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Everything posted by timology

  1. ..........I'm loving this site. Great answers you guys! Though I can go on about this topic because I will always have questions that need answered and arguements stating facts; of course to make an argument. It's just I believe there is a worm hole. Maybe we are looking to hard when it is right in our faces and we are to smart to notice such a small thing.
  2. CPL.Luke: thats one of my problems also, I think it was searched upon so much that there was just a reason to make it work. I think it was a very pre-concieved notion becuase everyone just wanted it to work. I know the strength of the forces, but for sakes scientist can't figure out gravity so how can they attempt to combine the two. It never made since in the first place. Here is a clip you can see how the explain it. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/program.html Why should this provoke such a thing as finding a super formula? It never made sence to attempt this to me. Now it has made people crazy about this string when it can be something that has just become (get pissed if you like) a mistake if you will in physics. Boy I feel strong about this lol
  3. As much as I want to laugh about what a friend in college was explaiing to me I couldn't because his question was relativly to me unanswerale. "Why should the laws of physics apply to something that we can't understand ourselves such as the black hole?" "In many ways the black hole seems like a rip in the fabric of space." "I would think that a rip in space would create equal or even more of a pull from gravity than a black hole." "Why haven't scientist even considered the fact that there worm hole is right in there face?" I wanted to laugh but at the same time i had no explanation to any of his questions except the fact I agree that physics should not apply to something that we can't understand ourselves. I mean how can one guess what happens in a black hole. Its completely unimaginable.
  4. After watching a numerous amounts of documetarys about the string theory, I have understood it but I never quite get the point of combining gravity with the strong, weak N force, and EM. I'm not good at physics by far so maybe you guys can help me with this one. Kinda break it down. Explicate it so a person with 1% physics knowledge would understand.
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