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To: Albert. The Effluvium or Effluvia, a "supposed imponderable agent formerly regarded as the source of electric and magnetic forces" (Funk and Wagnall's) has been the subject of discussions from a long time ago. Many models were used to explain the workings of the Universe, trying to unify everything with a simple solution. The best, so far, is the Big Bang Theory. To find a Universal Law which makes everything work would be, in essence, like discovering the Holy Grail of Science. We have now reached a point in Man's evolution where Matter is contemplating Itself. We realize we are Matter and we are thinking about our makeup. Our lust for knowledge makes us very curious, and instills an insatiable need to find out. That is why we expound theories. But Physics has no want of theories which cannot be proven mathematically... What ever happened to reason then??? When things make sense and follow a credible logic, should we not pay attention? In your law of relativity, you suppose a Matrix, without trying to explain what it might be. You suspected that it might have some magnetic properties which propagated in all directions. You called it the Ether and referred to it as being magnetic tubes or wave guides. As a need to satisfy curiosity, we will explore the (Imponderable). We will first attempt to set up a framework for things to exist and, building on this, move on to examine how the rest would fit in within this framework. This Universe as we understand is a Fictional Universe and will remain so until its makeup and functioning is fully understood. If this Universe which we are about to visit explains a lot of things, then could it be how things really are? In order to explore this possibility; let's set up a few rules from the start. A: There is only one form of Energy, which manifests itself in two separate ways; the Energy in motion which exists at the speed of light and the Energy which has slowed down… B: The Energy which exists at the speed of light permeates the entire Universe and nothing could exist without it. It makes up Space and Time. C: This Energy can only exist at a size or quantity no longer divisible, the Quantum of Energy. Its smallest bit is a dipole, a singularity of zero dimensions spinning on itself at the speed of light, locked in sync with its neighbors on three planes; X, Y and Z. This forms the Matrix which fills the Universe. It is also called Strings. D: The Matrix is slightly distorted by the presence of the smallest of all sub particles, and this distortion increases proportionally with larger sub particles. E: The distortion caused by the presence of a sub particle or an object takes form in the pulling on the Strings from all direction, like a spider in the middle of her three dimensional web pulling it towards herself, thus stretching and concentrating the String density through the center of the object. The concentration increases proportionally with the mass of the object. Its effect extends outwards three dimensionally and follows the law of radiation of Energy. A rogue dipole would be carried in one direction at the speed of light, the only sub particle that can do so. It is possibly the Photon (we will see farther in the text). Two rogue dipoles locked together in a dance, could not travel at the speed of light. They have slowed down, thus the beginning of forming Matter. Subsequent increase in the number of dipoles will form new sub particles. Dipoles are like a child's construction block set. The pieces are all the same individually but snap together to form objects. All sub particles are always in random motion within the Matrix and follow a specific path according to their kind Combination of sub particles will form the electrons, and protons as well as neutrons because each sub particle has its arbitrary coupling. This allows sub particles to couple with other suitable sub particles to form increasingly larger sub particles. To have a whole range of distinct sub particles implies that they can only contain an arbitrary number of units of Energy. This process goes on and on until the elements of the Hydrogen atoms are created, all the same in their own kind. They too can combine with other atoms until a Sun is formed, a Nuclear Furnace, where molecules are assembled creating new elements. Eventually, the Sun explodes and Worlds are born. At every step of growth, there is an arbitrary quantity of Energy (dipoles) which is the balance point of each and every sub particle. All presently known sub particles such as muons, kwarks and their flavors are formed in the same manner. As mentioned earlier, the Matrix is all the dipoles spinning at the speed of light in sync with one another, including the dipoles of Matter which it permeates, continuously changing spin direction but still in sync with one another. This is the force which holds an object at rest or keeps it in motion. These are Strings, but unlike Strings which are random and unpredictable, the Matrix is organized and synchronized, as well as continuous, allowing the propagation of Energy such as magnetic waves, and man made radio waves. Magnetic waves are carried by shifting the phase angle of the elements of the Matrix. The speed of the spin slows down ever so slightly, then accelerates (see next paragraph) to catch up to its former position, all the while passing on this information to its neighbors, and on and on, at the speed of light, until the Energy of the magnetic wave dissipates completely (This shift happens very gradually over an astronomical number of dipoles. Think of the waves in the ocean moving over atoms (which make up water). This represents roughly the relationship of the dipoles versus the magnetic waves they carry (bearing in mind that these short waves can also get to be close to the size of one dipole). Higher frequency waves dissipate sooner than the lower frequency waves. Long waves carry far (think tsunami), while short waves of higher frequency dissipate sooner and do not travel as far. The dipoles of the Matrix appear to spin faster than the speed of light to catch up to their former (alignment). It is an illusion. They can only speed up because they were already slowed down below the speed of light due to the compression of the Matrix, thus the compression of space. Where the Matrix is compressed, Time slows down. Outside the compression zone, time is normal. So, magnetic wave themselves do not travel. It is the shifting of the phase angle of the dipoles which relocates this shifting by passing it on to the next. It is Energy traveling like falling dominoes, which moves itself in space trough time. It is Energy in motion at the speed of light. If your senses could travel that fast, you would find that Time has stopped. If you could see the dipoles of the Matrix at that speed, they would all be lined up the same and appear motionless. The propagation of a magnetic wave slows down elements of the Matrix in zones which move outward from the source. It is the slowing down of Time traveling trough Space. The slowing down of Time is proportional to the amplitude of the initial source of disturbance. Think light from a nuclear blast versus the light of a torch (flash light). The Matrix, with its elements (dipoles) in motion, resembles an oscillator. An oscillator is a very efficient device, and requires extremely little Energy to keep oscillating. This oscillator is the clock of the Universe. It sets Time as well as defines Space. Any propagated Energy will dissipate inversely proportionally to the square of the distance traveled until the distance becomes great enough where the Energy is no longer detectable. You once said that there could not be a static Universe; it had to expand or contract in order to be dynamic. But if the Universe did not expand or contract, wouldn't it still be dynamic under the above pretense? The galaxies would still rotate and move with respect to one another within the known laws of Physics. Did Hubble's observation of the red shift, while viewing galaxies, not take into account the quicker dissipation of the higher frequencies over the lower frequencies, thus showing a red predominance in the light emanating from such galaxies? The farther away, the more red predominates until the distance becomes too great even for red light to be detected. When all visible light can no longer be detected, lower frequencies are still detectable by us trough electronic wizardry. Infrared light will also become undetectable at the point where the source is far enough from the detector. It is the same with X-Rays, and Gamma Rays. There is a point we perceive as the edge of the Universe beyond which any light source, no matter how bright, could ever be seen unless we traveled towards it. This, in a constant size Universe but still dynamic, implies that Infinity is also possible since we cannot detect anything past the boundary. As stated earlier, any Matter has an effect on the Matrix which permeates everything. Any Matter slightly distorts elements of the Matrix inside, outside and around itself proportionally to its size, including planets, solar systems, Black Holes and galaxies. Where two bodies get to an adequate proximity from one another, the extent of the effect on the Matrix will (lock in) and start pulling. The apparent pull is most pronounced between the center line of the two bodies, and decreases proportionally on the adjacent Strings moving outward, bowing out from the center line. Between the two bodies, the Matrix behaves like the magnetic field between two facing magnets of opposite poles. Again, it is the continually shifting of the phase angle of the elements of the Matrix which move the objects together, working to reestablish synchronicity and balance order and this makes it appear like a magnetic attraction, but is not. It is the aberration of Time and Space which wants to balance things out. Between the two objects, the dipoles are working to restore Time (return to sync) with the rest of the Matrix. Readjusting proportionally their phase angle trough the objects will cause the objects to come together, because they are permeated by the Matrix and it is the Matrix which moves the objects. As the objects come closer, more Strings which were initially curved are now straightened. This accelerates the movement of the two objects until they meet or blend. The acceleration is exponential. The total sum of the Energy is simply the sum of both, but the distortion of Space and Time has increased proportionally. Restating it again; the presence of an object anywhere in the Matrix attracts or pulls on the elements of the Matrix thus increasing its density trough the object. Since it is the Matrix which carries the Photon, it appears that the Photon would slow down traversing the object; implying that Time slows down as Space is warped around and through any object, no matter its size. Time slows down and Space compresses or condenses proportionally all the way to the Black Hole where Time stops. The phase angle difference between the area of the highest String density and the outside of the objects causes a continual readjustment of the phase angle difference, the objects inadvertently move along with the readjusting of the angle of spin. This causes the two bodies to be seemingly pulled together, but in reality it is the progressively shifting of the phase angles, in their search for equilibrium, which do all the work, all done at the level of the single unit of Energy working in unison with all others to maintain the Time and Space continuum order. Everything balanced. However, place two objects so that one spins around the other, a balance point is reached where the speed of the spin Energy is equal to the gravitational Energy thus maintaining speed and distance. If both objects were identical, they would dance in an embrace, gyrating together, occupying a bubble of Space. Others of dissimilar size simply orbit, the smaller around the heavier. These balance points are dictated by the force Energy of the Matrix where everything pulls just the right amount in just the right directions to keep an object at rest or in motion. It is all done with phase angle lock and shift principle to which is subjected the lone dipole and its brothers and cousins. The most powerful force of the Universe is the black hole. It is where the Matrix is so concentrated that its composing dipoles can no longer pass on perturbations to their immediate neighbors thus, an area where Time has stopped, but still occupying Space. For the Matrix to be compressed where it can no longer function; Matter would also cease to exist, it would be disassociated, taken apart. Unlike Suns where the Elements are forged, the Black holes undo them; first the Molecules, then the Atoms as well as all the sub particles. Professor Hawking's Theory on Particles ejecting from the Black hole (at the axis of rotation) is valid. It is like squeezing an orange with one hand. The solids will concentrate, but the juice will run out. What is being squeezed out of the Black hole is the very makeup of the Matrix itself, the basic sub particle, the dipoles of pure Energy. Since the Matrix can no longer function and can no longer pass on any magnetic information; moving outward from center, we reach the area where the Matrix begins to relax (diverge) just enough to allow for propagation of magnetic waves. This area is the Event Horizon of a Black Hole. The size of the Event Horizon essentially defines the size of the Black Hole. The bigger the black hole is, the more pronounced the effect, but with farther reach in Space than the former in conformity with the law of propagation of Energy. A Black Hole has a greater effect on the Matrix than our Sun. Its effect is carried much farther in Space. Time endures because of the Matrix which is always in motion at the speed of light and Space endures for the same reason. With the possibility of an infinite Universe, the possibility of infinite Time needs also be considered; Infinity. It gives a new meaning to Space and Time continuum. This seems to be the purpose of our Universe; to conserve Energy. It is its foremost reason for its existence. Energy is Time (dipole spinning), and Time is Space (Time moving in all directions). This forms the (canvas) on which Matter is painted, thus making its existence possible. Energy is the Universe and the Universe is Energy. If Energy cannot be destroyed, as Science says, then it must be Infinite. Therefore, the Universe must also be Infinite by default because the Universe is Energy as is hypothesized in this theory. If we assume that the Universe is Infinite; the recent (background) Energy mapping of the Universe shows remnants of the Big Bang which needs explanation. The concentration of Energy varies from one region to the next. This, plus the Doppler shift, are the two supporting evidence for the Big Bang Theory. In an Infinite Universe, Galaxies have come and gone for Eternity, recreating themselves from the explosion of the previous. There are bound to be areas within the Universe where remnants of explosions differ in quantity. Perhaps, they are just area of packets of sub particles, ready for action. What better place to hide future Matter. We call it Dark Matter; Matter which has not yet formed. The Universe appears to be full of this dark Matter, full of sub particles, all awaiting a rebirth. And Black Holes keep producing more. The theory could possibly explain that the photon, as has always been suspected, is two things in one; a magnetic wave and mass; the wave-particle duality. A single rogue Energy unit as stated in the beginning is the only sub particle allowed to travel at the speed of light. Its presence also perturbs the Matrix all around itself. This perturbation along with the dipole (photon) is passed on to all adjacent dipoles outward at the speed of light, carrying in sync its little packet of Energy, both arriving at destination at the same time and both subject to the proportional bending effect around all objects it encounters on its course, thus bending with Space and Time. The Model makes this possible. Electricity, as we know, is the transfer of valence electrons (current) under pressure (voltage) from one atom to the next in a conducting material such as a wire or an ionized gas. The single electron is permeated by the Matrix which distorts and pulls in all direction. As the electron moves, so does its little bubble of distortion. Its passage registers a magnetic field around the wire thus the possibility for electro magnetism. The coiling of the wire concentrates more Strings of the Matrix thus increasing the over all attracting or repelling force, depending on the direction of the current. Add iron within the coil and the lines of the Matrix increase proportionally in density and a greater magnetic force is produced. The earth's natural magnet exits as an iron ore called magnetite. It is a natural crystal. It is an octahedron; two like pyramids base to base with all the edges lined up. A crystal has its own resonating frequency. The larger the crystal, the lower it's resonating frequency. Some crystals, like La Rochelle salts, vibrate when a small electric current is applied to two opposite faces. They also generate Electricity when vibrated mechanically. The magnetite crystal also has its vibrating frequency. Permanent magnets exhibit a strange behavior which is; when heated to a certain temperature; the magnetic field will collapse and disappears. If cooled cold enough, it becomes super conductor. This implies that when the molecules of the magnet get excited enough, they loose their orderly alignment. When the molecules get cooled enough, they stop all vibration and this phenomenon allows for superconductivity. Over the length of a bar magnet, there is a point at center where the magnet is neither north nor south. It is just a piece of metal, or so it appears. We know that the magnetic crystals are all lined up in the same direction the entire length of the magnet, and that all its molecules vibrate in unison. As the Molecules vibrate, the polarity of the magnet also changes. It is at that moment of change where the strings are less concentrated and bow outward from the middle of the magnet. Possibly because the Molecule of the magnet crystal is a long narrow one, the (dwell time) in between the two extremities would be very short during a pole flip. At that very moment where the magnet is neither south nor north; the Matrix also responds as seen in its concentrations we perceive as lines of flux. It can be demonstrated that the poles are flipping with the vibration of the molecule by cooling the magnet to the point where the molecules no longer vibrate. The flux lines disappear. The magnet becomes a super magnet, allowing for superconductivity. The Molecule of the magnetic crystal resembles a one shot oscillator, also known as flip-flop oscillator. Influenced by the Matrix, the molecules keep time and vibrate in sync. A permanent magnet distorts Space and Time trough and all around itself by compressing or condensing the strings of the Matrix. Because of its composition, the magnet mimics a larger mass by concentrating more strings than any other object of the same mass. However, this effect is linear, not spherical or peripheral. It is the vibration of the molecules which is responsible for a seemingly "static" field. The fields actually flip continually, but remain in unison with the rest of the matter around it, at the speed of light, including other magnets facing (lined up in the same plane with) the former. A permanent magnet is a collection of same units of magnetism, combining their forces. The Strings of the Matrix bend around a permanent magnet, doing the same to Time and Space. The Strings also concentrate at the extremities of the magnet and extend outward respecting the law of propagation of Energy. They will attract with opposite polarity and become proportionally more powerful as they grow in size or proximity. Their fields (The Matrix Strings) are like magnetic tentacles that extend outward in Space. Their reach is very far, until another anomaly is sensed, and they begin pulling. The molecules of iron are crystalline in nature. Trough the use of Electromagnetism, they can also be magnetized. The iron will retain its magnetism for a time. Hysteresis is a quality of Iron, which defines it as unstable magnetically. Hysteresis is also known as magnetic memory (which led to the development of the tape recorder). An iron bar can also be struck on one end with force using a hammer which will (shock) the molecules to line up thus imparting magnetic properties to the bar. Science has developed mix of materials treated under regulated pressure and heat to make rare earth magnets which are extremely powerful. The bottom line is always the same, vibrating Molecules, flipping their fields in unison at an outstanding rate. The Matrix feels and reacts proportionally in the same way for all. Static Electricity is the imbalance in electrons between two bodies. This is the static charge. In proximity, the two bodies fall under the influence on the Matrix and, although of different charge, behave exactly as uncharged bodies. Once close enough, the charge can equalize with a sudden discharge; a spark which also perturbs the Matrix (As we have seen earlier, the Electron has its own little bubble of distortion. Many of them, passing a finite distance in an instant, have a far reaching effect on the Matrix). This is the basic principle for the coherent transmission of a signal. The spark was the first radio wave transmitted naturally by nature (lightning), and copied by men (Morse code transmitter). The Matrix wants to sustain a flat universe with bubbles of distortion everywhere. However, it is always in motion filled with waves like an ocean, but in three dimensions. It is always bending Space and slowing down Time for a moment, forever. The Theory of the Matrix seems to fit everywhere. It is always about the same Energy which manifests itself differently and, at the same time, perpetuates itself. And this can possibly go on forever in a Universe which is like a construction set. It seems, for lack of better words, intelligently organized and is, at the very least, immensely interesting. This is an attempt to explain my views on how gravity works, while touching on other subjects. I have used the idea of reverse engineering to come to this conclusion, and hope this does not offend anyone. Abstract thinking is what moves science forward, and I think you may find this mind trip a rewarding one. Respectfully yours, Robert. J. Lacombe, ESQ.