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Time travel is possible, but only in a limited way, since it takes a lot of energy. Let me build a scenario. You are with your friends in a room having a party. This room is within a rocket ship. You leave the party (rocket room) to pick up the pizza. After you leave, the rocket takes off, reaching relativistic speeds, such that the time in the moving party reference begins to slow. For the sake of numbers, one week passes in your stationary reference, while one hour passes in the rocket party reference, after your friends return. When you enter the rocket, you are in the past, one week earlier. Your friends are still dressed the same way, the conversation is still the same. They ask you where is the pizza, since you had an hour to get it. If your friends went outside for air, they would be in their future. The Red Sox game that was to be played tomorrow, to them, is already over. One can time travel, in a narrow way, without breaking any physical laws. But it takes energy.
The ability to reproduce is one of the fundamental biological definitions of life. Sexuality, connects humans to one of the most fundamental biological definitions of life; reproduction. If one's direction of sexuality can not lead to reproduction, one is not exactly under the biological definition of life. It is not exactly fully alive, according to the biological definition, if any of the conditions are not met. Although homosexual does not fully fit the biological definition of life, since it leave out the basic conditions of viable reproduction, it can be defined in terms of a philosophical definition; of the mind and brain. A good way to explain this distinction is to consider eating. The impulses and pleasure of eating is like a carrot on the string, which makes sure we input all the energy and nutrients needed by the body. But at the level of the biological definition, the goal of this eating carrot on the string is; Living organisms undergo metabolism, maintain homeostasis, possess a capacity to grow... This is how the carrot connects to life. The philosophical diversity about what to eat, how to eat, what utensils to use, how to dress, occurs via the manipulation of the carrot. The prime directive of life or metabolism, maintain homeostasis, possess a capacity to grow is the same regardless. We can manipulate the carrot so we eat for pleasure in a way that can interfere with metabolism, maintaining homeostasis, or alter our capacity to grow. This can be a philosophy, but would be one which moves the carrot in a direction away from the directions of life. This is done with willpower and the brain; mind over matter. Animals can't do this philosophically but need to rely more on the biology of behavior. Sexuality is the impulse and pleasure carrot on the string leading to reproduction. It is among the strongest carrots because reproduction is fundamental to the definition of biological life. This carrot can also be manipulated with philosophy allowing one to depart from the requirements of the biological definition of life.
When Christ died on the cross, the law was nailed to the cross. It was the caretakers of the law that killed him. There is simple logic that explains this. If you look at a law, it has two aspects; the good side and the evil side of the law. Thou shall not kill, requires understanding what is meant by killing to help one avoid the pitfalls of this sin. Learning this law also requires learning what is considered the preferred path, when so confronted. This double sided data is stored in the brain as two memory consolidations; God and Devil. Satan is equated with all the dark sides of the laws; killing, torture, cheating, etc. This is what one expects to see in hell. While God or Jesus is associated with all the good sides of all the laws. This is what one expects to see in heaven. The two realms or brain organizations are separated and act independently; like heaven and hell. Each law you learn, helps fills in each of these two independent data grids. A person might satisfy all the good aspects of the law, on the surface, so others can see. But he can have a dark inside, such as those who would condemn and killed an innocent Jesus. The preacher may try to be perfect but will also feel temptation. He has to pray against the Satan consolidation of law. The opposite can also be true, sometimes those who appear dark on the surface, by not following all the works of the laws are reflected by a good inside. Mary Magellan may have been dark on the surface being a "ho", but she had a golden heart. Jesus preferred the sinners, because their inside was open to him. He could reach them subliminally, and he use that to change their outside. The self righteous were good to the eyes, but had a dark inside that tried to tempt him and when that didn't worked tried to kill him. With faith, there is no law and therefore no good and evil to store in the dual grid "There is no longer yes and no, just yes in him.
Through law comes the knowledge of sin. Sin taking opportunity through the commandment (law) produces sin of every kind. Sin is not imputed where there is no law. Let me give an example. We will use the alcohol prohibition of the 1920's. Thou shall not drink booze!". Before that, the average Joe could have a couple of beers and went on with their life. Sin was not imputed when there was no law. He was measured by his character. Once the prohibition was instituted, we now have sin, where it was not before. Even the moderate drinker, was now a sinner. Although before the prohibition there were drunks, after the law, sin taking opportunity through the commandment, produced sin of every kind. Now we not only have the original alcohol sinners, but also we go the black market sinners, murders, corrupt politicians, judges and police. Now we also have the self righteous, condemning others, etc. We all know they are all holier than thou, because the law allows this. Through the law comes the knowledge of sin. Before when we saw Joe, he was our neighbor. Now with the knowledge of sin, we can't associated with him, since he magically became a sinner, yesterday. Love grows cold. Also the children, wondering what all the fuss is, come to know the sin of alcohol through all the stipulations in the law. Once the law was repealed and sin was no longer imputed, the expansion of sin dropped. Those, who ignored the law and lived by their own faith never broke stride nor got suck into the sin of self righteousness. \
I figure, if we can accept unproven things, like "strings", what is the big deal about using an unproven ether. One can just as well math model around an ether, since math does not have to be based on provable things (strings) to be functional. The bias against the ether sounds more political than based on a consistent policy in physics. For example, time is considered a reference variable. It is not even considered a tangible thing. It is all in the head. So if we used the ether, as a reference variable, like we use time, the real question is, would it make things more efficient and/or simpler? It is not a question of needing to be proven, since strings, dark matter are not proven. It is a question of the final functionality, such as with string theory, which can be functional even if strings don't really exist.
One might look at this in terms of teamwork. A team is an entity that is greater than the sum of its parts. Say you had a sports team, where one player hogs the ball to boost their scoring average. Will this be in the best interest of the team? Will the team still be better than the sum of its parts? The answer depends on whether he is the go-to-guy, whose ball hogging helps the team to dominate. Or whether is just a second string hack trying to pad their our stats at the expense of the team. The first can make the team better, while the second can cause the team to suffer, making the team less than the sum of its parts. When the math goes into the minus, the team needs to act to do what is needed to get back into the plus. We might put him on the bench or jail so the team can be better than the sum of its parts.
I look at racial profiling as an intelligent way to use the scientific method. Say we were trying to isolate an effect. We know the weeds are causing the plants in the garden to grow slower. The most efficient use of resources and manpower is to focus on weeds. If we someone decided, only looking at weeds, might hurt the weed's feelings; weed profiling, they might decide we need to randomly try all plants in the garden including the one we are trying to protect. This way we don't offend the weeds. This will take much more resources to achieve less results in more time. If the goal was not to achieve results this would be the path one needs to takes. But it is not a rational scientific path. This irrational science is called political science. Here is how political science wants the weed experiment run; they want all the plants randomly offended, even the innocent, to lower the odds the criminal will be caught. The criminal party is sticking up for their fellow criminals and is willing to violate innocent citizens to do so, since this is what criminals do.
Along the lines of the paradoxical nature of blackholes, is the singularity from which the universe began. This would be expected to have extreme space-time contraction similar to the grand daddy of all blackholes. The paradox is connected to the initial phase of the universe, called the Planck Epoch, which lasts about 10-43sec. The question I have is, from what reference is the Planck epoch based? Is it measured within the extreme space-time contraction of the initial universe; sort of a black hole reference (more or less). Or is this based on our earth reference? Each will give a different output scenario. If the 10-43 is in the universal (black hole) reference, since time is highly dilated there, it would actually appear to take much longer in our reference. The extremely fast event would be like falling into a black hole or appear to take an extremely long time, such that we might still see it , especially if it is assumed space-time could expand faster than C. If the Planck epoch is based on our earth reference, or what we would see from the earth, then because of the extreme time dilation, the local reference on the singularity, be more like 10-46 .....10-53 sec range, since this faster time, when time dilated, would look like 10-43 in earth reference. At that higher speed, does this phenomena occur at a speed we are not yet able to speculate about? Knowing something about the paradox of black holes tells us about the paradox of the creation of the universe where we have extreme space-time contraction and something occurring at the fastest speed of 10-43 seconds, both at the same time.
The beginning of Christianity marked the end of the old dispensation and the beginning of the new dispensation. The old dispensation had ten commandments and hundreds of procedures. The new dispensation reduced the entire sha-bang down to just two guidelines; love god and love your neighbor. It amounted to trust your instincts or inner voice and empathize with others so you can know the right thing to do. "not written on stone tablets but written on human hearts". The new dispensation was designed for the children of the promise. But they were a minority. The children of the bondwoman, were those who were still slaves to law. They were the majority and would re-institute laws of commandments contained in ordinances and added even more. One way to explain this contrast between the children of the promise and children of the bondwoman, is to consider a young child who is a natural musical genius. This child can just pick up the violin and start to play. He is not under all the laws of music school, but under has his own laws, written in his brain. He/she just needs to follow their inner voice, which teaches him to play. Even if there was no such thing as music school, he still can play like a pro. In the case of the new dispensation, there were people with the intent of the old dispensation written in their hearts and heads. They didn't need man-made laws and procedures, but could pick up the violin of life and play the intent of the law without training. The children of the bondwomen, were more like children with marginal or no musical talent. They needed tutoring; music school for its laws, procedures and practice. With this procedural training they can approach and even achieve what came natural to the child of the promise. The child of the promise only had to trust his instincts (inner voice) and empathize with the great masters of music to learn their ways (love his neighbor). Picture this situation, we have our child genius who can pick up the violin and play like a master almost immediately. The children of the bondwomen, can not see this as possible. Since they depend on the music laws and procedure, they might say, "he is only 5, so he needs to start with a toy fiddle learning the first string." It may be hard for our child genius to stupid down to this basic level since his inner voice want to run free with his music output beyond the graduate school level. This inner voice (god), might make it look as though he is breaking the law of first grade. Laws are not made for the righteous man, but for the sinner. What happens when laws are used against the righteous. He does not become the sinner, rather the caretakers of the laws become the criminals.
Space and time are not currently defined as things, but are defined as reference variables. We can not weight out a pound of time and add it over there. So when something stretches the fabric of space-time (short for fabrication of space-time) nothing tangible is being stretched. Only the equations change in magnitude. We could just as well have called space-time, pixie dust and then stretch that. Just we don't have math formulas centered on pixie dust. That could be a reference variable. I prefer to visualize space and time as tangible things, so when they do stretch, something innately tangible is changing properties. If space and time were tangible, this allows us to stretch space and time, together or independently. This would be analogous to the EM force. It is made up of many tangible things and not just a bunch of reference variables. It has both electrostatic and magnetic components that we can store in a bottle. These can act as one integrated thing, or they can act separately. Being tangible allows more properties. Say one could alter time (the thing) apart from space.We leave space just as it is but add an extra pinch of time (potential). This would create odd perturbations in what should be consistently timed events, using a consistent reference. Let us do this the other way. We will alter space (distance potential) independently of time. This could satisfy the concept of determinism. As time flows at a given rate to lowest potential, perturbations in 3-D space funnel events to a given position in space-time. It is like the membrane of space is being poked and prodded to make the marble end at Z. Time is flowing along at a consistent pace as we poke and prod the marble in the membrane of space.
What I thought would be an interesting genetic engineering project would be to breed plants that use solar energy to pump water to a height. The water runs downhill to generate electricity. I can picture a riverside, full of these solar pump plants pumping and/or weeping into an elevated canal system, which merges into a larger downhill pipe, that runs a turbine. Besides power, we get purified water. It is sort of low tech except for the plant genetics.
I understand the assumptions, but am accelerator collider would be a better model for the collapse of the universe and/or the collapse of a star. This simulates head-on collisions better than smaller lateral interaction. Smaller lateral interactions is better with just the accelerator aspect. For example, if we look at the galaxies, they are all moving apart relative to each other. Let us simulate that with two colliding galaxies or two galaxies that are bouncing off each other as they expand. The opposite is happening with ever diminishing interactions. That scenario would be useful if the galaxies (space-time of the universe) started to collapse and the galaxies headed toward head on collisions. If we look at a collapsing star, we have a better representation of an accelerator/collider. Upon collision of the stellar matter, onto center, we will get quarks, etc. These don't last, but convert to energy. The matter to energy conversion, via induction into the sub-structure is the propulsion. The energy then gives an acceleration of the stuff that did not turn into sub-structure. The better the conversion the bigger the boom. If the sub-structure reformed into matter, the ratio of hydrogen and helium (relative to the initial atomic distribution) should increase, since these atoms come after the substructure (universe scenario). This does not happen. Rather bigger stuff is made from matter already there.; such as iron.
Didn't the Pilgrims migrate to the new world to avoid religious persecution? The secular and atheist in high places were persecuting them. Pennsylvania began as a Quaker providence, with Philadelphia, later becoming the center for democracy. Philadelphia was also one of the seven churches of the earliest Christian era.
That is the point. If we started the universe with protons moving outward from center, there is no energy level where we would see the proton head into sub-structure. The protons can exist at highest energy. But if we smash them like in a collapsing star, we can see the sub-structure using much lower energy. I understand the visual scenario, is an expansion with lateral collisions, so we can simulate what we see in particle colliders. However, this also has a conceptual problem. If the BB had been sort of a "big bomb", we would have fast moving small things hitting slow moving big things. That would gives us collision for sub-structure. However, we don't have a big bomb, but rather space-time inflation. Doesn't that imply that relative position remains the same since only space-time is moving. If it didn't touch at time=0+, it won't touch, without a big bomb effect. This bring us back to the accelerator without collision.
The human ego was not always there. It is relatively new in terms of evolution. Apes have an inner self, but they don't have an ego which allows then free choice. The inner self choses for them within the guideline of their natural instincts. The human ego is a mixed blessing. Free choice breaks us free from the limitations of nature and instinct. The ego can help program the inner self and collective unconscious, which in turn, can evolve the human mind and human nature. But the ego can also program archetypes and the inner self in an unnatural way. War is not natural. Let me give an easier example of the programming effects. Our sexual drive is connected to an archetype or two from the collective unconscious. Human sexuality is more than just a chemical impulse, since it involves personality dynamics connected to the mating rituals. It is brain intensive, also making use of the imagination. The ego, which has free choice, adds its own two cents to the natural programming as the archetype(s) collects data. All that needs to happen, is a chemical trigger that induces neuron branching toward a given archetype structure. This potential to branch creates the potential for memory, via the natural learning potential created and sensory expectation. The archetype of sexuality makes us expect to see sexuality even before it enters the eyes. We don't expect to see food unless two archetypes overlap. The archetype heads toward a natural steady state neural structuring for behavior, with the ego adding its two cents via its role in the unique memory details. We get a composite effect. The cultural superego can play a role in specifying how this composite needs to occur; male must tip hat, not open the door when mating female, have sex at 13 or not until married, etc. This becomes programmed into the natural. Nature may not have chosen this or maybe it might have. The final archetype reflects the composite memory. The ego will also add it own two cents, maybe through copying others or through learning smaller group propaganda, to add memories to the form. The final results be close to natural or can get bizarre. Just go to the internet and see some bizarre ego composite programming. Nietzsche's superman simply uses a different archetype for the special effect. This archetype firmware also has natural learning potential down a different line of sensory/imaginary expectation. The ego can make the composite archetype better or worse. Since natural comes from the inner self, which is the main frame, a counter position can form in the unconscious if the ego is too far off natural. This can lead to the need for ego over compensation; superman. The ancients saw this and tried to become more natural. First they needed to isolate the various archetypes, and then attempt to reverse the effect of collective and personal ego-centric programming. Often this required isolation from the cultural superego to prevent constant reprogramming. It might also require denying the ego to remove preprogrammed bias.
I often wondered whether the sub-particle data generated within particle accelerator/colliders accurately simulates the conditions of the creation of the universe. These products of particle colliders, seems to generate data that is a better simulation for a collapsing star or universe, but not an expansion. Let me explain this with a little common sense logic. If we took X number of protons and only accelerated them in a particle accelerator, to very high energy, we still have protons. This is the expansion scenario. For experiment two, we will divide the protons into two halves (1/2X) and accelerate them in the opposite direction, so the total system energy is the same as above. If we then collided them, we will get sub-structure, using the very same energy. We have the same energy in both scenarios, but only the scenario that is collapsing makes sub-structure. The observation that sub-structure type particles do not last very long, could explain why black holes do not getting bigger than a singularity, as they gather matter. This becomes like a particle collider, which turns long lived matter, such as proton and electron into short live matter/energy. It could also might explain collapsing/exploding stars; long live matter becomes sub-structure, which becomes energy that is intertwined with long lived matter to create a hot bang. The proper simulation for an big bang expansion would be to take protons or electrons and accelerate them (without the collider). We keep adding energy until we transform them into sub-particles; no collisions. Then we lower the energy to see if the sub-particles reform protons/electrons. Atom smashing is an entirely different scenario more appropriate for collapsing scenarios. What are your comments on this?
A more scientific way to answer this is to first consider the structure of the human psyche. Starting on the surface, we have the persona or the mask of the ego. This is the outward personality we show the world. It may nevertheless hide certain things. Fashion, bling, make-up and attitude are aspects of the persona. This is all subject to will power. Below the persona is the ego in a more natural sense. The ego not only includes the persona, but also all our personal memories and quirks which only our close friends and family may be allowed to see. It includes all conscious things below the mask. Below the ego, we enter the personal unconscious. These are all memories we have created, but may have forgotten. These are subject to recall via hypnosis. Within the personal unconscious is a dynamic aspect of the ego called the shadow. This aspect, follows the ego around like a shadow. The shadow not only has a connection to our personal memories; quirks, but is also connected to what Freud called the superego of culture; cultural attitude or persona. For example, a given culture can mold an individual with idiosyncrasies that become second nature to them. One may not even notice this in their behavior. Often, others are more aware of your shadow but not their own. Below the personal unconscious is the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is composed of personality forms or firmware that are common to humans. They define the personality characteristics which make humans a separate species. The shadow is the gateway between the personal and collective unconscious. The ID of Freud is connected to the lowest level archetypes of the collective unconscious. It has a connection to primal human and our animal nature. In war, circumstances can activate aspects of the lowest level archetypes for primal strength. If we go even deeper, we enter aspects of the archetypes that are more what we would consider human nature. These are separated into two overlapping groups; archetypes of relationship and archetypes of meaning. The first help humans to relate to not only other humans, but to nature, to things, to ideas, etc. The archetypes of meaning give humans the ability to question, learn and figure things out. Running the collective unconscious is the inner self, which uses the archetypes sort of like the ego uses the persona. The archetypes are the many masks of the inner self. But unlike the persona, which is learned, the archetypes are part of natural wiring. The archetypes are empty at birth and gather memory as they progress and branch, with the ego (and superego) playing a role in the progressing memory grids. This is analogous to helping dad build a wall. Dad is skilled at the wall building, but allows the ego (child) to add bricks at the same time. The ego's bricks may not fully line up being less than natural. This can cause neurosis. The avoidance of the ego, that is characterized by many religions attempts to limit the influence of the ego relative to archetype progression, so it develops naturally. The persona is often fad dependent and therefore temporal. This is crumbly bricks for something more natural. The idea of losing the ego is let dad do the wall building. With the archetypes made more natural, when the inner self generates its mini-me or the ego, the new ego is more natural. One has to lose their presumed self (ego) to gain their inner self. Then the ego returns, reborn.
Life is an energy intensive process. At the beginning of evolution, the most reliable source of energy would have been the sun. Based on hard data, one can not prove the earth was a food buffet at the beginning. Solar based life, like plants, would have selective advantage and would evolve the fastest. If evolution is based on random, aren't the odds good for animals to appear from plants, since these had the most reliable source of energy and therefore had the greatest number of energy intensive cell divisions for genetic variations? Could there have been transition species, coming from plants, which could go both ways, until plants was able to generate enough reliable food energy, for a parallel pure animal evolution? A plant is typically stationary, while animals have locomotion. A solar animal, would be a compromise; have limited locomotion. It might move slowly, dragging roots on the surface and/or have appendages with self locomotion with stationary roots.
What is a magnetic field exactly?
pioneer replied to sr.vinay's topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
Let us start with a stationary charge. The charge field will be 3-D symmetrical about the charge. A magnetic field will arise when we give a single charge motion or velocity. One thing one might note, the magnetic field turns a mono-charge with spherical symmetry into a binary divided into north and south pole, which has cylindrical symmetry. One can then simulate the appearance of the magnetic field with negative and positive charges, both stationary. From this, I would conclude that a magnetic field is a way, using velocity, to split a charge into two entities. This creates a paradox since charge is considered a single entity. This suggests that charge has a north and south pole which can be made manifest via motion. -
I think I disproved evolution
pioneer replied to Peron's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
If you look at the progression of humans, especially over the past 10,000 years, less of this progression is due to genetics, and more is connected to the impact of the human brain/mind. There is not a cell phone gene that suddenly mutated, so these devices are attached to the millions of human ears. That modification was done with the brain; creating and learning. Humans are a transition species. We depend more on intelligent designs (via the brain/invention/leaning) to alter the human critter. We work out at the health club to add muscle and do not have to wait for the DNA to mutate this for us, like the rest of nature. Evolution applies to modern humans, but as a decaying influence with the bigger picture connected to our progressing intelligence designs. Evolution was/is more important for animals and plants, but sort of sloped downward in importance, with the rise of humans. The brain took the lead ushering in the age of intelligent design, lording over evolutionary design. We can ignore instinct, breed useless animals that are all show, or breed plants that nature never evolved because of human intelligence. Maybe a way to prove this is to make two lists. One list will be human progress as a function of the mind. The other list will be human progress directly connected to natural genetic changes. This way we can get a handle on the ID to evolutionary ratio. Once ID can fully manipulate the DNA (science) intelligence will be fully in control of evolution. ID will decide what it thinks it wants, even if it is short sighted, and can not see the full consequences. When steroids were invented, who figured intelligence is not always so smart. So, how do you deal with the eventual intelligence designs that will lord over evolution, when evolution is often wiser than the best ID? -
The current sub-particles assumed to exist at the formation of the universe have a logical inconsistency with basic observation. In science, the substructure of matter is obtained through particle colliders. However, the beginning of the universe was not a colliding scenario, since the spacing was getting bigger and bigger and not smaller and smaller. The current assumption would be more appropriated for the collapse of the universe when things smash together. The illogic is like saying blowing up the balloon so all the dots on the surface spread out, is the same as shrinking the balloon so they are able to touch to form all those particles.
If you ever listen to Rush Limbaugh, he often says things in a context of a conversation with a listener. He also has a clever and spontaneous sense of humor. His opponents like to take this out of context since he is the king of the hill. A few days later, Rush will run sound bytes of a dozen mainstream media personalities, all reading the same script. He calls this the propaganda wing of the democratic party. Very predictable. If one likes a clever sense of humor, but is able to think for themselves, Rush can be an interesting source of ideas. He is the self proclaimed America's anchor man, being the main person pointing out the truth behind the scenes, not reported by the mainstream media. The propaganda wing stays away from anything that might reveal inconvenient truths. Rush is not obligated to walk on eggshells, so he likes to set fires. But since Rush is creative and a funny clever personality, he is always two steps ahead of his numerous peers on the propaganda wing. Periodically, he throws them a bone to pick, which they eventually choke on. To quote Rush, "with half my brain tied behind my back, just to be fair."
Are scientific theories inherently falsified?
pioneer replied to Genecks's topic in General Philosophy
Statistical studies are useful and can lead to important practical results. But many of these are based on blind testing, which means one is not suppose to see. "Pay no heed to the man behind the curtain." What we have is a black box with input and output. As long as the black box remains closed, we can make up any reasonable theory and nobody can say this is wrong, thanks to the curtain of math. For example, we could use the black box approach with ancient astrology. With the black box closed, so nobody can see the theory behind the math curtain, so even this mythology works fine. If we open the black box, the mythology has problems with respect to its main premises. The amateur does not have the background to open that box, so the results appear real. The scientists who has learned to see inside that particular box, can see the faulty premises even if it appears to work. The Age of "enlightenment" , added light to all those mysterious black boxes of pre-science. The alchemists could predict chemical reactions using their own mythological parallel. As long as they had the black box closed, and could make such good predictions, all seemed real. Science opened up the black box and looked inside to see atoms and molecules and faulty mythological premises. -
If I could play the devil's advocate; the above sounds like psychic function. This aspect of the DNA silently performs tasks, but does not leave a tangible paper (protein) trail. The ghost makes the lamp blink, but leaves no trace that it was there. I am not saying this is the case, but I was logically inferring what it would need to be, if such was the case. This ghost in the DNA machine, within the junk genes, may have a logical explanation. I tend to think it is connected to the configurational potential within the DNA double helix and the associated the double helix of water that forms with a particular base sequence. The ghost effect works through information transfer through the water.
The brain contains pace-keeper cells. These give the "tick-tock" to the brain's natural built in clock. I would have to assume consciousness is wired into this natural clock, allowing consciousness a reference by which we perceive other measures of time. As an analogy, one might use a metronome to help with their timing while learning to play piano. Eventually, one starts to coordinate with the metronome until that timing becomes a natural reference. In the case of consciousness, the pacer cells are the living metronome, with alignment done at an unconscious level. Since the unconscious is not fully conscious, our consciousness senses the gap in time with the inner metronome (unconscious gaps). This is like listening to the metronome, while learning to play piano, through head phones. The head phones are switch on (conscious) and off (unconscious on). One can still get the gist of the pace, but there is also a discontinuity where one needs to extrapolate at an unconscious intuitive level. This adds the human mystique to time. http://www.hhmi.org/news/siegelbaum.html