First of all, I am taking the liberty to send my thesis. It is known that Einstein's theory of relativity is established on Michelson interferometer experiment. However, people have great difficulties in finding a more satisfying answer to explain some unaccountable paradoxes like “Queer circle of grandparent and grandchild” or “Self murdering of newborns” derived from this theory. In that case, my thesis will temporally give up questioning the logical issues. Instead, it will propose a new theoretical viewpoint according to the optical homodyne of Michelson interferometer experiment from a perspective of space dimensionality. This new point can help to explain all questions explained by relativity theory and also give a perfect explanation to Mercury advance of the perihelion, tidal perturbation and other questions that can not be explained by Newtonian classical mechanics. What’s more, it can well solve all the questions of physical theory (e.g. uncertainty principle, four kinds of interaction forces, etc.) and logics paradox (e.g. self murdering of newborns and Schroedinger’s cat, etc.) that can not be answered by relativity theory and quantum mechanics and other modern physics theories evolved from the relativity theory.
Microsoft Word - manuscript1.pdf