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Everything posted by NUR1301

  1. I'm 24 - Usually I'll eat 1 piece of toast for breakfast and coffee, lunch lately a sauce sandwich, dinner 2 pieces of toast and diet chicken soup. I eat a snack between breakfast and lunch coffee and 1/2 of a dry biscuit . But ever since I started eating like that I've lost weight. I weigh 43 kilos and I'm 156cm. The only 'healthy' things I do is I don't have butter/margarine on my toast or sandwich I have low joule/diet jam and take no sugar in my coffee Better than what I was once eating in my teen years - pop tarts and coke for breakfast, weight watchers choc chip cookies for mid morning and afternoon snack, peanut butter sandwich for lunch w/butter, dinner whatever my parents had stir fry or veggies and chicken. Freaky b/c even though I ate like that I was never overweight and never have been overweight. It's just all strange, but in a way alright how I can treat my body like crap and get away with it all i.e. stay in perfect health. I think most people if they were to do what I do would be very sick/have a lot of health problems and have very weak immune systems
  2. Thinking out aloud here. What makes a strong immune system and one to be healthy, no physical / chronic health conditions at all? I find it fascination really. Some people can exercise religiously, eat a healthy and balanced diet, not smoke, not drink alcohol and seem to 'catch' anything and everything. Yet there are others who don't look after themselves and never get sick. See, I am one of them. It's very odd, but lucky I guess. I smoke, have done for 7 years, my diet mainly consists of toast, pasta, dry biscuits and coffee - very rarely eat fruit or vegetables, don't eat meat, cheese or eggs. It isn't genetics. My parents are always sick with gastro bugs, colds, seem to get the flu every year. Right now my Dad had pneumonia. I've got family members who have asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, gallstones and had surgery to remove the gallbladder and finally cancer. There is always something wrong with most people in my family. So what makes some people so healthy, even though environmental and genetic aspects of their lives don't explain it? I've often thought if I had the chance I'd do some kind of clinical trial, find out what makes me so healthy compared to most people. I'd do this to help scientists and doctors make other people healthy like me.
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