What Caused the Big Bang?
We know that a Big Bang happened, but how did it happen. Nobody really knows, but I will hypothesize one idea. My idea is that we were created by another universe with a black hole and any universe with a black hole can create another universe. So, how is it possible that a black hole can create another universe? Let’s begin on how a black hole is created. A Black Hole is created when a heavy star, more than 25 times heavier than the Sun, has no means to withstand its own gravity as it dies; collapsing into a black hole. So, now how can a black hole create another universe? If the weight of the heavy remnats of the star, causes the time space fabric to cave in, for millions of light years until the time-space fabric becomes too weak to support the mass of the dieing star plus other remnats sucked up by the black hole, eventually breaks, a Big Bang would result! So when we see the death of a black hole, a new universe has been created. All new universes keeping within it’s own domain as a slice of bread in a loaf.
Just a hypothesis. Let me know what you think.
Brian Boyle