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  1. Thanks a lot. I think I understand it all now. I have one more question but I wasn't going to ask it here because it is a science forum. But seeing as you study photography you might be able to help: c) The first stage for reconstruction involves a registration process between two pictures. Suggest methods for pictures' registration (i.e., extracting similar elements in both pictures). This is my last question, promise:-)
  2. Thanks for the reply. I've never learnt anything like this before so I might need a bit more help: 1) Where can I find the working bandwidth of the colour detectors in an eye? 2) Hue, saturation and brightness - am I correct?
  3. In these questions, I don't understand what answer I should put. Can anyone help me? 1) Each pixel that appears in a color picture is a combination of three prime colors. Specify these three colors, each of their bandwidth wave length, and if possible - outline the visible bandwidth. I know the colours (red, green and blue) but I'm not sure what bandwidth wavlength and visible bandwidth means. This is more a photography question so I hope someone can help: 2) Explain how different colors are represented in digital photography
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