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  1. I’m actually talking of ‘absolute nothing’ not empty space.I think ‘nothing’ contains something like four sided triangle, who knows thosewe can’t imagine may actually exist there. But basing our knowledge regarding‘nothingness’ in this world I think it is always bound to the regulation ofthis dimension, like for example that ‘nothingness’ can be under the flows oftime.
  2. Nothing is none at all but if we look into reality 'nothing' is not nothing at all actually. Why, what's in nothing at all? Nothing has time element actually, for example look at those who are already dead they are already nothing but still time is running for them, we know that they are already 50 years dead or 50 years nothing. So we can say that 'nothingness' is moving or changing because it has time. So is there a possibility that 'nothing' can produce a thing?
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