.
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