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Everything posted by labgirl153

  1. As another poster noted, hypnagogic hallucinations are very common among most people (on falling asleep entering the REM state prior to full unconsciousness), but there are also hypnapompic hallucinations. I've "suffered" from these since early childhood, they peaked in my twenties (substantially) and now I seldom have them (fortunately). VERY vivid, realistic visuals right down to the most minute detail. Always occur within the first 2 hrs. of sleep. No sleep paralysis either. Talk about tripping out. To answer your immediate question however...try using melatonin 3 mg time-release, not the sublingual 1 mg. GNC carries this. I've used this several times just for kicks. My dreams were so vivid that they seemed real. Memory retention for detail is astounding. Not exactly an hallucination but lucid nonetheless. Melatonin is basically harmless and increasing the dosage beyond 3-5 mg will not enhance your experience. Give it a go. You should awaken refreshed as well. Don't do it every night lest your pineal gland "forget" how to make melatonin since it is a natural hormone.
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