allow me to add a difficult alternate to this discussion. while i support the truth inherent in measuring out manifold dimensionality (particularly when it comes to particles), i will argue vigorously against the limits of that method.
if i can be excused for referencing original research, the problem with your initial assumption is accepting only one dimension of Time. and while it is conventional wisdom, it has not actually been proven to be the case. as you start rattling off dimensions, you could just as well count five, six and seven as being precursor dimensions to time or parallel, unseen dimensions of Time. the unknown patterns of quantum space resonating across those barriers, triggering events, and then burning out as the wave function collapses results in what we perceive to be Time washing across the mechanical 4D world. and that's just to support the impression you offered us. in practical possibility, all of the hypothetically enumerated dimensions could be sequence-of-event which filters back to us as time.
also, calling it "possible sequence of events" is a bit of a misnomer. it is specifically potentiality, no more no less. when we talk about 'real-world' physics having potential energy (such as what can be unlocked from an atom) there are two parts. one of them we know quite well as 'energy' which is a translation over D4 time of mass to energy.
the 'potential' though is a completely different issue. potential follows certain rules (to the point that it may actually have its own physics laws). potential accumulates, prefers likelier potentials and is suggestive of obeying warping as a distinct property disconnected from the realm of spatial, mechanical reality. also, potential undergoes energetic transformation as its events decay into our D4 world. the interference of measurement burns off potential and results in spatial reality (as in the momentum/location problem of measuring electrons). and these theoretical ideas could potentially occur at any discrete step in a multi-dimensional chain.