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One of the problems has to do with research stacking. If we wanted to know the truth, we would give equal resources to both sides. What that would do is make sure we fully address both sides of the issue and not just stack the data on one side. For example, say you have two competing theories, both empirical. The question is what is better apples or oranges. To one theory we give 95% of the resources and other gets 5%. Who will win? Say we gave both 50/50, now it is less clear who will win. For example, if you look at stem cell research. The political climate limits resources. The limited resources limits the results which can support this POV. With the results limited, it becomes easier to say that this POV is of limited utility. If we flooded this POV with resources would its utility increase?
Special relativity has three aspects, one for mass, one for distance and one for time. Relativistic mass was included to avoid some of the confusion created by relative reference, since you can't have relative mass when looking at two relative references. Rather relativistic mass is connected to energy via E=MC2, therefore needs kinetic energy via velocity. If we could directly measure relativistic mass with a RM meter, one could tell where the energy is and get beyond relative reference. In the original mental experiment, one reference accelerated. We know who has the energy/relativistic mass and therefore the kinetic energy. There is no paradox. The paradox only appears when one avoids an energy balance by using only 2 of 3 SR variables.
Pseudo-science means not science or science that is beneath the dignity of consensus science. Ponderable means thinking about something new, at the grass roots, where all science begins. Science does not begin all nipped and tucked, but begins with new questions and new ways of seeing things. Sometimes from this beginning new science grows. For example, here is a ponderable, probability and statistics as we know it, is only a good first approximation, since probability has a connection to entropy, which is a function of energy. The first approximation assumes full energy. A more complete theory should consider partial energy probability, which could impact many theories. Let me give an example, if we throw a six sided dice, there are odds that allows us to predict the outcome. But this example assumes we have added enough energy for complete randomization. Say I weakly threw the dice so it can only flip 90 degrees and not complete a full roll. At this lower energy, instead of 6 sides only 4 are possible plus one impossible side. Someone playing cards would not all me to just cut the deck as a shuffle. They want me to use enough energy for full randomization. If I used less energy, I can change the odds. This effect occurs in the DNA. For example, some parts of the DNA mutate faster than others. There is a not a full energy randomization of the DNA or the dice would not favor some of the sides much more.
Good, that saved me time. The cause and effect is based on experience or external potentials inducing neural change. The selective advantage is less impact due the randomness of too much cellular division mutations, allowing more casual control of neural DNA. The DNA becomes much more like a hard drive, with external potentials, writing to the hard drive. The hard drive still has its programs, but these can be advanced via experience and casual control. The program might say hunt X, but through circumstances, the brain rewrites this to say also include Y. This can then be done with education, where adult animals teach the young, what the DNA is not programmed to do, until it does.
Here is an interesting observation. Our neurons don't replicate beyond a certain point, very early in human life. When we take cellular replication out of the picture, we also take away the primary moving force of evolution, which are genetic changes during cell cycles. The question becomes, why do neurons take this important evolutionary path out of their picture? What is the selective advantage in terms of avoiding this main path of evolution?
Gravity works as a compressor of matter. It is more than just a contraction of space-time or else neutron density could not form. If gravity was only a contraction of space-time, the neutrons would not see themselves getting closer in their contracting reference. Since they need to get physically closer to form neutron density, in any reference, they need to become physically compressed even within their contracting space-time reference. The laws of physics being the same in all references means neutron density forms the same way in all references. This means two components; one connected to GR and one to a reference independent compression so this law of physics becomes active. This compression will lower the entropy, since neutron density reduces the degrees of freedom of the neutrons. This will be exothermic. This energy output now has to deal with the space-time contraction as it leaves. If we are also heating matter, that is expanding out into the expanding space-time, there are two components to the expansion. If the laws of physics are the same in all reference, when I heat a gas it will expand regardless of reference. If the space-time reference is also expanding we get heat expansion within a space-time expansion. The summation is entropy increase. The expansion in space-time implies more degree of freedom in time, since it can do more things for any given unit of simultaneous time. For example, say someone was throwing the dice. If I was watching a stationary and a contracted references each throw their dice, the stationary is throwing the dice faster, allowing it to cycle through the sides much faster. If instead of dice this was two similar assembly lines with 1% defects, the stationary will have more entropy since defect appear faster. That being said, there is a dual but connected entropy output to add a twist.
Unnecessary suffering can also stem from the free will of others. Say you have a cruel king. He can chose to make the life of his citizens better, or he can chose to squander the fruits of their hard work to create monuments to himself. If God took away free will, the evil king would lose his ability to make these selfish choices which bring unnecessary suffering to his people. But without free will, humans would become like animals without any ability to choose. If your goal is to prefect free will, you need to let people practice and learn from their mistakes. Once the unnecessary suffering of the becomes too much, they might organize and rebel. They have the free will to correct this negative path and not just follow the evil kings free will like an animal. Maybe they pick someone from among them whose free will is more in tune with the needs and rights of the people who can lower the suffering. The final goal from all this competing free will is an objectivity that still allows free will but in a way that benefits all. Now free will has been made perfect. Then creation returns to its original perfection, before free will began to practice.
Are We Removing Womens' Rights by Having Separate Sports?
pioneer replied to jimmydasaint's topic in Ethics
There is a difference between equal rights and equal results. Equal rights means all play by the same rules. Equal results alters the rules to achieve equal results. Once you alter the rules, so different people have to play by different rules, they no longer have equal rights. Road races allow men and women to compete together by the same rules. Due to differences in ability, the top males finish first. Then the top women finish, with some of these women better than 95% of the remaining males. Then the rest finish, being a blend of both males and females. The rules are the same for all, with the results being a reflection of natural ability and hard work. Say we wished to have equal results. This can be done if we require the top males carry extra weight to slow them down. We can also stagger the starting line to give a head start to the slower runners. This may achieve equal results, but would take away equal rights, since the rules are not the same for all. With sports, the rules remain same. Based on natural ability and hard work, we get a natural distribution of skill based on these common rules. To maintain equal rights, while also allowing people to compete in a way that allows their continuing advancement, you group similar skills. If the skills are too widely different, it makes the top people play less hard and/or it can discourage the lower skilled from trying as hard, since it may not make any difference. Sports tries to group similar skills so all are able to bring out their best, whatever that may be. It just so happens that skill level, based on equal rights and rules breaks down along the lines of the sexes. With this arrangement all can achieve and advance. It is nothing personal, just being objective. Equal results would violate good sportsmanship, since it implies not all will play by the same rules. -
Here is a quantum theory question; is entropy quantized? In all due respect to math, math is only as good as the theory it supports. Math is a form of impartial logic. However, based on one's premises even good honest math logic can draw wrong conclusions if the conceptual premises are not exactly real or true. For example, if a unicorn and snail had a race who would win? The unicorn has the long legs of a horse, therefore my calculations can show that the unicorn would win. My calculations say the snail, since unicorns do not exist. Relative to quantum effects, what causes these? If we don't know the answer to that basic answer, all we are doing is correlating the output from a black box. This can be useful and can be used to predict results. However, when we finally open this black box, is it possible the premises will change? Here is another interesting question, if assume the quantum nature of reality, does this mean that probability is never a continuous curve?
At the end of each summer students are required to go back to school. Not all students enjoy the change from summer fun to homework. But this suffering pays off in the long term even for those who wish summer would never end. Science is of the mind and tries to factor out the subjectivities of the heart. Religion is of the heart. If you have a pure science mind, religion will not compute, since you have been trained to repress things of the heart, so you can become fully objective. One needs to develop the heart to collect religious data. That type of internal emotional-intutitive data is the basis for faith. Faith is not of the mind (cerebral) since the definition of faith is belief in things that are not seen. Faith is processed through the heart (thalamus and limbic system). The thalamus and limbic are ancient parts of the brain, which got people by in life, before the cerebral mind was populated with scientific relationships. The thalamus is the most wired part of the brain. It can trigger thalamo-cortico-thalamic circuits; inspired ideas to populate the cerebral. But to trigger the thalamus circuits, the mind (cerebral) alone is not enough, since the induction also needs the limbic system to output chemicals, into the cerebral spinal fluid. Different emotions imply different SPF chemical combinations, with the output of the thalamo-cortico-thalamic circuits altering as a function of what we feel. The atheist hostility is one possible limbic combination with the thalamo-cortico-thalamic circuits tuned to this. This will inspire new ideas against religion. Religion works with all the combinations. There is a sweet spot that inspires the data of faith.
Psycho mom must have put her husband over the edge, since according to your testimony, he only needed a little push. If she is that stressful to her son, I am sure she used her witch skills to do the same to her husband. Culture sort of took away the therapeutic witch slap from the male, which in this particular case, may have nipped this in the bud. If dad had gone to a biker bar to seek advice and learn how to deal with a witch, this may have turned out differently. The major way women abuse men in relationships is with consistent verbal nagging. That can drive males to drink. There is no law against this form of spousal abuse, with most males not equipped to out nag a nag in self defense. Nature gave men larger physical size for his self defense in such situations, but he can't use it according to the law. The result is we get situations were nagging abuse is given too much right of expression all the way to destruction. Say she brought this nagging into the work place to create a hostile environment, where her co-worker are afraid to do or say anything. One of her coworkers (husband) has to leave the job and the other who needs this job (son) is afraid each day.
We can measure distance (space) with a ruler, which is a static device. But to measure time, we need a dynamic device like a clock, which uses energy. Although space-time may be integrated, a difference between these two variables, is energy is needed to measure time. This suggested to me that time has a connection to energy. This is easy to see with velocity and special relativity, since we need to add energy to create velocity before we can manipulate time. Or kinetic energy can create time dilation. With gravity, the time dilation is a function of mass density, which according to Einstein relates to energy via E=MC2. Since time has this energy association this would make time the lead variable with space sort of its side-kick. In other words if we manipulate time distance will follow, but if we manipulate distance time does not always follow; quantum jump maintains time.
The fundamental question then becomes why the original spin to the cloud in the first place? Gravity has its maximum pull radially toward the center of gravity, so why would much of matter begin to move (circulate) in a way that delays the inevitable collapse? The circulation is not anti-gravity, but it does moves in a way that makes it harder for gravity to close the deal. This would suggest some form of output from the lowering of gravitational potential causing the gravity potential to increase elsewhere in the system; circulation that delays collapse. Another clue is although gravity will pull in 3-D the circulation defaults to 2-D. This is all explained via the entropy spectrum. If we had a cylinder of gas and opened the valve the cylinder and gas will get very cold. The increasing entropy of the expanding gas will absorb the energy. Next, we take the gas after it reaches ambient conditions and compress it. The energy within the entropy is released and the cylinder gets hot. The heat from the surface of cylinder, can heat the gas near the cylinder to increase it entropy. If we do this right, it will not just randomly heat up the surrounding air, but it will also set up a circulation sort of like chimney effect. The movement up of the warm air will then pull air in laterally near the cylinder. This is different aspect of the entropy spectrum based on cylinder geometry and heat rate. Gravity will lower the entropy of the original solar system gas cloud by shrinking the container volume (gravity is a compressor). When entropy lowers, energy is given off, which can then increase the entropy elsewhere. In this case, the entropy spectrum is associated with orbital circulation.
Say you were at your home and a stranger, who was not invited, moved into your backyard. Do you have the right to tell them to leave or are you obligated to build them a shelter and feed them as long as they wish to stay? Say you are generous and decide to help them, but your work hours have been cut and your money becomes tight. Are you still obligated to pay the tab for your original generosity to the uninvited guests, even if your children are now in need? Say you can strong arm your neighbor to pay the tab for you, would this change how generous you can pretend to be? A simple solution to illegal aliens is have them move into the backyards and houses of those who say they are welcome, while letting them pay the entire tab. If one is against, they are under no obligation to pay anything. Would everyone who expresses generosity feel the same way, if you can't force others to pay the tab for your generosity? For example, one might be a college student who is for the uninvited guests. Since you are for, you can take your tuition and use it to support them. The student who feels the opposite is under no obligation to support your verbal generosity. This would allow all to put their money where their mouth is. But the way it is set up, those who are verbally generous want others to pay for their generosity. They may want everyone (tax payer) to kick in, so they can take credit and insult those who are strong armed to pay, for not being as verbally generous. I like the idea of putting your money where your mouth is. This divide may have to do with the entitlement mentality. If you feel entitled, resources are given to you without effort on your part. It is like it falls from the sky, in some abstract way and you merely divert this manna surplus to others who are entitled. If you are have to work for what you have ,since you are not entitled to this stream of free manna, the equation of effort as a function of resources comes out much differently. The reality check presented will help one see the two different curves.
The Christians have Jesus and Satan , where the morally neutrality of the Old Testament God is differentiated into its two polarized essences. In the Old Testament, most easily seen in the book of Job, Satan is God's left hand man putting bugs into God's ear. But in the new testament, this bug is differentiated to become its own separate and opposing principle. If there is suffering in the world it is connected to the lord of the earth or the Satan. Yo don't have suffering in heaven, but you do in hell. Earth is under both principles and has semi-suffering. Satan as Lucifer (morning star) is the original free will. God made humans free moral agents. If there was only good, there is no need for free will. One can be a robot that simply follows a programmed path; animal. Perfect free will not only means having all the options available, but the ability to chose the options which lead to perfection. For example, you have two children. One is a robot child who just goes along with whatever you say. The other child questions all that you say, but sees the wisdom in what you say and choses that path. Which is more perfect? The robot child is all that you need if the path is wise, but what happens to the robot child if the path gets confused with good and evil. He still follows that path like a robot, leading to imperfection. The child with free will, stills questions and knowing the difference between good and evil may take another path that is more perfect. Tp perfect both free will and perfection you need to put all the options on the table (maximize free choice with all that is perfect and imperfect) while also pointing out the path that leads to perfection. But to be total free will, it also require using the heart/mind to come to the same perfection conclusion.
Science is centered in the mind while religion is centered in the heart of human nature. The things of the mind follow logical and empirical principles. The things of the heart follow different laws since these are irrational phenomena. A good contrast is Mr Spock and Captain Kirk. Mr Spock is pure mind and reason, with his logic and conclusions based on science and data. Captain Kirk is rational, but he also has intuitive and emotional side which does not always compute with Mr Spock. The irrationality of Kirk; faith in his hunches, comes in handy when reason fails. But when reason is needed, he turns to Spock. Psychology tries to deal with the irrationality of human nature. But many scientists don't consider psychology at par with other forms of science. The reason is psychology tries to create rational principles for irrational phenomena, which do not always follow rational laws. A good example is music. There are thousands of songs. One may predict that new music will constantly appear, but we can't use reason to predict the content of the next major song before it happens. The irrational source of this creation, does not lend itself to easy prediction in terms of content. At one level, the anatomy of a making new music is similar and might even be broken down, but after that, the final product of this creative process, can go in places one never thought of. This is one aspect of what is often called the living spirit. At times, the output from certain music can set the irrational theme of an entire generation, "born to be wild". Creation comes from an irrational source to direct irrationality. One can not easily create this induction with reason, since reason is of the mind, and won't hit those deep places in the soul/heart that can make it all possible.
There are two ways to view the expansion of the universe. The expansion of matter is causing space-time to expand. Or the expansion of space-time is causing matter to expand. There is a simple experiment that can prove which of the two is true. Before getting into the experiment, I would like show how both create very similar visual effects. In scenario one, we have a zone of high mass density, with a deep space-time well around the mass. If we expand the mass, so the mass density lowers, the space-time will expand within the volume. In scenario two, if we expand space-time about the starting mass, this will cause the mass to expand. The question becomes, do these two scenarios create a difference we can measure? The answer is yes, which is going to be the basis for the experiment. If space-time expansion is the cause of the matter expanding, when the universe was 1/4th the current size, time was dilated to half its current value even in deep empty space away from zones of matter. As such, if we took a radioactive element with a known half life, and could find a place in deep space, when the universe was 1/4 the current size, we should measure the half-life doubled. This is because expanding space-time would create homogeneity in space apart from matter. On the other hand, if matter expanding is expanding space-time, the half life will change differently. One way to see this is consider a massive zone that creates a deep space-time well. When we are close the mass half life will increase. However, we don't have to go too far away until the half life approaches what we measure on earth, since the impact of the mass on space-time, decays quickly with distance. The expanding space-time leading mass needs to show half life elongation in empty space proportional into universe size. The other scenario does not predict the same half life elongation curves but one that reaches steady state much faster.
I think it goes something like this. Even if one sins, but sincerely repents, the results are merciful. This is analogous to a criminal who changes his ways to become a good citizen. The past is no longer treated the same way, since he is starts a new page. He may continue to regret his old ways, but he is given a fresh start to make up for it. But if he never repents or never tries to change his criminal ways, the judge will lock him up. For example, Paul persecuted the Christians at the very beginning; shed innocent blood. But he had a change of heart to become one of their chief spokesmen. At the crossroads, he made another free moral choice and chose the path that led to his salvation. The born again criminal starts fresh.
does religion have a positive or negative impact on society
pioneer replied to dragonstar57's topic in Religion
An interesting Christian teaching is turn the other cheek and/or love your enemy. Relative to the forbidden words of PC, this Christian teaching makes one less vulnerable, since one simply turns the other cheek and neutralizes the impact of the bully. The bully have a better time if they can push a button. If you don't turn the other cheek your an easier target. Religion helps one regulate the irrationality of human impulses and emotions. I saw a skit done by the comic Steve Martin. He wrote a hymn for the atheists. His point was religion has all this beautiful music, but the atheists don't even have a single hymn. He thought he would write for the atheists. Music is from the soul or heart, which is why religion is so full of hymns. The atheists are more of the mind and not enough from the heart to inspire music. The purpose of religion is to reach the heart, while the purpose of science is to reach the mind. -
One effect that is often overlooked, behind all the tax hype, is the business world creating the need for the government to spend. One way to explain this is by using a family analogy. A new business starts up that makes a new style of tee-shirt. With the proper marketing and advertising the new product catches on to become a fad. This is an example of the supply side creating subjective demand. People did not know they needed this tee-shirt, until the supply side made them subjectively feel, they needed to demand it. With the fad now hot and heavy, the children in your home now need to have at least one, with the high fad demand making these tee shirts scarce, causing the price to rise. This is business utopia. Because the children are in such subjective stress, mother may have to add a new expense to the household or this would be the end of the world for her children. Relative to the government, there are supply side inducements that have created enhanced subjective demand and need. The liberal aspect of the government then tries to satisfy the subjective need to include even those who can not afford to be part of the fad, like a good mother, increasing family expenses. As an example, one growing industry during this hard economic time is health care. If this growth was based on rational supply and demand, this growth should reflect higher sickness rates increasing the demand for good and services. On the other hand, if it is based on supply side inducement of subjective demand for goods and services, sickness can be flat or decreasing and the industry can still grow rapidly via the enhanced subjective demand. To allow all to join the enhanced subjectivity of the fad; end of the world, the liberal government tried to extend the fad to all. The government tries to make sure everyone has a tee shirt even those who may not be able to afford one. Now the free market is being called upon to pay the tab. But it misses the mark, since not all businesses benefit by the profitable tee-shirt fad. So there is a resistance to paying twice, once for the inflating tee-shirts for their employees and once to offset the social cost of the tee-shirt.
The problem is too much spending. Here is the analogy. The stay home wife decides, during tough economic times, to replace the furniture in the house, even when the old furniture is fine. This will make her feel better and she will be the envy of the neighborhood. To do this, she decides her husband now needs to get a second job. He was down to 50 hours per week, because they had all they needed. But after this new spending spree, she says he will now need to go back to 60 hours. The Republicans are the husband who is expected to work to support the house, while the Democrats are like the wife who stays at home to care for the family. This is also an important job. The current wife may have good intentions but she has no sense of cost and the effort needed to pay. Maybe she needs help so she can gain a sense of perspective. The government is inefficient and does not know how to earn money, other that maybe the lotteries. So maybe, the wife working to support the extra expense is out of the question. The other possible solution is she has make up the difference by cutting frills out of the family budget. This may mean no manicures, no new clothes, no eating out, no fancy vacation etc, until she recovers her spending spree. Once she has to give up things, she will then better be able to weight future purchases. The entitlement mentality has reached into the government, who now feels entitled even to the point of extreme family debt. The husband may have spoiled his wife and will have to accept some responsibility. So maybe the compromise is he works 5 extra hours and she has to lose some of her frills.
The Roman Catholic Church began with the acceptance of Christianity by Rome. This marriage was between the pinnacle imperialist culture of the ancient western world, which was rational, had a well developed government, and had much of the best technology of its day. This merged with the gentle Christian teachings of love. The hybrid from this marriage reflected both, and was no longer either of the two originals in pure form. The early Roman Catholic Church retained the glory of Rome mentality, but tempered with the softening and community effect of Christianity. Christianity does not teach conquest, but for the Roman aspect of the hybrid, this was a day at the office. The Church, as it evolved, used this evolving hybrid to enforce when needed, and to recruit when appropriate The Christian turn the other cheek will not work with bullies. Bullies respected the Roman might and power. With the hybrid, it was possible to impact both the sheep and the wolves. The recruited wolves become more Roman-like, while the recruited sheep become more Christian-like, with both under the same power structure. Relative to the bible, interpretations over time would reflect the projections of the hybrid. One would not interpret in a way that makes yourself look wrong. One may not stress the love aspect if you need to kick butt. Rather one would go more old testament. I modern times, a more pure form of Christianity is differentiating itself. Hitler was an example of the Roman aspect of Christianity differentiating itself. It is not coincidence that the goose step and even the swastika had been used by ancient Rome. After the differentiation, the new hybrid shifted increasingly away from Roman and toward Christianity. Now Christians are easy to bully because they lack the Roman toughness blended into their hybrid. But this is also changing the way the bible is seen and interpreted, since the projection is now different.
can we assume children are all all stupid ?
pioneer replied to dragonstar57's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
One way is to give young people the benefit of the doubt. We set common sense guidelines, but not laws, at the beginning. If individual young people screw up, their guidelines become law. Those who can follow the guidelines, remain under the guidelines. Guidelines are more flexible. If we use curfew for example. Some children remain reasonable, while others push it too far. The only ones that need a law are those who push too hard. You set the guidelines and the rules and let the children decide which set they wish to belong to. Laws are not created for the honest man, but for the criminal. You don't start by treating everyone like criminals, unless that is what you hope to create. I suppose this creates jobs for lawyers and many other professions, but are these jobs worth creating criminals? Another analogy is the treatment of disease. We tend to use the pandemic mentality where we think we need to inoculate everyone to prevent the spread of the latest disease. But in many cases, there are more people who will not catch the disease. These run the risk of complications, by getting inoculated (law) for something they don't need. It is better to treat the sick and keep the healthy out of the loop. The last flu cycle predicted a pandemic (lawlessness) which was going to sweep the land. It turn out this was way overblown and hyped by the media. The smoke and mirrors would have worked better if all had received the flu shot (law) then we could say the flu shot (law) prevented this. But since this was not possible, the reality of irrational leadership became obvious. These are the ones that need to be removed from guidelines and placed under a law. -
Proof is only as good as the state of the art of technology. Until certain technologies appeared, certain types of proof could not be generated. The proof du jour can change as technology changes, thereby altering what was assumed to be proven. Science is in continuous flux, what we prove today, based on the state of the art, may be disproven as technology changes. All I was saying, fundamental concepts can appear before the needed technology for proof, and may have to wait for the technology to catch up before it can be proven. In the mean time, the state of the art, will continue to prove that which we will become obsolete. Relative to the bible, some things are figurative. If literal interpretation is analogous to old technology, an upgrade to figurative (new tech) would be needed for proof. If we required 16th century technology to prove quantum theory we can never prove it, by default. But if we upgrade the technology now there is proof. There is a thing called symbolism, which is not meant to be taken literally. If it is raining cats and dogs, this is not meant to be taken literally. It creates an image in the mind that needs to be interpreted to mean, the rain was very heavy. As long as we stay literal, we can't prove cats and dogs, unless we can carbon date a lot of bones from cats and dogs in the area specified, which are heaped into piles. Since we can't prove that, then it never rained cats and dogs. For science to assume literally cats and dogs makes science look irrational and lacking common sense. It is not the correct way (technology) to interpret the data. Disproving the cats and dog theory doesn't mean anything, since it misses the point of the theory.
The phenomena of consciousness are generated by the brain and are best observed from within. If we observe these phenomena from the outside, we not only lose data, but we also depend on our own consciousness, to rationally/subjectively access the smaller set of observable data. This can add observational subjectivity and bias to limited data collection. For example, someone is complaining about back pain. If you could crawl into their skin and observed (feel) what they feel (from the inside) we could determine if there is indeed strong pain, whether their pain is more in their head than physical, whether they are overreacting to a smaller amount of pain, or whether they are just trying to get strong drugs for an addiction. If we only collect data from the outside we can't know for sure. The observer will have to use their reasoning ability and experience, blended with their own internal subjectivity to make this determination. If they feel sorry for the person they may conclude there is pain. If they are suspicious they may assume fraud, etc. If they are paranoid about their reputation but want to help they may give a weaker drug, etc . If they earn a living dealing with the mind maybe it is the mind, etc.. All these theories are possible and all may work for certain cases, but three out of four will be wrong in this case. The entire quackery stems from using external data and internal observational subjectivity to access internal data in a second hand way. Relative to Frued, his observational subjectivity was biased toward sexuality. Sometimes this worked for accessing internal data from the outside, but not all the time. Due to this bias and his own subjectivity of being right, he may use the power of suggestion to get the other person to generate the external data he expects. If he could have climbed into the person's skin and observe all the data first hand, he could overcome his own bias and deal with the direct data. The analogy is seeing an alien space craft but from the outside. We can assume there are chairs for the pilots and computers on board. As long as we only collect external data and don't go inside, we can marvel at our inductive ability while being wrong. Once you go inside, reality appears. Instead of sending a scientist inside to investigate, we send a layman and then ask him leading questions to get what we expect to see. For example, is there a type of chair that the alien pilot uses"? It could be a box that is near the console that is used for something else, but since the layman is led by the chair question, it says, yes there is a chair. A better way would be sending an unbiased scientist inside to observe and infer from the direct internal data. This gets rid of many degrees of separation.