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Everything posted by iNow

  1. But from whence then does the singularity come? And don’t say from the universes urethra. That would be singularly childish.
  2. Not just inaccurate, but childish
  3. US leadership is apparently planning to amend this particular constitutional amendment, even if only in action and deed.
  4. And yet those things continue existing even when your mind is gone The map is not the territory
  5. Yet those with the authority to do so have a vested interest in not doing so.
  6. Smaller groups means smaller funding and smaller numbers in favor when voting. The reason we tend to split into blocs is bc that's what has been required to actually get things passed and factions tend to be tiny for most issues. Not the best comparison, but perhaps helpful to think in terms of political gravity. Smaller asteroids aren't as effective at gathering more mass as larger asteroids. Jupiter has a larger influence on the solar system than Pluto. If Pluto wants a bigger role, then Pluto needs to become larger and until then can largely be ignored. It's not altogether different with political issues.
  7. Con: Never reaching sufficient critical mass to pass legislation on issues you care about
  8. Depending upon how much it’s showing this could be a sign of malnutrition. You can’t get diagnoses on the internet. Visit a doctor if concerned.
  9. As this was at least their 3rd sock puppet account and 4th total, they had a leg up on most noobs
  10. More like ten second TikTok’s. They’ve always for the last few decades been a far broader tent welcoming cohorts that often have directly conflicting views and desires so part of the challenge is that pleasing one often angers another. They try to be all things to all people which makes them weaker overall in fights where a unified front and clear message stated consistently with one voice is required. Even if none of that were true, they also far too often allow the opposition to dictate the narrative bc they lack the same media ecosystem that the right has been building out for years with the help of extremely wealthy benefactors. They’re still around but the reach is small and the messages often lost in the noise. Their message has also coarsened in an attempt to better capture the algorithm you cited.
  11. No. That’s a different phrase. He said something else.
  12. You’re gonna need to grow a thicker skin if you plan to continue engaging here
  13. iNow

    Political Humor

    Helpful advice from the oatmeal
  14. Hence his entry into untraceable crypto
  15. iNow

    Political Humor

    I see what you did there
  16. You’re not wrong that purchasing behavior goes down and the recession self-reinforces thus harming the margins on those businesses and thus their owners, but Ten Oz’ point was different. When markets crash, it’s like a lightning sale on investments and other business. Blue chip stocks and companies that were previously too expensive to buy in bulk are suddenly available for pennies on the dollar since everyone is selling trying to get out of the market. That’s when the big players and whales with enormous reserves come in and scoop them up and when the market inevitably recovers they’re suddenly 10x wealthier than before. Warren Buffett has preached this gospel for years. The best time to buy is when everyone else is panicking and selling… if you can, that is… most people are just tying to find a way to buy dinner and keep the water turned on. For the Uber wealthy, though? Even though quarterly earnings will temporarily be down at Tesla and related companies, you can bet your ass Elon has sufficient reserves to still go on a buying spree during a bad quarter at one of his 7 companies. After all, he ate an almost $20B loss on twitter. He’s working on a different playing board than the rest of us. *there is a risk that since he used Tesla stock as collateral to finance the twitter buy his creditors could call that in if Tesla stock keeps tanking. Should’ve acknowledged that above
  17. iNow


    Please elaborate. You do not agree that the concepts of rights, freedom, and limitations or conditions are multifaceted and complex. That means you think they are simple, yet here alone in this very thread that premise has been shown to be false. These topics are NOT simple, yet you assert they are. Why?
  18. iNow


    +1 for the post but especially that last argentum nasal nugget
  19. iNow


    Poor reasoning and an absence of critical thinking, obviously.
  20. Good luck with the move team, and thanks for the heads up. Side note: Would be lovely if a side benefit of the migration is an improvement around the experiences noted here (fully recognize that's neither the goal nor a guarantee):
  21. You seem to want attention. That generally means you have some internal emotional work that needs doing. Good luck healing. Genuinely.
  22. iNow


    Say what now?
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