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  1. Hello. I want informations such as how it is being built up by the host cell, how it is commanded to enter into certain operational states, how it is partitioned on cell divison, so that both of the dauther cells will get some of them. Mainly, i want to verify a claim wich i read at sens.org (you can also, watch videos by Aubrey de Gray). They say, that one important thing bound to the aging process is the mutation of genes in the mitochondrion (in certain cells i assume) during the lifespan of an individual. These are allegedly mainly (big) deleterious mutations, leading to the mal/disfunction of mitochondrion, causing harm or death to the host cell. That if true, would obviously imply, that there must be some state, when the mitochondrion is not susceptible to such mutations, otherwise, there would be a high probability that malfunctioning mitochondrions would be passed down to offsprings. So i would like to verify that information. Please give me some answer, or advise a book, where i could find one (or more).
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