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Everything posted by kej

  1. In 1982 I came in contact with 17,000 Volts of electricity and was oxygen deprived for an extended period. Now years later I am starting to have issues with memory to the point where it is affecting me on a regular basis where I in developing issues that affect my ability to recall conversations with friends and have even gotten the name of my dog that I have had for 11 years, and has also affected my ability dealing with was once simple work-related task in designing addressing and assignments for computer networks. For the most part my doctor has ruled out Alzheimer's, and other psychological conditions so as with Occam's razor I am being drawn to the conclusion that these issues possibly stem from the long-term effects of the electrocution and oxygen deprivation? In addition to the memory issues, over the past year I have been struggling with not being able to sleep as my mind will race from one inconsequential thought to another. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, KEJ
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