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Everything posted by iNow

  1. It’s amazing what happens when the world’s richest man owns X/Twitter and instructs their engineers to change the algorithm to prioritize all Trump related posts and content, then has that amplified by vast troll armies from authoritarian nation states and useful idiots across the US.
  2. I don’t disagree with you, but both things can be true at once. It’s not either/or. It’s both/and.
  3. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

    As you’re suggesting, it’s likely to be less about criminal activities solely among illegal undocumented residents and probably more likely to display as the execution of mass raids and civil rights abuses against “undesirables” by a police state directed and unconstrained by the desires and whims of a small handful of folks with power. Enemies lists getting crossed off etc.
  4. Instead of being ostracized for bad behavior and losing access to protection from the tribe, people are finding acceptance for their bad behavior and specifically being rewarded for it within online tribes who help amplify it.
  5. Lies, about the economy, inflation, and other things like xenophobia and border issues.
  6. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

    Still don’t follow. Perhaps you’re asking why they are slower to announce their projections?
  7. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

    Right now it looks like she’s gonna lose IMO I don’t understand your question
  8. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

    I wiped my ass after a giant dump today and the stain looked like DJTs face so there’s a counterpoint that might be a bad omen for Trump. We’ll know when we know.
  9. Shall I chase it like some wild goose, or perhaps instead you could elaborate as a show of courtesy?
  10. And to you that is a reflection of pure democracy?
  11. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

    <groan> lol
  12. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

    You're not wrong that other polls have different narratives around Trumps position in Iowa and I'm certainly not hanging my hat on this one. In fact, I fully expect Trump to carry Iowa despite my and my friends best efforts, but what this poll DOES show is that the nearly 20 point lead Trump had in Iowa circa July has not only shrunk significantly, but effectively been eliminated and become a virtual tie. This aligns with trends coming from the Cook Political report where Iowa went from Likely Republican to Lean Republican to now Toss-Up. The bigger story here IMO is how this Iowa poll suggests likely weakness in other rural counties in places like Wisconsin and Michigan, potentially even Pennsylvania (though I'm doubtful on this last one). Given Trumps consistently low ceiling, weakness in any of these places amplifies the risk to his chances. This particular poll, while being an outlier and different from other good ones, does have the benefit of coming from Anne Seltzer who is fairly universally seen as one of (if not THE) best pollster in the US. Not decisive, but a big part of the reason it's getting so much traction.
  13. Whether or not we move toward the popular vote when choosing the president, moving away from the electoral college seems like a rather obvious improvement. Doing so in parallel with implementing ranked choice voting could go a very long way toward reducing many of the self-inflicted wounds we keep experiencing election after election after election today.
  14. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

    I think you should consider a nice herbal or at least decaf. Lol
  15. Source: Trust me, bruh
  16. When it was explicitly stated above that’s what’s under discussion here?
  17. Lots of atheists believe lots of silly unfounded things. They just dismiss the concept of a magical bearded cloud surfer who cares whether you masturbate or eat certain meats on Fridays etc.
  18. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

    Not really, no. Early voting trends only give insights into what early voters are doing and tells little to nothing about the election or potential outcome overall. Don’t get caught up trying to read tea leaves and chicken entrails. We’ll know when we know.
  19. The hint is right there in the word “pure.” Once a constitution puts limits or guardrails or constraints on the vote in any way it’s no longer a “pure” or direct democracy.
  20. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

    It’s exactly the wives of those men to whom this ad is targeted. Exactly. In a rather significant way. Being down this year relative to pandemic panic voting is both unsurprising and expected.
  21. Because they have eyes and ears mostly Seconded
  22. Education and social safety net resources to support those in poverty tend to be a fairly universal good in these scenarios. Violence is more common under financial stress and feelings of hopelessness. That’s on the prevention side, but it’s still going to happen and when it does those being abused need shelters and safe places with food and counselors to take (hide?) themselves and their kids. Again here everything is easier when you’re not dealing with poverty or an inability to flee bc of financial deficits, returning to my previous point around education and well funded social safety nets..
  23. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

  24. Details matter, but so do orders of magnitude and scale. Yes, I think concern on this topic is a needless anxiety.
  25. iNow

    Harris vs Trump;

    Lol 😂
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