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Everything posted by Ami

  1. Ami

    Why are people gay?

    hehe, i had to say something, no offense..
  2. Ami

    Why are people gay?

    :lame: wow, that was your ego stealing all of the oxygen on the site, congratulations......
  3. it is true that amino acids can become rna, but seeing as how the can also replicate and continue their species as RNA or at least a form very close to rna, then why would it need to furter evolve, evolution is based on the need for survival, is it not?
  4. Ami


    death is a part of nature, besides immortality would cause over population, or at least the end of reproduction.... that is the importance of basic life isn't it? carry on the species.
  5. Ami

    Our Origins

    ok, well i liked the way you backed up your theroy, but may i ask at what level do you suppose we were "programmed" at in the beginning. I mean there is a huge difference between starting as bacteria on a rock and a human being. does your theory lean a certain way on that point?
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