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Everything posted by KillRoad..

  1. I need to change old one motor. Old one's parameters: Phase 1 Type of viltage AC Nominal voltage in V 230 Frequency in Hz 50 Speed in min-1 2750 Power input in W 47 Air flow in m3/h 202 Sound power level in B 6,6
  2. Hello, can someone please help me. So.. I need to build circuit with two reversible motors.. I need to make something like reversible fan system, one fan goes forwards, other backwards.. ofter couple hours they reverses.. I have AC 220V supply. question is.. how can i make this up easier ? The simplest solution is The best. All needed to be automatized my thought is use timing relay, inverters ? What kind of motors i need to use ? reversible AC motors would be The best chose i think.. If i use DC motors that would be messy, needed to change supply from AC to DC, yes, its not so hard, using diode bridge and stuff, but then voltage drops.. and again it's problem for me.. that's why i think AC would be better, no supply change. Easiest way to put up circuit which can make reverse two motors after few hours ? All automatized, no buttons forward, backwards.. Can it be done ? I would be very grateful if some one helped me with this my problem..
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