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  1. That makes so much sense now, thanks for explaining!
  2. Ah k, that's interesting. That's actually something else I've been wondering about, I thought that higher frequency waves were more penetrating because of the amount of energy they had - I've been wondering how microwaves work exactly to heat food. So, basically what you're saying is that the radiation reacts differently depending on the material? Thanks for the response
  3. I was wondering if there was any real science behind the claims that radiation from routers and phone towers are dangerous. It would seem that the radio waves that many devices work on are lower energy than that of light. My thought is that turning a light on would be more dangerous than turning on a Wi-Fi router simply based on the energy of the radiation.
  4. Hi, there I'm Chris, I live in Australia and I'm currently studying physics, chemistry and biology. Although physics is my favourite subject, chemistry is a close second. I'm very interested in nano-engineering and I joined this forum to chat about science!
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