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Yes, techniquely everything, supposedly came from the big bang or from some origin. But there is not much more as far as concrete qualities or properties of aether. If it could be determined what it is; a specific type of energy or matter, then we can more define its character or classification.
This is a more difficult part of this theory. I tried to explain in my theory that density may play a significant role in gravity regarding collapsed stars or black holes. Normal masses create varying sizes of bulges within the universal electromagnetic field, therefore, creating varying amounts of gravity. The universal electromagnetic field, does partially penetrate normal matter, however. Atoms are quite hollow when you get inside. Consider the example of the Earth's magnetic field which originates at the Earth's core, but goes through the entire planet well out into outer space. I believe the Earth's electromagnetic field does this pretty much the same. Now the bulge the Earth creates in this electromagnetic field you might say does not have an exact beginning and ending, only that there is some resistance (which I beleive is gravity), where it comes in contact with matter such as the planet Earth. Now consider the hollow space I mentioned earlier inside atoms. When this hollow space is gone, such when a star collapses holes after a nova/supernova, it would seem much more difficult for any type of energy to move through this materiel with such unimaginable density. The surrounding universal electromagnetic field around the collapsed material would, therefore, be unimaginably intense. Instead of much of this universal electromagnetic field going through the material as a planet (with its hollow interior atoms), most or all of it is condensed with unbelieveable force (gravity is unbeleivably strong) at and around the surface of the collapsed material, like a black hole. Think of a huge dam with many millions of flood gates open to allow water to go through. If you close all of the flood gates, the pressure upon the dam would be that much more severe. aether is a vague term, whether refering to an energy source or dark matter, but I never read where it states its origin; where it comes from. My theory of the universal electromagnetic field specifically states it comes directly from matter itself: all electromagnetic particles in the universe.
A new theory on Gravity reveals the "Missing Link" between quantum physics and relativity theory – by Skip - year 2010 To everyone. The following is a new theory on gravity and reveals a vital missing link which directly connects quantum physics and relativity theory, plus how this theory helps gets us closer to a unified theory of both physics and the forces of nature. You should find this quite interesting. My theory states that gravity is more a "pushing" force rather than a "pulling" force! This theory further states that the force of gravity does originate from matter, specifically atoms, but that gravity is not a direct pulling attraction but a pushing force upon matter. I believe my theory reveals that this pushing force has the same effect on matter as the pulling force we call gravity. I will also reveal that something as big as the universe was overlooked in previous theories in both quantum physics and relativity but connects them both like a link in a chain! What force is strong enough and large enough to hold solar systems together, hold galaxies together, even the entire universe together? This force must be strong and immensely big! But what is it and where does it originate? The universal electromagnetic field, matter, and the big bang I believe a gigantic energy field encompasses the entire universe which creates a push or pressure on all matter within it. Matter itself, whether atoms, objects, planets, or stars, creates "bulges" or distortions in this energy field creating a pressure or pushing force on that mass. The bigger the mass, therefore, the bigger the bulge or distortion, and the greater push or pressure on the mass. If, for example, you tie a marble to a string and lower the marble into some water, the marble takes up space in the water which puts a pressure on the marble. If you tie a bowling ball on a string, repeat the process, a larger space is taken up in the water and a bigger pressure is placed upon the ball. The universe is like one gigantic atom! The previously mentioned universal energy force, I believe, is a neutrally charged electromagnetic field originating from all electrically charged matter in the universe. This electromagnetic field is derived from the electromagnetic charges of subatomic particles within atoms, specifically protons, electrons, positrons and any other charged particles that exist. I believe this neutrally charged electromagnetic field existed at the time of, maybe even before, the big bang, where all matter is said to originate at a central point, even before atoms were formed and positive and negative particles were confined in a relatively close proximity to each other, similar to the nucleus of a gigantic atom, creating unimaginably large positive and negative electrical fields extending into limitless space! Because the positive and negative fields cancel out each other charges, this universal electromagnetic field would, therefore, exist as a neutrally charged electromagnetic field. Proportions and comparisons I recently came across an article that says if the nucleus of an atom is millimeter in diameter, the total atom's diameter is 100 meters! I also read many years ago that if the nucleus of an atom was compared proportionally to the size of a basketball, the surrounding electron shell would be some two miles away, which is roughly 10,000 basketball diameters. These comparisons show how immensely strong and extremely large these subatomic particles' electrical charges have, given their size (I also believe the charges from atoms extend well beyond their physical perimeter. This must be true for this theory to hold and is discussed in the next section). Now, imagine all of the protons and other positively charged particles in the universe, for example, at a central point, like the nucleus of an atom. Using the same proportion of that of an atom, the positive electrical charge of this astronomically huge ball of positive particles would, therefore, extend far, far out into space, maybe 10,000 or more diameters from all of the universes mass, or maybe billions of light years out into space. Now imagine all of the electrons and other negatively charged particles in the universe, for example, at a central point, like the previous positive particle example. This astronomically huge negative electrical charge would also probably extend billions of light years away from the mass of negative particles. The positive and negative electrical charges together, would therefore create an unimaginable huge neutrally charged electromagnetic field, which theoretically, already existed before any expansion of the matter within the universe. (Note - that basic electricity theory shows electrical output increases relatively equal to the energy electrical input. For example, double the electrical input and virtually double the output of energy. Two protons, therefore, would have double the positive charge as one proton, a trillion protons would have a charge a trillion times the charge of one proton, and all of the protons in the universe would have a charge... I think you can see how unimaginably strong and vast this charge could be!!) How far do atoms' electrical charges go? My theory would lead to the inference that the electromagnetic charges of atoms extend beyond their physical perimeter. Coulomb's law states that electrical charges diminish over distance, but theoretically they never really end, maybe going to virtual infinity! Technically, there are charges beyond the perimeter of an atom if you acknowledge that an electron's charge goes in all directions from itself. Some of the electron's charge goes toward the nucleus of the atom while most of its charge goes in all other directions, including away from the electron's path or atom's perimeter. Maybe the majority of us, including myself at one time, assumed that atoms' electromagnetic charges do not extend beyond their perimeter, probably because the charges are neutral overall and cannot be detected. For example, take a simple bar magnet on a flat surface, say a table. Put a paperclip on the table a few inches from the magnet. Now slowly push the paperclip toward the magnet. Eventually, the paperclip will rush to the magnet as it is captured by its magnetic field. This "point of capture" is where a certain object is pulled toward the magnet. This capture point, however, may vary depending on the mass or weight of the object. A nickel, key, or other metal object, may be pulled toward the magnet at varying distances. The main point here is that wherever objects are captured in a magnetic field, the magnetic field itself still extends beyond the "point of capture" as does, in my opinion, the charges of atoms beyond the orbit or "point of capture" of electrons or its shell or perimeter! I believe each atom or mass has a neutrally charged electromagnetic field (equally positive and negative), extending enormously far beyond each atom's physical perimeter, connecting to other atoms' or masses' electromagnetic fields, making the gigantic "neutral" electromagnetic energy field throughout the universe, connecting all matter within it. Just as a magnet or planet, such as Earth, has a magnetic field extending far beyond its perimeter, so does all normal matter (atoms, objects, planets, stars, etc.), have a neutrally charged electromagnetic field extending far beyond their perimeters. (Note that atoms' or masses' own distortions or bulges they create in the universal electromagnetic energy field causes a pressure upon themselves, I theorize this as gravity.) Why objects are attracted to each other. The universal electromagnetic field surrounds an atom or mass from every direction in three dimensional space. Once a mass is relatively close to another mass, each mass blocks a portion of the total surrounding universal electromagnetic field's "pressure" from the other mass. Because the surrounding pressure from the electromagnetic field is now much weaker directly between the masses, they will move toward each other, pushed together by the surrounding electromagnetic field from all other remaining directions. Also, as each mass creates a distortion or bulge in the universal electromagnetic field, the bulge itself extends out into space and eventually connects to other nearby masses' bulges in the universal electromagnetic field. These distortions or bulges then break creating a connecting channel directly between the masses. (Think of this like ripples created by rain drops in a pond, eventually connecting to other ripples. The vastness of these bulges out into space, however, is dependent on the size of each mass itself.) Why masses orbit and why masses rotate. As atoms or masses approach each other, they should increase in speed now that the masses are blocking more of each others' surrounding universal electromagnetic field pressure, getting much more of a "push from behind" by the surrounding pressure. Once masses come very close to each other, they may or may not necessarily touch at first. This depends on the amount of inertia of the masses (factoring the speed and mass of the objects approaching each other). Regardless, the two masses should orbit around each other or rotate as one mass. They should orbit or rotate in a relative motion similar to the directions they were originally moving. The speed of the orbits or rotation should be the fastest for the first two masses involved since there are no other mass influences around, so they can move freely around each other. As the same orbiting or rotating process continues, with the universal electromagnetic field pushing masses toward each other, more atoms or masses may begin to enter this orbit or rotation area, eventually creating a larger body of matter. The surrounding universal electrical field continues to push with more force upon the larger mass since the mass is creating a larger bulge in the universal electromagnetic field. If lower levels of earlier arriving masses, are still in an orbiting state, this universal electromagnetic field (gravity) push on later/higher orbiting arriving masses, would logically push the earlier arriving masses lower in orbit, creating a denser mass of matter. As the matter at the lower levels becomes more dense, the orbiting masses cannot move about as readily, and their motion should begin to slow down. Eventually, as more and more masses enter the orbiting mass area, and the total mass and gravity pressure becomes even greater, the interior of the mass becomes so dense that masses are no longer free to move about in an orbiting state. The interior masses would now be pushed together by the surrounding gravity pressure along with the surrounding mass of matter above them. These interior masses would now be in a state of rotation as one mass. Eventually most of the remaining orbiting masses will be pushed as well into the total mass itself as well. Only masses with enough inertia would remain in orbit. On a planetary scale, such as our Earth, the most lightest elements would be suspended in air, such as oxygen, nitrogen, helium, hydrogen, etc., but still under the same gravity pressure from the, now, extremely large bulge created within the universal electromagnetic field, creating a much greater gravity pressure or push on the planet. Centrifugal force throughout this spinning motion process may have an effect on sizes and weights of masses and may play a role in accumulating similar size/weight masses together. Lighter atoms/elements may move toward the perimeter of the accumulated mass, while the heavier atoms/elements would move toward the interior. This may help play a role helping same elements attract each other because they have the same weight and be moved to similar levels within the mass of orbiting atoms/elements. The Tides Earlier it was stated that the (gravity) pressure from the universal electromagnetic field between two masses is weakest directly between the masses because each mass blocks a portion of the total surrounding electromagnetic field's pressure from the other mass. Consider the Earth and the Moon orbiting each other. The gravity pressure or push directly between them is weakest. This would mean less of a pressure upon the surfaces of both the Earth and Moon. This is revealed in the Solar and Lunar tides as a lesser pressure allows for the planets waters to rise toward the Sun or Moon! Why planets revolve around the Sun in a relatively flat plane. The planets orbit the Sun in a virtual plane which is basically coincidal to the path or direction of the Sun's rotation. This may be linked to do with the electromagnetic field (positive and negative electromagnetic charges) from the Sun itself, extending far out through the entire solar system, creating a spinning wave or whirlpool effect upon the rest of the solar system's electromagnetic field and the planets within it, as the Sun rotates. This may be compared to the effect of a slow-moving whirlpool of water. As the whirlpool turns, it creates a spinning motion of the water (in this case, the electromagnetic field) around it. In this case, the Sun would be the center of the whirlpool, creating a spinning top effect on and drawing the surrounding electromagnetic field and objects on a similar path. This may also explain why many galaxies are in a disk shaped. The center, being the most massive with more stars, revolving around each other, causing other stars to follow the same or similar path by the same electromagnetic field whirlpool effect. The Sun, collapsed stars, and black holes Though our Sun is not considered a large star relative other stars in the universe, it still creates a very large bulge in the universal electromagnetic field, and therefore a very large gravity pressure upon itself. Though light is emitted readily from the Sun out into space, there may be some resistance against the light near the surface where the large bulge in the universal electromagnetic field results in an intense gravity pressure. Some of the light from the Sun, therefore, may be absorbed and accumulate within the intense surrounding electromagnetic field, which is much more concentrated above the solar surface creating an illuminating effect, we know as the corona. It seems logical that other forms of radiation would also become trapped in this coronal region as well. Gravity is much more difficult to explain when dealing with phenomenons such as collapsed stars and black holes. I perceive these phenomenons as atoms being crushed down to their subatomic particles, all compacted together as one mass. Obviously, the mass of the star's remnants is very tiny compared to its previous massive giant or super giant status. How could such a tiny mass have a super strong gravity force? Density, in common gravity theories, doesn't have much or any effect on gravity itself, but maybe it does in these situations. My theory says that the larger the mass, the greater the bulge in the universal electromagnetic field, and therefore a greater pressure on that mass. The matter within the universal electromagnetic field, however, is somewhat "permeable" (in a sense), allowing some of the universal electromagnetic field to go through an atom's shell or perimeter, connecting to the atom's own electromagnetic charges. In the case of collapsed stars and black holes, the space between orbiting electrons and atom nuclei is gone. It would seem tremendously much more difficult for the universal electromagnetic field to finds it way inside these collapsed phenomenons. This, I believe, may create a much more intense pressure around the surface of these collapsed stars, since very little or none of the universal electromagnetic field can penetrate them. Compare this to sunlight going through a moderately tinted glass window (the sunlight being the universal electromagnetic field, the window being normal matter such as an atom or normal mass). Some of the light goes through the glass, yet much is also reflected back. Now, have the window (a black hole) tinted total black. Little or no light (universal electromagnetic field) enters the through the window. Almost all of the light is reflected back. Considering light itself trying to escape a black hole, the universal electromagnetic field's super intense gravity pressure may be strong enough to keep light from escaping. Also, light is considered to be electromagnetic, so light could be absorbed by the universal electromagnetic field, then may accumulate around the surface of a black hole, held there by the much more intense gravity pressure. This is very similar to the Sun's coronal effect, trapping light around its surface, except on a much more intense scale. Quantum physics, relativity theory, and a unified theory This new theory on gravity provides a vital missing link which directly connects quantum physics and relativity theory, and helps gets us closer to a unified theory of both physics and the forces of nature. The missing link is the universal electromagnetic field created by the electromagnetic charges from all matter in the universe! Quantum physics is based primarily on particles, charges, and physical existence of matter and energy. This falls right into place with my theory, electromagnetic charges creating an electromagnetic field from all matter (subatomic particles) which creates a surrounding push or pressure on all matter. Relativity theory, regarding gravity, says in short, matter warps time and space which distorts the fabric of space/time affecting everything near it, and drawing matter towards other matter. My theory also says matter creates a distortion, but a distortion or bulge in an actual existing energy field, the universal electromagnetic field. This theory may also help explain phenomenons such as gravity waves, field theories, oscillating waves, etc. Both quantum physics and relativity theory have legitimate arguments on gravity theory, as mentioned previously, my theory helps explain how they both can work together! The existence of this gravity pushing theory also eliminates the theory of an additional force of nature. My theory says that electromagnetism, already defined as one of the four forces of nature (strong force, weak force, electromagnetism, and gravity) causes gravity, but in an indirect way. A unified theory would say there is basically one main force causing all four forces. I am not about to try and explain or theorize the other two forces of nature but would like to comment on the these forces as well. The strong force is the strongest of all of the above named forces of nature, the attraction between protons and neutrons within the nucleus of an atom. The popular theory is that neutrons do not have an electrical charge, therefore neutral in charge, and a proton a positive charge. To me, and I'll bet most folks who took basic chemistry, this seems illogical, a positively charged particle attracted so strongly to a particle with no observed electrical charge, but apparently there is some force within the nuclei of atoms that creates an enormously strong bond between the two particles. What's puzzling, however, is that a proton has the same strength but opposite charge of an electron, which is thousands of times smaller. In a perfect universe, a normal atom would contain a proton with a positive charge, a neutron with a negative charge (which is virtually the same size as a proton), a positively charged positron in the nucleus (which is virtually the same size as an electron), and a negatively charged electron. The proportions and charges would be virtually if not exactly equal, also making a neutrally charged overall atom. According to most theories, there is in fact another small electron size particle in the nucleus (either a positron or electron). Some theories also say that some subatomic particles stated above can reverse their charge at some point. This tells me that we may need more information on subatomic particles and their properties. Could electromagnetism be involved in the strong force? Maybe this may be revealed sometime in the near future. As far as the weak force, it's somewhat vague to me, except that it has to do with the breakup and decay of the nuclei of atoms and I believe of some loss and or changes of electromagnetic charges within them. If there is one overall force of nature, however, it would be electromagnetism in my opinion! Electromagnetism is also the main foundation of the total light/energy wave spectrum. The unseen force Because the force of gravity cannot be seen, can we say for sure if it's a pulling or pushing force? For example, if two guys are throwing a baseball back and forth in a park, each has to throw the ball at a certain velocity and height so that the ball reaches the other guy without hitting the ground. Throw the ball too short or too far or at the wrong speed and the ball hits the ground, but the force of gravity is relatively constant regardless. So, as the ball is in flight, is the ball being pulled downward or is it being pushed downward by the force of gravity? Also, consider a bar magnet with opposite polarities at the ends. One end pulls objects, the other pushes objects. If you recorded this on film, with the magnets out of sight, you could not decipher if the object was pulled pr pushed by the magnet. So the next time you see something fall, it might, in fact, be being pushed downward and not pulled downward by the unseen force of gravity!! tdschuhman@yahoo.com