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  1. No need to thake the micky mate. If you know more, then there must be a time when you did not. Im not talking floating baloons on jet streams, im talking rockets, your just adding confusion. The earth is 12000 miles wide, so on earth my rotation speed is 12000 * PI. If I fly up 12000 miles them Im guessing that my rotation speed is 36000 * PI. Is this true? Or is my rotation speed still 12000 * PI?
  2. If I fire a rocket 1 mile directly up, about how far does it go to the west? All I knows is If I jump, I go streight up,. Ive worked out though, that to go streight up my rotation speed must be increasing. I understand taking the curve of the earth in to consideration, but are you saying that my rotation speed does not increase? The earth is 12000 miles wide, so on earth my rotation speed is 12000 * PI. If I fly up 12000 miles them Im guessing that my rotation speed is 36000 * PI. Is this true? Or is my rotation speed still 12000 * PI?
  3. Im rewriting what I said. What feels strange though is the rocket on earth is at the rotation speed of the planet, when i fly off why would the rotation speed of the rocket increase to stay directly above its start point as I get further out? In fact the rotation speed of the rocket must decrease on return. Something to think about too. Does anyone understand what im on about here? Not only is it accelating outwards it's accelerating around too. It's got to go around faster to keep up and stay above the start point. Don't know how I came out with this one. So strange? Who added maths to the universe? Feels mathmatic and not natural. Could be proof of a "God-Made" Universe? I just don't know on this one? Is this the worlds first proof of a possible god? night all.
  4. Yes, it turns out it is just friction, just call m dumb n dumber. Shame though. Anyways my gravity problem arose from how can a moon traveling about 3500mph not fly off when gravity's only over 100mph on earth? If gravity is weaker out in space then that should make it worse. The forces don't seem to work out for me. Anyone answer this?
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